Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 22, 1946, Image 1

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    VOLUME XLVIII Number 23
Committee Votes'?Graduate School
19 ^
PORTLAND, Oct. 21— (AP)— A
committee of the state board of
higher education voted today to es
tablish separate graduate schools
at the University of Oregon and
Oregon State College.
The committee also recommend
ed that many cross-campus direc
torships, now with few functions,
be abolished.
Both recommendations will go be
fore the board tomorrow.
Under the plan the general re
search council would be eliminated,
and its funds transferred to the
graduate schools. At present there
is a single graduate division.
The plan envisions a graduate
dean on each campus. Names sug
gested included Dr. Willibald Weni
ger, vice-dean of the graduate di
vision, for Oregon State, and Dr.
Howard Taylor, head of the Uni
versity psychology department, for
the University. Dr. Taylor said his
appointment would be temporary.
Dr. Olaf Larsell, who was gradu
ate division dean until his recent
resignation, would remain as chair
man of the graduate council at the
medical school, where he is head of
the anatomy department.
The cross-campus directorships
were set up originally to report di
rectly to the state chancellor. When
each institution gained a president,
their functions largely ceased to
Of 26 of these, S will he retained
at least for a while. They are comp
troller, director of information, di
rector of libraries, dean and direc
tor of general extension, director of
elementary teacher training, dean
of education and director of high
school teacher training, dean and
director of architecture and allied
arts, and dean and director of cre
ative writing and publishing.
Those inter-campus positions
that would be abolished are: dean
and director of medicine and direc
tor of health services, dean and di
rector of pharmacy, dean and direc
tor of forestry, dean of the college
of liberal arts and director of arts
and letters and social science, dean
of the school of science and director
of science, dean and director of en
gineering' and industrial arts, dean
and director of law dean and direc
tor of music, dean and director of
physical education, dean and direc
tor of home economics, dean and
director of business administration,
dean and director of agriculture,
dean and director of lower division,
dean and director of journalism, di
rector of dormitories, and dean and
director of the dental school.
Student Committee Plans
Religious Emphasis Week
National University Christian Mission Group
To Back Similar Week on 17 College Campuses
An enthusiastic, all-out student committee is sponsoring the
University of Oregon Religious Emphasis week from October
27 to November 1, backed by the National University Christian
Mission Committee.
The purpose of this week is to present in terms intelligible to
college men and women, the relevance of religious faith, both to
personal life and to the great social
issues of this age.
The University of Oregon is one
of^the 17 colleges and universities
throughout America to sponsor Re
ligious Emphasis week this fall. All
local arrangements have been made
by a student committee assisted by
faculty members consisting of Mar
tha Thorsland, student chairman;
Mr. Carl C. Webb, faculty chair
man; Bjorg Hansen, union meeting;
Beverly Pitman, forums and class
room appointments.
Hazzard Heads Dinners
Tom Hazzard, living organiza
tions dinners and firesides; Bon
McNeal, publicity; Dorothy Ras
mussen, programs and room ar
rangements; Bill Barnum and Joan
Williams, hospitality and pages;
Barbara Johns, arrangements; El
len Sutherland, book exhibit; Mar
gery Skordahl, personal conference;
and Dr. Wesley Ballaine, faculty
These committee chairmen have
called upon the following honoraries
to help with the details of the week:
Kwama, women’s sophomore serv
ice honorary; Skull and Dagger,
men’s sophomore service honorary;
Phi Theta Upsilon, women’s junior
■^fervice honorary; Druids, men’s jun
ior service honorary; and Alpha Del
ta Sigma, Gamma Alpha Chi, na
tional advertising honoraries, and
Sigma Delta Chi, men’s national
professional journalistic fraternity.
Newburn, Pallett
Meet With Board
President Harry K. Newburn left
the campus Sunday to attend the
meeting of the state board of high
er education in Portland today. He
was accompanied by E. M. Pallett,
assistant to the president.
Dr. Newburn will also speak at a
luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis
club this noon, and will complete a
busy day by conferring degrees at
the dental school commencement
Wednesday afternoon the presi
•flent will attend the freshman moth
er’s tea sponsored by the Portland
Mothers of freshman students. He
will return to the campus Thursday
MR. W. H. GENNE . . .
National student secretary of Y. M.
C. A., who will speak Tuesday (See
story column 5 also.)
Senior Students
Tapped By Friars
Tapping of students for Friars,
senior men’s honorary society, was
conducted during intermission of
the Homecoming dance Saturday
night. Those selected were Benny
DiBenedetto, chairman of the
Homecoming committee; Harry
Glickman, editor of Old Oregon;
Bob Reynolds, Oregon halfback and
secretary treasurer of the Order of
the “O”; and Roy Paul Nelson, edi
tor of the Oregana.
Druids, junior men’s honorary,
did not tap new members during
Homecoming week as was previous
ly announced, according to Marty
Pond, Druid secretary. Tapping of
students for Druids will not be con
ducted until the Whiskerino contest
gets under way in November, Pond
Sigma hall, Pi Kappa Alpha, and
Theta Chi have been announced as
receiving honorable mention in the
sign contest, according to Don Dole,
co-chairman of the contest.
