Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 23, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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Talented Seniors, Mortar Boards,
Name Campus Interests, Activities
No, those girls seen in the slick
white jackets and navy blue skirts
every Monday do not just happen to
be dressed alike. They are the se
lect group of women chosen from
this year’s senior class to be mem
bers of Mortar Board, and if you
look closely you will see the small
chenille mortar board emblem on
their jacket pockets.
They receive this recognition by
being outstanding on the campus,
both in leadership and scholarship.
During the year Mortar Board
sponsors many events, including
teas at which outstanding speakers
are introduced, awarding of schol
arships, the Smarty Party for fresh
man girls making a three-point or
better, and the girl-date-boy Mor
tar Board ball.
Chub Pilots MB’s
President of the group this year is
Jean Watson, of the wide brown
eyes, and husky voice. Her activi
ties include AWS council, assembly
committee, chairman of Mothers’
Weekend, and chairman for the
Oregon Federation of Collegiate
Leaders convention. “Chub,” as she
is known, spent most of the sum
mer traveling, with stops in Wash
ington, D. C., and New York.
Eastern Interest
Blurb and publicity writing was
&e exciting summer job of Marilyn
Sage, whose campus activities in
clude president of the Co-op board,
co-chairman of Junior Weekend,
and president of Theta Sigma Phi,
women's journalism fraternity. “A
blurb,” Marilyn explained, “is the
publicity material written on a book
jacket.” Her job was with McGraw
Hill company with offices just a
block from Times Square in New
York. Marilyn exclaimed that it was
the most wonderful summer she has
ever spent.
Petite and charming Pat Metcalf
became Mrs. Lowell Chase shortly
after school was out in the spring
and spent the. major part of the
summer in Eugene. Junior Weekend
queen was Pat’s title for one won
derful weekend last spring. Pat has
a great deal of musical talent, her
instrument being the piano. She is
a member of Phi Beta music hon
orary which ie in line with her musi
cal ability.
Shaekrat DeLuxe
Vivacious Emerald editor Mar
guerite (Beaver) Wittwer was mar
ried to Tommy Wright on June 14
.-and they honeymooned in San Fran
cisco. She worked as managing edi
tor of the Lebanon Express through
July. The rest of the summer was
spent “buying things for the apart
ment and fixing it up,” as Beaver
put it. Beaver was class secretary
her junior yedr, is on the Student
Union committee and is a member
of Theta Sigma Phi.
YWCA President Marge Skor
dahl is a capable and poised Mortar
Board. Highlight of her summer
was a trip to Iowa with her mother
and fiance. A job in her home town
of Nampa, Idaho, occupied the re
mainder of Marge’s summer. In her
junior year Marge was a Phi Theta,
winner of Gerlinger cup, and she has
been active in the YWCA during her
school career.
Religious Week Head
Current interest of Martha
Thorsland is Religious Emphasis
week, for she is chairman.'“We are
hoping to bring religion into a more
prominent place on the campus and
to interest everyone in hearing the
13 out-of-town speakers who will
be here for the entire week,” Mar
tha stated. Martha is vice-president
of the YWCA, and was a finalist in
the recent contest for Homecoming
Friendly is the word for Virginia
Scholl, president of WAA, for two
years city desk editor of the Em
erald’and women’s sports editor of
the Oregana. A little more time in
the air, and Ginny will be able to
solo, for she is learning to fly in a
little Taylorcraft trainer plane.
Capable business manager of the
University theater is Marge Ailing
ham. Almost any hour of the day or
night you may find her cheerfully
doing “theater work.” A delegate
to the national convention of her
sororitv. held in Spring Lake, N. J.,
Home was her sailor—home from
the sea;
And the soldier back in her league—
She heard about combat and take
it from me,
She’s resting from battle fatigue.
Marge had an opportunity to “see
America first.” This she did by go
ing the southern route and visiting
New York and Chicago on her re
turn trip.
Lyric soprano, June Johnson,
worked at Timberline Lodge dur
ing the summer, where she says she
met many wonderful girls. She sang
during the dinner hour, which was
really not work at all for music is
June’s hobby as well as her major.
June is a member of Phi Beta music
honorary and Alpha Kappa Delta,
sociology honorary. She was a prin
cess in the Junior Weekend court
last spring.
Past president of WAA, president
of Kg,ppa Alpha Theta house, and
member of the executive council
for Panhellenic are only a few of
the positions held by vivacious Gay
Edwards. A trip to the Theta con
vention at the beginning of the sum
mer was the highlight of Gay’s va
cation. A political science major,
Gay plans to work in the nation’s
capital upon graduating in June.
fyC) Qzaduate P%edent&
Student Platti to- At
Lois McConkey Putnam, the Uni- ,
versity's representative to the Pa- j
cific Northwest Collegg congress
last April, presented the congress’
resolutions to the American delega
tion of the United Nations assem
bly yesterday.
