Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 19, 1946, Image 1

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    Melchior Concert Cancelled;
Bad Weather Grounds Plane
Dick Williams Announce s That Opera Star
Will Appear in Sunday Afternoon Concert
Unfavorable flying conditions resulted in the cancellation
of Lauritz Melchior's concert Monday night. Melchior was
scheduled to appear in McArthur court at 8:15 p. m. G. E.
Gaylord, president of the Eugene Civic Music association, re
ceived word early Monday afternoon of the adverse weather
conditions which resulted in Melchior's chartered plane being
grounded in Oakland, California.
j-iivmg organizations on tne cam
pus were notified of the cancella
tion notice which also appeared on
the front page of Monday night’s
Dick Williams, educational ac
tivities manager, said that Melchior
Will definitely appear in McArthur
court at 3 p.m. Sunday.
Melchior Leading Tenor
Melchior is the leading heroic
tenor of the Metropolitan Opera
company. His appearance here was
to have been sponsored by the
ECMA. If the Sunday concert time
goes through, the concert will be
open to members of the ASUO and
the ECMA.
The heroic tenor celebrated his
twentieth anniversary as a star of
the Met February 17, 1946, and his
1945-46 concert tour broke all box
office records. Melchior is famed
for his portrayal of the heroic Wag
nerian figures: Tristan, Lohengrin,
Tannhaeuser, Siegmund, Siegfried
and Parsifal.
Singer Popular Guest
Melchior has appeared as a guest
(Please turn to paqe three)
Soph Fuzz-Winner
Cops Free Shave
And Silver Mug
The 1946 edition of the Sopho
more Whiskerino went over with a
bang and a free shave for Ben Hol
comb, winner of the Whiskerinc
contest. Chosen from approximate
ly 15 contestants by the applause ol
the audience, the fuzz-winner re
ceived a silver-engraved cup and a
sweater from Keith Fennel’s after
being shaved by Charlie Elliott,
campus barber.
The presentation took place dur
ing the dance intermission at the
Igloo Saturday where Webfoots
danced to the sweet music of A'
Donahue and his band.
Samson and Delilah, theme of the
Whiskerino, was carried out by the
decoration committee headed bj
Kay Becker, who transformed Mae
court with bright colors.
(Emerald photo by Don Jones).
Pictured above is Bob Miller, chairman of the typioa 1 college couple contest, presenting awards to the win
ners, Betty Coed, Bev Deichler, and Joe College, Willie Stroud.
Puddles in Corn Valley
Duck Changes Hands
Duck Changes Hands,
Our northern branch friends
from Corn Valley have swiped
Puddles, the Oregon mascot, and
the rally committee is all for try
ing to get him ... or her back
Where it belongs.
According to Jim McClintock,
who is custodian of this power
house on wings, Puddles was
swiped early Friday morning, and
shortly thereafter turned up on,
the Oregon State campus, much to
the glee of the agricultural majors.
In an article that appeared in The
Barometer, it was stated that
Puddles would be returned un
harmed .... but there is a sneak
ing suspicion going around that
the Duck will change color before
we get her ... he ... it back.
IVVho ever saw an Orange and
Black duck?
Just where Puddles is kept is
Musicians Group
Swells Rollcall.
The local chapter of Mu Phi Ep
silon, national music sorority, added
to its membership in Gerlinger hall
last Tuesday when the following
girls were initiated: Helen Hudson,
Helen McFetridge, Virgine Lindley,
Claire Lewis, Mary Margaret Dun
dore, Altha Adele Johns.
Following the initiation there was
a banquet in the east room of the
Eugene hotel, for alumnae and ac
tives. Mr. Herman Gelhausen, new
professor of voice in the school of
music, was the speaker.