Friars tap new pledges twice a
year. First tapping is at Junior
Weekend, gala celebration spring
I term.
Pygmalion Players Agree
That Dialogue Sparkles
Bill Wood, Don Moss Tell Stage Background;
New York Heaven for Visiting Drama Majors
“Pygmalion” is sparkling with witty dialogue, agree Bill
Wood and Don Moss, male leads in the George Bernard Shaw
play, to be presented by the Guild Hall players Friday, Oct. 25.
Wood is a junior in drama and comes from Portland. His
blond hair accents his blue eyes, his 5 feet 8 inch height, and his
outstanding personality. During the summer he spent his vaca
tion in New York, which to a drama , . .
major is heaven and even more so i
when you are able to see your favor
ite plays on the stage. This was not
Wood’s first visit to New York.
During his three years in the navy
Tie spent 16 months in the metropo
lis of stage wonders.
Asking Wood more about his
summer he leaned forward to ex
plain with pride that he had been
offered the job of casting director
with Richard Aldrich and Gertrude
Lawrence while working in Dennis,
Massachusetts, in the summer play
ers group but, thinking longingly
of Oregon, he decided to return and
continue his studies. Wood has high
hopes for a reoffer of this job for
next summer.
He has been active on the campus
in different drama groups. Recent
plays he has been in are “My Sister
Eileen” and “Arsenic and Old Lace.”
His show work goes back to his
navy career when he did show work
with the Red Cross. He is hoping for
more plays in the future.
Don Moss, senior in psychology,
will graduate in March. He is hap
piest, he confides, when he is slap
ping on grease paint or mixing a
ginger bread cake. (Eds. note: This
is not for publication.) Moss took
time out this summer to mingle
with stage people in Greenwich Vil
lage and see his favorite stage
plays, one of which was “Annie Get
Your Gun.” On his return trip he
visited the drama department of
Northwestern and the University of
During four years of army life
Ex.-Sgt. Moss saw much of Europe
and in spite of the war managed to
keep fairly close to the stage
through the Army special services.
After graduation from Oregon
Moss is planning on taking a job
with the state department and re
turn to Europe in the spring. “Pyg
malion” is full of George Bernard
Shaw's own ideals and expressive
thoughts and I know we will both
enjoy our parts,” Moss said.
Quiz Forum Planned
An open forum on questions pre
sented at previous meetings will be
held at the Newman club meeting
at the YMCA tonight. Father Al
, bert Rodakowski will preside at the
discussion. ... %
Mr. Doolittle of Pygmalion.
DON MOSS . . .
Portrays Colonel Pickering , .
Co-op to Sell Prints
Glossy prints of individual and
group pictures from the 1946
Oregana will he on sale at the Co
op today at 9:30 a.m., according to
Dorothy Habel, assistant editor.
Traffic Barricades
In Operation Today
Blockades on Thirteenth go up today.
Manned temporarily by the campus crew of the physical plant,
barriers will be thrown across Thirteenth at University and
J mrteenth at Kincaid during each,
ten-minute class change.
Culminating a drive by the Em
erald, University officials and the
city of Eugene to alleviate the dan
gerous traffic menace on the cam
pus this year, the first blockades
will halt traffic at 7:50 this morn
Granted recently by the Eugene
city council, the plan will be under
the supervision of the University.
The blockades will be used during
each ten-minute change from 7:45
a. m. until 5 p. m., Mondays through
Fridays, and from 7:45 until 12 noon
The barriers, according to D. L.
Lewis, superintendent of the physi
cal plant, will be placed, along with
suitable signs, half way across
Thirteenth at each of the corners.
This will allow vehicles already in
the prohibited area when barriers
go up, a chance to get out, but will
not allow entrance to outside ve
YMCA Official
Will Speak At
Alumni Hall
(Editor’s note: This is the first of
a series of articles acquainting stu
dents with outstanding men who
will speak at different groups and
living organizations during Relig
ious Emphasis week.)
Mr. William H. Genne, national
student secretary of YMCA, serv
ing the Pacific Northwest student
YWCA and YMCA regional council,
will speak during the 3 p.m. scep
tics hour Tuesday, October 29, at
Alumni hall, in Gerlinger.
Mr. Genne has attended many
camps, conferences and commit
tees, during his youth work, among
those being the Christian Youths’
Councils of North America, at Lake
Geneva in 1934 where he was acting
chairman. In 1932 he attended the
World’s Christian Youth Council in
Rio de Janiero, Brazil. He was also
present at the World’s Christian
Youths’ conference in Amsterdam,
Holland in 1939.
His professional experience in
cludes director of men’s work (rep
resenting the Baptist, Congrega
tional, Methodist and Presbyterian
denominations) and secretary of
the YMCA, Michigan State college.
From 1940 to 1944 he held the posi
tion of chaplain, at the Alfred uni
versity, Alfred, New York.
Pygmalion Seats Ready
Season-ticket holders are now]
able to obtain reserved seats for
“Pygmalion” at the University the
ater box office. Open from 10 a.m«
to 12m., 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., the box
office is located in Johnson hall.
The regular sale of tickets for tho
production will get underway today
at the box office, ^i