^kmni Organized To Raise Money Wally Johnson, student union hairman, and Ernest Haycox, n-esident of the Oregon Alumni as sociation, have coordinated efforts :o raise money for the proposed Student Union building, j Alumni over the state are being organized into districts by Haycox ivith a chairman for each section. This chairman and his committee 'ill make special efforts to contact ach alum of the University. Plans for a campaign on the cam •us are beeing completed by John on and Haycox, and will be an lounced at a later date. loday’s World The United States took a firm itand against Soviet Russia’s ef forts to bar debate in the U. S. gen eral assembly over the veto power of the Big Five. The government stepped into the inline strike Thursday. No move vas taken in soft coal mniers’ .hreatened walkout. President Truman denied any in dention of calling congress back into session. Prime Minister Attlee accused the Soviet government of sealing off :he Russian people behind an “Iron Door” in an address to the Trades Union congress convention. THURSDAY STAFF Day manager—Barbara Twiford Dayout manager—Don Lonie Donna Foundstone Sally Waller Vivian Ovala Nancy Fitzhugh Marge Chandler Oscar Merriam Betty Horand Mary Margaret Jones Keena Shaw Circulation manager—Ann Hite Celicia Orcut Bernice Oakes Westminster Members Plan Hay Rack Ride A “hayrack” ride for all Univer sity students is being sponsored by Westminster house, 1414 Kincaid, tonight at 6 p.'m. All students who are planning to come are asked to be at Westmin ster by 5:45 p.m. at which time the group will start on a mile hike; at the end of the hike a weiner roast will be held and the ride will begin. If it is raining tonight, instead of a “hay rack” ride, a Hallowe’en party will be held at Westminster. Jim Moe and Vernon Kilpatrick are in charge of the evening. CAMPUS CALENDAR Community service committee of the YWCA meeting at the Y bunga low at 4 p.m. Kvvama meeting at the Delta Gamma house at 4 p.m. Browsing room concert from 4 to 5 p.m. in the University library; Prof. Roy Andrews, speaker. Vets Dorm D-Oregana pictures at Kennell-Ellis studios today. Representatives of all living or ganizations for Religious Emphasis week fireside will meet with the Druids this afternoon at 4:00 in the upstairs room of the Side. Club to Hear Ziebarth Professor Ziebarth of the school of business administration will be guest speaker Sunday at 5 p.m. at the Gamma Delta meeting at the Grace Lutheran church, 11th and Ferry streets. A 35-cent supper will! be served before the meeting. All Lutherans and their friends are in vited. DESK STAFF Norma Jean Noble Lou Weston Gloria Talarico Jeannine Macauley Helen Koopman Bill Yates, Editor Fashion decrees Me ^gdet/e/ame Favored by famous beauties of grandma's day, these chatelaines are authentic in style and workmanship. Wcwtrit proudly—like a diplomat’s decoration. 3.50 Plus tax 3.95 Plus tax A gleam of gaiety— a world of style. 3.95 Plus tax Labor Tie Ups Cut Co-op Text Supply Book shipments received by the Co-op recently include a part ship ment of 1000 copies of Perin's “Writ er’s Guide,” the balance of the order being expected in approximately a week and a half. Another part ship ment of Hall and Davis’ “The Course of Europe Since Waterloo,” and the second pamphlet in a series of three containing Mackenzie and Noble’s “Principles of Accounting,” were also received. A checkoff list of students who have received part of the series is being maintained. M. S. McClain, Co-op manager, stated that publishers’ representa tives have told him that book pub lishing concerns claim no paper shortage difficulties now, but say that labor problems in binderies are holding up the delivery of books or dered some time ago. Wesleyans Plan Party Wesley house is sponsoring a Hallowe’en party tonight at 8 to 12 p.m. for all University students. Emily Autenreith ts general chair man for the affair and assisting her are Wilma Langfelt, food commit tee and Kathy Daubson, decorating committee. Old clothes are in order. More than nine-tenths of the pop ulation of Haiti is of African des cent. Twenty-seven pounds of milk are needed to make one pound of butter. University of Oregon enrollment in 1899 was 170. It grew to 315 in 1901. TAKE YOUR DATE TO DINNER BEFORE THE HOUSE - DANCE Excellent ♦ Atmosphere ♦Food ♦ Service At the Westgate House LUNCHES DINNERS 13th and Kincaid A PUCE FOR EVERYTHING AND EVERYTHING IN ITS PLACE E-Z-DO Wardrobes “SUPERIOR” WARDROBE Hand$omer single-door style will hold up to 20 garments. Plastic coated inside and out. 66 x 25 x 21". Beige. 5.79