Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1946, Image 1

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    VOLUME XLVIII Number 21
> Highlights
Ready to begin the annual Home
coming festivities, Oregon alumni
will gather in Johnson hall this af
ternoon from 1 to 6 for registration
under the direction of the Phi The
tas and Kwamas. Luncheon and
dance tickets will be sold to alumni
at this time. Cups will be awarded
to the men’s and women’s living or
ganizations having the greatest
number of alums in Eugene.
The alumni executive committee
will meet in Johnson hall at 2 p.m.
The clever and unique Homecom
ing signs on display at the various
houses will be judged at 6 p.m., and
silver cups will be presented to the
winners at the Homecoming dance
Saturday night. Judges will be Er
nest Haycox, Mrs. George Patter
son, Chuck Huggins, S. R. Manerud,
and Gordon Wilson.
, With all imaginable sorts of con
trivances for making the greatest
clatter possible, noise parade floats
will gather at Eighteenth and Pot
ter behind the Theta Chi house at
6:30 p.m.
The noise parade, led by the Uni
versity band and the rally squad,
will proceed snowball fashion
(Phase turn to paqc six)
Student Taient Program
To Follow Frosh Bonfire
Noisiest Will be Tagged; Awarded Cups;
Oliver to Give Cougar Game Views
Following the Frosh bonfire at Amazon flats, students, alums
and townspeople will gather tonight at the Igloo for a fun-packed
evening of comedy, music, and presentation of the outstanding
student talent of the year, co-chairmen Helen Hicks and Tom
Hazzard announced today. Stations
KOAC and KUGN will broadcast
the show.
The program, which will have as
M. C. Bob Moran, will include Herb
Widmer’s jazz combo, the Theta
Chi barbershop quartet, vocals by
Lynn Renick and feature the first
appearance of “Three Dots and a
Ltesh,’' the new campus quartet
comprised of Evans Cantrell, Wan
da Shaw, Helen McFettridge and
Sally Watson.
Highlights of the radio broadcast
will be the introduction of the
Homecoming Hostess, Dawn Car
son; the awarding of cups to the
winners of the noise parade, and
the presence of President Harry K.
Newburn, Coach Tex Oliver, and
Ernest Haycox, president of the
Oregon Alumni Association and
famed Oregon author.
Popular campus comedians, Don
Edwards and Norman Lamb, will
spark the evening’s entertainment.
Friday Classes as Per
Classes will be held as sched
uled Friday afternoon. Saturday
classes have been cancelled.
(iiimeraici ±jnoto oy rurK Braun)
This little phrase was definitely not
taken to heart by some vandal or
vandals, identity unknown, who
wanted the Homecoming bonfire a
few days in advance.
Ticket Collections
Homecoming dance ticket rep
resentatives are to turn in the
money they have collected for
tickets to Barbara Patterson at
the Theta house or to Bob Dag
gett at the Sigma Chi house by
5 o’clock this afternoon. . .
Jamboree Weekend
Opens Doors Today
“Home for Homecoming” jamboree weekend will blast open
its merry-making' celebration today highlighted by many tradi
tional events returning to the Oregon campus in gala form. The
theme, “A Home for Homecoming," will be emphasized through
out the University on signs, in parades, at the rally and during
the various receptions and luncheons.
Headed by Benny DiBenedetto, the Homecoming of 1946 has
been the result of effort by many campus committees. Dawn
Carson was selected this week to welcome alums as "Homecom
ing Hostess.”
Traditions revived during the week will be climaxed on Fri
day and Saturday by the largest group of students and alums in
Oregon history.
The crowded schedule will feature on Friday the colorful
noise parade led by the University of Oregon band and contain
ing floats from all the various living organizations. The parade
will be judged as it passes Johnson hall by the alumni associa
tion’s executive council, the winners being presented with silver
cups at the evening’s rally.
As the floats proceed along their route, students will join on
in snowball fashion, following the parade to the Frosli bonfire.
Climaxing the noise parade will be the Homecoming bonfire
at Amazon flats which despite a previous mishap will blaze as
scheduled in'what is hoped to be the largest bonfire in Webfoot
history. The giant blaze will be decorated by signs from all living
organizations displaying their respective names.
Following the bonfire all students and alums will gather at
the Igloo for the rally and talent program. The show will include
comedy, music and laughs, featuring the introduction of Dawn
Carson, Homecoming hostess, who will award the winners of the
noise parade at that time.
•Saturday’s program is equally full of campus events including
observance of traditions by freshmen who will paint the mighty
Oregon "O” and will polish the Oregon seal. Penalties enforced
by members of the Order of the O, with many taking hacks or
thinkings as they choose.
The highlight of Saturday afternoon will be the Oregon
Washington State football game preceded by the Order of the O
parade at Hayward field.
Houses Plan Noisy Floats
For Ear-Splitting Parade
Formation to Move at 7 From Theta Chi;
Will Progress to Bonfire Site on 19th
Led by the University band, Oregon’s noise parade, the first
in many yeai, will boom its way around the campus, starting" at
7 o clock tonight. Reports are that the noise making equipment
to he used on various floats is of startling variety and will be
(Emerald Photo by Don Jones)
W ith the judging of the Homecoming signs drawing near, the Betas are seen pushing last minute prepara
tions in anticipation of the judges’ approval.
capaDie ot producing ear-splitting
Floats will gather at 6:30 p.m.
behind the Theta Chi ho»se at Eigh
teenth street and Potter. Represen
tatives from all houses should be
sure that their float is present at
this time and lined up in correct or
The parade will then proceed
down Nineteenth to Alder, from Al
der to Thirteenth and proceed to
Patterson. It will continue on Pat
terson to Eleventh, up Eleventh to
Kincaid, up Kirjcaid to Thirteenth
and then up Thirteenth past John
son hall to University street.
All participants and spectators
in the noise parade are strongly
urged to secure some sort of pro- j
tection for their ears.
They will then proceed up Uni
versity to Fourteenth and will turn,'
from Fourteenth to Onyx, up Onyx
past John. Straub hall to Fifteenth,,
then up Fifteenth to University]
where it will continue on Univer
sity past McArthur court to Nine
teenth where it will proceed to the;
site- of 1 the bonfire on Nineteenth!
street between Ferry and Mill,