Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1946, Page 4, Image 4

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    Ducks Get Final Drill;
Leave Today at Noon
An injury plagued quarterback
spot was Coach Tex Oliver’s chief
source of concern as the University
of Oregon’s Webfoots rounded out
their final day of heavy drill in
preparation for the Saturday tiff
with Idaho.
Present Oregon traveling plans
will find the Webfoots boarding a
northbound train at noon today. The
Ducks are scheduled to arrive in
Portland this afternoon and they
will workout on the Multnomah
Civic Stadium turf. Though Oregon
officials made no announcement of
plans, the Ducks probably will have
a stiff workout in Portland. Fur
ther plans will give the Oregon men
a slight workout when they arrive
in Idaho Friday.
Missing faces in last night’s
scrimmage session were those of
Oregon’s number one and two quar
terbacks, Duke Iversen and Don
Shaffer. Big Duke, who pulled a
muscle in the Washington State
game last Saturday, was definitely
out of the Idaho clash when Duck
officials announced that he would
i*>t make the trip.
Quarterback Don Shaffer was in
doubtful shape because of a neck
and cheek infection. Although Shaf
fer’s condition has improved, and he
is scheduled to make the trip to
Moscow, how much he will play de
pends upon the amount of improve
ment that he shows.
Quarterback Bill Abbey, who
lias seen linlttcd service thus far
this season, will take over at the
blocking back post for the Web
foots. Abbey, a 180 pound Klam
ath Falls lad, has been bench
locked almost of the season with
injuries but is expected to carry
the brunt of the quarterbacking
job Saturday. Behind Abbey will'
be 215 pound Jim Porter, who saw
liis first Oregon action as a mem
ber of the 1942 Frosli team.
Though the quarterback slbt has
been hard hit, the rest of the Oregon
squad is in good condition. Scatback
Jake Leicht, who injured a leg in
the season opener, has been out to
regular practice this week and is
considered a sure bet to play. Leicht
is considered one of the fastest
backs on the Coast and is sure to
be a thorn in the Vandal side if he
does play.
Another Webfoot who has been
pronounced ready to go against the!
' ..JLl.. - . ——
Muscovites is Right Halfback
George Bell. Bell received a bruised
hip in the Montana run-away that
slowed him in the Washington State
game, but he has been pronounced
ready to go by Webfoot Trainer
Tom Hughes.
Listed as travelers today is the
following 35-man squad: Left ends,
Hymie Harris, Dick Brown,, and
Darrell Robinson; left tackles,
Chuck Elliott, Howard Frary and
Cliff Griffin; left guards, Ted Me
land, John Kauffman, and Pete Tor
chia; right ends, Wayne Barthol
emy, George Dugan, Art Milne, and
Larry Stoeven; right tackles, Don
Stanton, Pete Miller, and Curt Des«
kin; right guards, Bill Murphy,
Tony Novacic, and Jim Berwick;
centers, Brad Ecklund, Lou Busch,
and Clark Stokes; quarterbacks,
Don Shaffer, Billy Abbey, and Jim
Porter; left halfbacks, Jake Leicht,
Jim Newquist, Bob Reynolds, and
Bill Behrens; right halfbacks,
George Bell, Sam Ramey, Bill Dono
van, and Roy Erickson; and full
backs, Bob Koch, Bob Oas, and Ken
Bill Stratton
Bernie Hammerbeck
Wally Hunter
Larry Lau
Elwin Faxon
A1 Pietscliman
Don Gruening
Intramural schedule for Thurs
Alpha Tan Omega vs. Sigma Phi
Epsilon, 3:50.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. Vet
)orm “B”, 4:45.
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Ducklings Drilling
For SOCE Game
John Warren’s JV squad began
drilling for their November 1 game
with the Southern Oregon College
of Education at Ashland. The Jay
vee mentor paced his charges
through some basic fundamentals,
blocking and ball-handling.
Warren’s two fullback hopes, Bill
Bayless and George Bishop received
injuries in last Friday night’s tilt
with the DSC JV’s. Bayless sprained
on ankle which should have benched
him, but the big fullback was run
ning through plays Wednesday
showing no sign of a limp. Bishop,
however, will be on the sidelines
with a badly bruised leg.
No shakeups are expected in the
line that started in last Friday’s
game. Bill Ferson, who was also in
jured slightly, is back in his guard
position and ready to go.
The SOCE team will trade blows
with the OSC powerhouse this com
ing Saturday and all eyes will be
turned towards Ashland in an ef
fort to get some idea of what the
southern school may have on tap.
