Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon W Emerald
Business Manager
Associate Editors
Managing Editor
walt mckinney
Assistant Managing Editors
News Editor
Assistant News Editors
Women’s Editor
Executive Secretary
Assistant Women’s Editor
Advertising Manager
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editors
Chief Night Editor
Staff Photographer
Signed editorial features and columns in the Emerald reflect the opin
ions of the writers. They do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
editorial staff, the student body, or the University.
Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Rooting Section Rummies
The bleary-eyed characters who tossed pop bottles at Coach
Tex Oliver, the referees, and at rooters in the east grandstand
probably thought they were adding to the fun and spirit of
It was a case of too much “spirit” of one kind or another, any
way. And we don’t mean the spirit of Homecoming. It wasn’t
fun for the man who sustained a gash on his forehead when a
coke bottle ricochetted off his head, Coach Oliver didn t consider
it amusing when he ducked a whizzing missle. The attempt to
drop one of the referees didn't prevent him from slapping a pen
alty on Oregon.
Observers in the Oregon rooting section, where most of the
amateur passers were located, report that few students were
among the offenders. I t seems that gay dogs from the ranks of
die alumni, who somehow managed to get into the student seats,
were the bottle pitchers.
There is not much anyone can do about this sort of person.
Except to reflect that, ironically, some of the same individuals
who come back to the campus to make fools of themselves and
leave with a hangover, are persons who raise the loudest objec
tions when they hear about their sons or daughters enjoying an
evening of quiet drinking at one of the local spots.
. . . One happy note: Despite the depressing drizzle, despite
the 0 0 on the scoreboard, student cooperation with the rally
squad was as tremendous as the squad’s efforts to brighten the
morale of everyone concerned. Tom “where’s my raincoat” Haz
zard, Hal “soggy shoes” Schick, and the four rally girls who wore
bright smiles with their dripping hair, should be warmly con
gratulated for their real 1 Iomecoming spirit—-the kind the rooting
section rummies could use more of.
The Homecoming dance Saturday night was a great success.
The music was good, for dancing and for listening. Despite the
huge crowd everybody seemed to be having fun.
The Homecoming committees responsible for this dance de
serve a lot of credit.
Hut there is one point that needs some real attention. Revelers
Saturday night fell into two groups : Those with tickets and those
without. Those with tickets walked in and got into the check
line. 'Those without lined up in front of the one ticket window,
where they stood in the rain, waiting. Their clothes got baggy
and tin1 girls’ hair came down and they all got a little mad.
Most of the persons with tickets were from living organiza
tions. Most of them without were from boarding houses or their
own homes in Kugene. This was a result of the fine old tradition
of selling tickets through “house representatives” and letting
other students either make a special trip to the Igloo for theirs,
or go without.
Wouldn't it be fairer if tickets were put on sale at the Co-op
or some other central place, thereby giving all students a chance
at buying them conveniently. If the dance committees still wish
to perpetuate the “house representative” system, thereby giving
a lot of people “activities" we have no objection, so long as an
adequate provision is made for students who like to dance and
live in Eugene too.
Incidentally, another regrettable queue was the line-up to the
coat-check stand after the dance. The push and rush nearly
turned into a riot and one of the checkers was hurt when a table
turned over on him.
More efficient organization when thosuands of persons are
gxpected most certainly is called for. Would it be too much to
ask dance committees to provide another check stand? '
Apologies to the 1941 Webfoot gridders. An editorial Satur
day cited the score of the Homecoming game with OSC in ’41
as 20-0 with the Ducks on the short end. Such was not the case;
the score was OSC 12, Oregon 7. And the Ducks weren’t weak
. . . they gave the Beavers a terrific fight all the way. Sorry,
Newquist.—The Editor.
To the Editor:
In “What Price Advertising” we
are appreciative of the crusade
started by TH and sympathetic to
the reader who desires campus news
and of the struggling reporter who
wants to see his writing set in print.
Being cognizant of the state of
news versus advertising, probably a
little more so than some, I feel it
might be well to clarify the position
of the business staff of the Emerald.
True, a budget is set up to cover
the printing costs of the paper for a
year (usually there is a deficit),
not including salaries. We have net
at any time had contact with or
pressure from the mythical “every
one except staff members” to fill
the paper with advertising and
make more money.
Several factors enter into the suc
cess of the business staff which in
clude merchants with more money,
increased circulation, and by far
not the least, a fine staff of unpaid
workers who are headed by an ef
ficient advertising manager.
In all crusades it is well to ferret
out all of the facts. The Emerald
problem is such primarily because
of labor shortage at the press—not
pressure groups. Only twenty-two
issues have been printed to date.
We have known from the first that
we had a good year and the prob
lem has been worked on with re
sults which we hope to be able to
show starting next week.
