Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1946, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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from papc nine)
bunts, a^wanr"andH"firee Orefon
errors accounted for the tallies.^
Oregon rallied in the ninth with
three runs on a triple by Bill Long
and doubles by Tony Crish and
"^Santee coupled with an Oregon
State error. The rally died with a
runner on third when Johnson
rolled out and Jim Norvell struck
Oregon 000 200 003— 5 7 5
OSC . 020 210 4Ox— 9 13 2
Lehl, Paulson (6), Pettyjohn (7)
and Crish; Don Cecil and Wegner.
(Continued (vow pac/c jiinc)
days.” He won’t reveal the exact
dope on his birthdate, but did re
veal that he was born in Detroit,
Michigan, a few years back, and
moved to Canada when a youngster.
He participated in track, ice hoc
key, skating, rowing, and lacrosse
to mention just a few of the sports
that he entered. Lacrosse is a
wicked game for anyone and Hay
ward still has some of the scars
Keived in the “blood and thunder”
Busy Day
You might call one of his days
in his early years a fairly active
24-hour period. Bill only entered
22 athletic events that day! He won
most of them too! Among the
events that kept him fairly busy
were the 100-yard dash, 220-yard
dash, 300-yard dash, 400- and 500
Rent Bikes by
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Reserve bicycles to be
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yard rung, standing and running
broad jump, standing and running
high jump, hop, step, and jump,
pole vault for height and pole vault
for distance, 12, 14, 16, 18, and 21
pound shot-put, and low and high
hurdles. Climaxing this strenuous
day for the young athlete was a
three-mile boat race in one of the
speedy one-man shells! If that isn’t
some kind of an individual record
for performance, give us a new
World Almanac!
Nearly every individual coach
has his own pet reason why ath
letes are better nowadays than
several decades ago, and Hayward
opines that the scientifically con
structed ovals and tighter compe
tition in the high school's have been
the main reasons for the improve
ment in track and field sports.
“The athletes at the turn of the
century and for several years aft
erwards, were faced with poor
fields and lack of interest in sports.’’
Bill stated. “The Oregon track used
to be located in back of where
Johnson hall is now. When it rain
ed the runners were slopping
around in mud and goo. One ad
vantage the boys did have though;
their legs were stronger than the
men at college now. They didn’t
have cars to carry them around
and they had the walking habit.
Many of our best runners then lived
on farms and walked miles follow
ing the horse in spring and fall
plowing. Many of them, had to
walk miles every day to attend
school and naturally built strong
legs,” continued Colonel Hayward.
o i ape
Runners in the past weren’t
taped and pampered individuals,
either, according to Bill. Today’s
prima donnas are practically
strung together with tape and are
perpetual dressing room club men.
Bill singled out the common mal
ady among runners, shinsplints, as
an example. In the olden days the
runners seldom had the aggravat
ing leg trouble as their legs were
in good condition. Just to prove
that he wasn’t in bad shape Bill
showed us his leg muscles today,
and they make most modern ath
letes’ strong legs look a bit soft.
Bill has endeared himself to
thousands of young men who have
trained under him—men who are
now successes in their fields and
men who are coaching youths as
Hayward coached them. We asked
Bill’s permission to print a little
notation that he had inscribed on
an autographed picture of himself
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up Bill’s philosophy of life-one
that everyone could ponder over
and use.
“I expect to pass through this
world but once. If, therefore, there
be any kindness I can show, or any
good thing that I can do to any
fellow human being, let me do it
now. Let me not defer or neglect*
for I shall not pass this way again."