Accepting the resolutions, War
ren Austin, head of the American
delegation and former United States
senator from Vermont, said “the
war of arms is over, but the war of
ideas may last for some time’’ and
that “student groups w'ill have a
tremendous effect on world rela
Visits University
Lois flew by plane to New York
Sunday after she and her husband,
Charles Putnam, spent Homecom
ing weekend at the University. Troy
Stevens of the College of Puget
Sound, the other representative of
the 31 Pacific Northwest colleges,
Laundry Bags can now be
Mailed any day between
2:00 and 4:30 p. m. from
860 E. 13th St.
met her there. They will spend about
two weeks in New York attending
sessions of the United Nations as
At the college congress Lois was
elected secretary of the section dis
cussing economic and social prob
lems of the post-war world and as
sisted in drawing up the final reso
lutions adopted by the assembly of
Congress Recommends
Among the recommendations
passed were: that an international
bill of rights be drawn up, that a
legislative branch of the United Na
tions be formed, that attempts be
made to abolish trade restrictions
among nations, and that the secret
of the atomic bomb be released to
the United Nations and controlled
in the United States by a civilian
An economics major, she was
graduated from the University last
June and soon afterward married
Charles Putnam who is also a Uni
versity graduate. Since that time
they have been living in San Fran
While attending the University,
Lois was a member of Alpha Chi
Omega and was a princess in the
1945 Junior Weekend court. She was
also a member of the rally squad,
and during her senior year headed
the rally committee.
Copy Desk: .:...
John Kahananui, editor
Gloria Smith
Donna Kletzing, assistant
Joan Millard
Kay Richardson
Night Staff:
The Gad-a-bout
Alums and guests were given
royal receptions for Homecoming
last weekend with several of the
houses going all out in grand style.
The Theta Chis rented the El Cap
for an alum dinner and 200 couples
showed up before and during the
Teagarden dance.
S AE had ’em hanging out the win
dows Saturday night with 200 peo
ple attending their Open House.
Sigma Alpha Mu hosted alums Jack
Slatzman and Hay Packhouse, Fri
ars, and Morry Stein, past house
Phi Psis Host
Robert Miller, better known as
“Hack,” now a high school teacher
in Silvertcn, Oregon; Jim Harding,
Portland; Ed Sturgeon and Larry
Fisher stopped in at the Phi Psi
house for the weekend. The Phi
Delts treated their alums to a party
at the Del Rey after the game Sat
urday. Pi Kappa Alpha was visited
by their national secretary, Wendell
Schedule for tonight’s exchange
Delta Zeta-Phi Delta Theta; Hen
dricks hall-Villard hall; Alpha Xi
Delta-Sigma Nu; Tri-Delt-Sigma
Alpha Mu; Kappa Kappa Gamma
Sigma Chi; Alpha Omicron Pi-Sig
ma Phi Epsilon.
More Exchanges
Delta Gamma-Phi Kappa Psi;
Sigma Kappa-Alpha Tau Omega;
Gamma Phi-Beta Theta Pi; Alpha
Phi-Kappa Sigma; Alpha Chi Ome
ga-Pi Kappa Alpha; University
house-Campbell club; Kappa Alpha
Theta-Theta Chi.
Alpha Delta Pi-Chi Psi; Chi
Omega-Phi Gamma Delta; Gerlin
ger-Yeomen; Pi Phi-Delta Upsilon;
Highland house-Vets dorm No. 1;
Alpha hall-Vets Dorm E; Gamma
hall-Vets Dorm C.
Susan Campbell is having open
house and Alpha Gamma Delta is
holding preference night.
Firesides Set
Friday Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Hendricks, Kappa Alpha Theta, Al
pha Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi,
Pi Phi, and Delta Upsilon are hav
ing firesides. Saturday Theta -Chi
and Sherry Ross will hold their fire
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Al
pha Mu throw their first house
dances of the year Saturday night.
Fall Fashions
The big weekend is over, but
there is always another one to look
forward to. Foremost in the mind of
every coed is the problem of what
to wear on tni3 weekend's date. The
ever popular short silks and dressy
coats will be our subject for this
week’s column.
Saturday night's dance was a ver
itable fashion show. Black, as usual,
was the most popular shade for date
dresses. A flash of trimming added
the spark. Crepe was predominate,
and the styles were right in the
height of fashion. We saw the glim
mer of sequins and shimmering
lame. Many of the dresses featured
all sequin bodices, and some were
peppered with bright colored bead
Postwar Material
Lame, almost forgotten about
during the war, is back with us and
definitely in the limelight. Gold, es
pecially, has made a hit. It is being
featured on black or brown dresses
as a sleeve, neck, or belt trimming.
Simple but stunning are the se
verely plain black crepes which fea
ture the sheath or drape effects. In.
the minority, but outstanding, are
the bright colored crepes, electric
blue and shocking pink. Emerald
green is another color not to be for
Wools are being worn this fall,
for .the dressiest occasions. Soft
wool jerseys in pastel colors are
suitable for any date. Some wools
are designed for more formal wear
by following the styles with drapes,
folds, and sparkling trims.
Simple, Yet Smart
Simplicity of line and design can't
help but mean a smart coat. The
perennial black chesterfield seems
to be the favorite for any event.
Oregon coeds wear these coats for
sport and dress, and even as a for
mal wrap.
Fur trimmed cloth coats are beau
tiful, and many girls can be seen
wearing them. Smartest this year
are those with tuxedo fronts, either
in the finger-tip or full length.
A chill’s a thrill for gals who are
lucky enough to own a fur coat.
Eeaver, muskrat, and leopard are
the leading furs with the college
set, because they are so versatile
and can be worn with any color or
You'll need Cardigans and
Pullovers in a variety of
colors to wear with your
Shirts, Slacks, and Cottons
$7.95 to $9.95
Sizes 34-40
McDonald Theater Bldg.
1004 Willamette
Phone 633