The amount of money ($36,000)
in the school kitty is representative
only of this year—not yearly. Your
funds are not in the same category
with the Emerald problem—ours is
being worked out. The other is up
to the students.
George Pegg, Business Manager.
To the Editor:
First, bravo to R. Ted Anderson
for his excellent letter and especial
ly for the thought that was behind
I share with both Dr. Adler and
Mr. Anderson the belief that we
can't rely on any one political party
that exists today—in fact there
seems to be a depressing shortage
of any political leaders in which one
can place any confidence.
W^hat I would like to see is more
serious thought on the part of uni
versity students as a whole similar
to that of Mr. Anderson. We, who
are a part of the lucky five per cent
who get a higher education, have it
in our power to remedy this situa
tion if we will but we’ll not get any
where if we limit our action to nar
row-minded controversial argu
merits—subject, “Republicans ver
sus Democrats.”
We must come to the realization
that if the desired reorganization
of our political system is to take
place, if there is to be the change in
the international policy of our na
tion that we deem necessary for our
part in the settlement of the pre
vailing world strife, it’s the students
of today that will have to do it—not
at the termination of our formal ed
ucaton but beginning now. It must
begin with critical analysis of the
material presented by our profes
sors and the writers and statesmen
of our day, with conscientious vot
ing and with sincere devotion to the
cause of a better world. We can’t
sit and complain while the dirty
politicians are being reelected and
the U. S. public is being misrepre
sented to the rest of the world.
I least of all want college to cease
to be “fun” but God help us if we
continue to let it be a happy play
Lou Weston
To the Editor:
The .habit of booing is becoming
more evident at each Oregon game,
Saturday’s Homecoming game with
Washington Stare showed a verj
poor exhibition on the part of the
Oregon rooters. Let us have a lit
tle more cheering and less of the
poor sportsmanship yells and ac
tions. People will appreciate oui
spiz-it more, and we will profit by it
more in the long run.
Cathy Beed
The Oregon football team repre
sented the Pacific coast at Pasa
dena in 1916 and won over the Uni
versity of Penn. 14-0.
Pearl One
It seems that some of the lads
giving the Chi-O house the big rush
have cold feet. However, the eager
Chi-O beavers soon found a solu
tion for this little obstacle. They are
now knitting socks for the frigid
lads. This footwear of distinction
comes in all sizes and all colors but
in just one pattern. So if any gai
wants to check on her man’s activi
ties of late, all she has to do nowa
days is crawl under the table and
look at his socks.
Audrey (I’ve Got 5 Men) Kull-i
berg, Tri-Delt, and Bob (All We Gotf
Is “Four Crown”) Caviness, FijiL'l
play a mean game of bridge ^p>geth| j
er. Lil Audrey maneuvers the pastel j
boards while Bob supplies refresh* j
The orchid that Dawn Carson,
Tri-Delt, (the gal that we would
like to come home to) was sporting
at the Homecoming dance didat
just happen to grow there nor was
it a gift of the student body. It cansg
via the pocketbook of Don (Bed
room Eyes) Sipes, Chi-Sy. Incident
tally Dawn’s eyes are not the sitting|
room variety either and what wa
would like to know is how they can
stand the tension of looking at each
Mo Drouth Here ,
Big Bill Craig has come up with
a new angle on beating the Govt,
check delay. When thirsty and broke
(a horrible combination) this lad
sells a couple of his many still-in
demand old textbooks and buys a
The other p.m. at a Kappa Sig»
party Bill (Shoulders) Behrens soj
smoothed a gal out that she would!'
have thrown away her Beta pin and •
accepted his had he given her thjl
right cue. 1
“Fair and Warmer”
Some of the boys really madi ;
good connections while overseas, t
certain “Marlene,” a really icei
piece of French pastry, smoked inti |
town via Paris and L.A. last weeki
end hunting for Phil Towhy, Fijil j
Hearing that he was in Portland.:
she followed him there.
It all started off when Merve (I;
Caught It With My Own Hands!
Hanscam, Theta-Chi, presented th^
D-Zeees with a very dead carp. la
return they gave him a box of waltz
ing mice. When the mice multiplied,
ran all over his room, and ate up hia
girl friend’s picture Merve, by novj
a slightly bit miffed, crated thi
mice up and at an early date planj
on letting them loose on the D-Zees
sleeping porch. Question of course
is—How is he going to get on thei
sleeping porch.
Little Women Dept.
Little man throw away those Ad
ler Elevated shoes for your big mo
ment has arrived. You can have £
guaranteed date and good time b^
joining the midget club spajgnve.d:
by two Sig-Ki’s known as Bob Dag'
get and Joe Bennett. However, to
be initiated you must have stopped
growing, started shrinking, be un
der 5 feet 5 inches, and never ha<}
(Please turn to page seven)
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