Mrs. Naomi Kellis, instructor of
■voice in the music school, was for
mally pledged November 11, in a
ceremony held in Gerlinger hall,
Membership selections are basec
•*jpon scholarship, musicianship
/(character, and personality, Witt
[faculty recommendations in the
piajor subject.
something that only the Beavers
know, but they stated that Puddles
seems to enjoy the weather of the
northern branch institution. It was
stated in The Barometer that Pud
dles made a name for himself . . .
or herself in the paper’s work
room . . . which we were glad to
Tom Hazzard added new tales
of woe when he reported that the
huge Lemon and Green “Oregon"
which was hanging in the Washing
ton Bowl was also copped after
| the game . . . and doubts very
j much if it will be returned in time
I to use for the Oregon-Oregon State
game on Saturday.
Puddles is gone and now our
pennant . . . well they can’t swipe
our rally squad. The rally squad
hopes that poor Puddles isn't ly
ing flat on his . . . her back stuffed
with bread crumbs and sage rest
ing comfortably on some fraternity
house dinner platter.
If they paint that duck Orange
and Black it will be a catastrophe.
Puddles is shown with Lois McConkey Putnam, former rally squad
member, before bitter tragedy befell the Webfoot idol. Fuddles is now
being held captive by the Aggis aftr a brutal kidnapping plot, instigated
by the ruthless Buckteeth from the northern branch and successfully
carried out behind precision planning.
Joe College Winners
Picked at Hair Hop
Bev Diechler, Willie Stroud Selected
By Student Body as Perjonalities of 1946
Honored at the annual Sophomore Wniskerino dance Satur
day night were Bev Diechler, as typical Betty-Coed, and Willie
Stroud, who was voted to represent the Joe College personality
of 1946.
The winners were picked from a group of 12 sophomores,
six men and six women, who ran for the title. Voting was done
during the earlier part of the “Beard-Brawl” and the votes
'Dark of the Moon’
Is Weird, Haunting
Weird and haunting is Richard
son and Berney’s “Dark of the
Moon.” v Smoky mountain people
weave a pattern of superstition
throughout the play by song, dance,
and interpretation of life.
Will the full moon bring good or
bad luck? Perhaps they still believe
a man wall lose his mind because he
parted his hair on the wrong side.
Many a maiden was put to death in
the valley of mountain people be
cause sh« was thought to be a witch.
Superstitions still live and will re
main loflg after the production of
“Dark of the Moon.”
“The Ballad of Barbara Allen” is
the background for “Dark of the
Moon” Which was first played in
Iowa by k group of college students.
Moving -from summer theaters to
Broadway fame and on to the Uni
versity of Oregon theater guild. It
is scheduled for presentation the
first week in December. Horace W.
Robinsok, director has announced
the following cast:
Don Shirley and Alan Foster will
play the male lead, giving different
interpretations to the part of
“John,” (the wicth boy.
Supporting cast members are:
Alfred English, Gordon Cochran,
Eugene cGillard, Marie DiLoreto,
Fred Ehelebe, Mildred Kahlke, Vir
(Please turn to page three)
wi-u- tuuuu:u jiiniiuuiatciy ueiurt?
the intermission when the winning
couple were called to the stage and
Both contestants received silver
cups and will be pictured in the
forthcoming 1947 Oregana.
Committee heads for the Whis
kerino were under the general di
rection of Cliff James, sophomore
class president. The committee
heads were: Laura Olson, publicity;
Bob Miller, Betty Coed-Joe College
contest: Bob Ringo, beard growing
contest; Kay Becker, dance decora
tions; Anita Hager, patrons and pa
tronesses; Jordis Benke, entertain
ment; Joe Conroy, ticket sales; and
Renee Cowell, programs.
OSC Football Tickets
To Go on Sale at Igloo
Five hundred exchange tickets
to the Oregon-Oregon State game
next Saturday will be available at
the ticket office in McArthur
court this afternoon at 1.
Oregon rooters will not be ad
mitted to the rooting section with
out these tickets. Only one will
be allowed per person and each i
student must present his educa
tional activities card when ap- ;
plying for an exchange ticket. ,
Propeller Meeting Off
The propeller club, student or
ganization will not hold a meeting;
tonight as scheduled as Dr. A. L.
Lomax, acting faculty adviser, will
be unable to attend. The next meet
ing will be a week from next Thurs
day. ,