According to the Oregon State
Barometer, students are question
ing the eligibility of certain players
used by OSC in their impressive
48-6 victory over the Ducklings. A1
Cox, OSC JV coach, explained that
according to conference rules, play
ers may be interchanged between
both teams any time during the sea
Hey You Webfoots
Team Goes Today
Hey, you Ducks! Get off your
duff and take a look around! Your
Webfoot team leaves at noon to
day for their fifth game of the
season. According to the AP
sports poll, Oregon ranked 19th
nationally .. . something to cheer
about, no kidding! If the Moscow
venture turns out well, the Web
foots will journey south to meet
PSP undefeated in their first five
games. Oregon is the only team
in the entire Northern Division
with an unblemished record.
Can we, as students, do any less
than give a roaring, boisterous
send-off to the team that has
brought nation-wide recognition
to the University of Oregon?
You’re darn right we can’t! Let's
see all you people with blood
down at the depot at noon tomor
row to give the Webfoots a yell
that will still be ringing in their
ears when they face the hostile
Idaho crowd in Saturday’s game.
fr" . _
BURLY DUKE 1VERSEN ... will not be on the traveling squad that will
entrain for Moscow, Idaho, today. Oregon’s ace quarterback and lineback
er pulled a muscle in his leg in the Washington State game and will lay
off this week in order that he might be ready for the USC fray in Los
Angeles November 2.
Six Intramural League Titles
Cinched By Undefeated Teams
With the 1946 intramural foot
ball schedule barely past the two
thirds mark, six teams boast un
blemished records, enabling them
to hold undisputed possession of
first place in their respective
Five of the clubs—Betas, Phi
Delts, ATO, Sigma Nu, and the Le
gal Eagles—have racked up two
victories against no defeats, while
the SAEs were the winners in their
only clash thus far.
As it appears now, a trio of
these squads loom as the strong
est contenders for the touch foot
ball crown. The Phi Delts have
fielded a consistently strong ag
gregation, sparked by Kay Hoff,
who is one of the most versatile
ball-packers in the leagues. Not
only is he an outstanding runner,
but his passes are extremely ef
fective and his punting ability
has been of great value io the
team. In the forward wall Right
End Don McCallum and Guard
Bill Hanna, have turned in good
The mill-race Beta boys are sec
ond fiddle to no one, offensively or
defensively, if past showings are
any indication. They possess speed
to burn in fleet-footed Bob Svenson
and Rube Rubstello, a super end
in Sheldon Jones, and Vic Smith is
one of the toughest blocking backs
in the circuit. The Beta line is rough
and hard-charging, with Center
Walt McKinney, an experienced
man at guard, Larry Cramer, who
consistently cracked the opposition.
Last but not least, the Sigma Nu
Harris Denies YankOffer
NEW YORK, Oct. 23 (AP) —
Stanley (Bucky) Harris denied
tonight a report that he had ac
cepted the job as manager of the
New York Yankees for next year
and added emphatically “I have
no plans to accept it either.”
Deady hall was built to last for
1000 years barring earthquakes.
seven has exhibited one of the most
i potent lines to see action on Howe
field. Ed Dick and Dick Wilkins on
the flanks, and Keith Watson and
Merc Brown in the guard holes, pro
vide four sticky-fingered receivers
for Ed Crane’s bullet passes.
League Standings:
W. L. T.
ATO .2 0 0
Sig Eps .-.0 1 1
V Dorm A.0 1 1
Sherry Ross .0 2 0
W. L. T.
SAE .1 0 0
Omega Hall .1 0 0
DU .0 1 0
Vet Dorm B .0 1 0
W* L. T.
Sigma Chi .1 0 1
Pi Itapp.0 0 2
Chi Psi.0 0 2
V Dorm C .0 1 1
YV. U X.
Phi Delt.2 0 «
DTD .1 1 o
Kappa Sig.1 1 0
Villard .0 2 0
* W. L. T.
Betas .2
V Dorm E.1 1 0
Fiji .1 l 0
Yeomen .0 2 0
W. L. T.
Theta Chi .t.1 0 I
Sammies . 1 0 I
V Dorm AA .1 1 0
V Dorm BB. 0 2 0
W. L. T.
Sigma Nu .2 0 0
Campbell club .1 1 0
V Dorm CC.1 1 0
V Dorm DD.0 2 0
W. L. T.
Legal Eagles .2 0 0
Sigma Hall .1 0 1
Phi Psi .0 1 1
V Dorm EE.0 2 0
544 E. 13th Phone 2066