YWCA Schedules Wives' Gathering Foreign brides, as well as other women on campus, are invited to attend the meetings of the “Y’s Wives” held every other Tuesday, Mrs. Helena Hoffman, director of the Eugene YWCA, said yesterday. The next meeting of the “Y’s Wives” will be held October 15. Social, literary, and home topics will be discussed. Tea, prepared by the French women of the organiza tion will be served in the YWCA library at 1060 Willamette from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Started in Eugene by Mrs. Hoff man, the “Y’s Wives” was organ ized to to help foreign brides become accustomed to American ways. The club now has 25 members, including women from England, Australia, France, Belgium, Scotland, Egypt, New Zealand, Brazil, Poland, and Italy. University wives, including Mrs. Peter Barker, Mrs. Jacquelin Johnston, and Mrs. Aty Mohsin have recently become members of the club. One Month in U. S. Mrs. Mohsin, native of Alexan dria, Egypt, has been in America only one month. She speaks French, Egyptian, and English. Her hus band is a graduate student in the school of architecture. Londoners Here Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Johnston .have come from England. Mrs. Bar- j ker who was born in Brazil, has traveled widely, studying music! throughout the world. Both ladies were in London during the “blitz.” It is estimated that the number of teachers in U. S. elementary and high schools dropped from 927,000 in 1941 to 868,00 in 1944-45. Gay ... and bfief, with a kick-away length just | above the knee...for every | summer mood. They fit so I slick—with a wide belt to trim your tiny waist. And they're fashioned in that famous C&cj£e*4 sanfor ized cotton gabardine yummy colors. Sizes: 9 to 15. in 1 GORDON’S —J .of course ' 050 Willamette !! -- .. —... .=n 11 cun. Yy :rid-wide Communion Service Sermon: Re ligion or Redemption'' RALLY DAY at 9:45 a.m. Classes . -' Ye aiid'ma-r.ried students 7:30 PAGEANT—"WHO BIDS?" Singspiration for- all young people at 9 p.m. -t' FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bdwv. at Hit'll Dr. V. Webster, pastof i. Orchesis Schedules Activities Meeting Orchesis, senior dance honorary, will begin fall activities with Tues day and Thursday activity meetings at 4 o’clock in Gerlinger hall dance room, Miss Rosamond Wentworth announced yesterday. Leader of the dance group will be Miss Shirley Cox, graduate stu dent in physical education. Modern dance techniques will be developed. Girls who will participate in this year's activities are the following: Joanne Alder, Beverly Bennett, Mary Lee Booth, Shirley Cox, Doro thy De Ross, Grace Edwards, Bev erly Howard, Charlotte Johnston, Joyce Niedermeyer, Pearl Peterson, Dorothy Ramsey, Lois Roeder, June Carnes, Harriet Menot, Gene vieve Sisky, and Nina Finemen. American citizenship was granted to the Puerto Ricans in 1917. Do You Know? That the Co-op Store was incorporated in June 1920 by Officers of the A.S.U.O. Do Yon Know? That the Co-op is owned entirely by the Students of the University of Oregon. Do You Know? That by saving Cash reg ister receipts and turning them in next spring you may share in the profits. Do You Know? That the Co-op sells all text books at publishers' list prices. Do You Khodd? That the Co-op is gov erned by a board of five students and two faculty members. LOST—Alpha Chi pin. Finder call 1307. Reward. LOST- Gold fountain pen, lost on campus. “Twiford” engraved on it. Please call 1307. Reward. MEDO-LAN® UAIRV 1‘KOIirtTS h oy«*IOK WIST COAST THEATRE The BRIDE WORE BOOTS BARBARA STANWYCK ROBERT CUMMINGS plus Her Kind of Man KITTY plus Man from Music Mountain i-.l ' She Wrote the Book JOAN DAVIS JACK OAKIE plus Wild Beauty Danny Kaye "THE KID FROM BROOKLYN" with VIRGINIA MAYO GOLDWYN GIRLS “NIGHT IN PARADISE” and “BLONDE ALIBI'’