Endurance Walkathon Waived; Men Spared Traditional Corns By BOB WHITELY Some heel removed the Bunion Derby from the social calendar! Through no fault of Dick Williams or anyone else connected with the educational activities office, the forced march and sprint will not be held this year for ... of all things . . . lack of organi zation. This annual “meet the people” marathon has been a campus tradition for years, and it is too bad to see it discarded when the campus is busting at the seams with new students. A lot of the undergradu ates, especially freshmen, haven’t had a chance to look over the current crop of coeds, and vice versa, and the derby was always the key to success. If the gal didn’t re member you it was considered UNIVERSITY SPORT SHOP is proud to announce the addition of BACHRACH NECKWEAR t to its constantly increas ing' stock. You: wool tie addicts had better come early— they're beauties! “BILL” ROHLFFS Next to the Side cricket to reply Oh, I met you at the derby” ... to which you had her there. Of course it is extremely doubtful if some of the older single veterans like Henry Cavanaugh, Frank Bosch and Herb Penny could last the required tour, but it would broaden the scope of their limited acquaintances. Ex-GI’s could corner some innocent thing of 17 or so, and in the fifteen minutes alloted to each living organization could at least establish a beachead, limited as their facilities might be. It’s too bad that we can’t show the sore feet, the tired smiles, and tne stacks of little black books that are filled on Bunion Derby night. Somehow it just ain’t fall tertn without it. With all the other com mittees floating around the campus there could have been one to take care of this campus tradition. For the seniors and juniors it won’t be missed so much, but for the under graduates and new students ... you don’t know what you missed. CAMPUS CALEM A R Sigma Chi and Sigma Phi Epsi lon—Oregana pictures at Kennell Ellis studio today. The British museum has the fos sil of a prehistoric elephant that was 14 feet tall. 1 1 'i 1 ■ ■ -,'l For Personal Convenience UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND - EUGENE BRANCH . Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation RENDEZVOUS with a Basket Burger BOX - BURGER AND COFFEE RENNELLS ON THE CAMPUS Special Initiation Held For Jeanne Simmonds Jeanne Simmonds, Emerald wo men’s page editor, was formally initiated into Phi Theta Upsilon, junior women’s service honorary, September 30 at the home of Mrs. Robbieburr Courtney. Miss Sim monds was unable to attend the ini tiation ceremony held at an earlier date. Vet Meeting Set For Monday Eve According to an announcement by Jack Caldwell, of the Eugene chapter of the American Veterans committee, the first membership meeting of the group will be held at 7:30 Monday night in Room 105 Commerce building on the campus. Caldwell said membership will deal with the current AVC campaign— "every vet a voter.” At a meeting of the officers two weeks ago plans were laid for the chapter to be set up on the campus. Paul Deutschmann, chairman of the local AVC chapter, favored a strong campaign at the University for membership on a campus basis. Plans for a local chapter in Eu gene, in, conjunction with the cam pus group have been underway since last spring. Caldwell urges that every eligi ble veteran, male or female, includ » ing veterans of merchant marine service, attend. (JO Women Give Vets the Lowdown la a forum held Thursday eve ning in the veterans’ dorm, a group of about 50 veterans had a discus sion concerning their attitude toward University women. The wo men’s side was represented by two Oregon women, one greek and the other independent. Originator of the idea and presi dent of Dorm AA, Bob Lovlien pre sided at the discussion with the aid of Jens Jensen, secretary. Patricia Spencer, president of Susan Camp be’l hall, and Dorothy Rasmussen, president of Alpha Delta Pi, repre sented the independent and greek womn. Mrs. Golda Wickham, dean of women, Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, director of dormitories, and Mrs. Dorothy Fullwater, director of vet erans’ dormitories were present to answer questions concerning Uni versity regulations such as closing hours. The success of the forum resulted in the men receiving invitations for the coming week to speak at both Susan Campbell hall and the Alpha Delta Pi house on what they expect from University women. As We See It (Continued from pae/c two) given time. Our political parties often forget this. The party that faces the issues with its back to the wind, the party that resorts to name-calling and false-labeling and cheap sensation alism, will fool nobody but itself. i ■ ' FOR EXPERT SHOE REPAIR CAMPUS SHOE SHOP on the campus Musicians Lack Practicing Space Dean Theodore W. Kratt "ofThe music school announced Friday that the south annex practice rooms for the music school should be ready in about a week, but that the north annex will not be ready for occu pancy for three or four weeks, ow ing to the shortage of materials and workers. Another problem with which Dr. Kratt must deal is the matter of se ff= — curing pianos for each of the 2Q rooms which the annexes will add to the music school. At present students who have practice rooms in the main music building are sharing their rooms with those who have not yet been assigned practice space. Geology Trip Canceled The geology field trip to Collins glacier scheduled for Sunday has been postponed because of bad weather, according to Warren D, Smith, head of the department of geology and geography. JACK LAMB FILM SHOP Fins Photo Finishing Parker "51" Greeting Cards Photographic Equipment 698 Willamette For delicious, health giving' foods served piping hot any time during the day or night, visit the Snappy Service. Always immediate service. FINE FOODS at LOW COST 860 Olive i IN EUGENE IT’S THE BROADWAY Cxchtiiuely for NORTH STAR Blankets and light weight throws PENDLETON Blankets and robes MEANSWEAVE Eland woven throws PURREY The miracle blanket