Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 31, 1946, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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    Phi Delts Win
IM Golf Crown
The Phi Delta Theta golf team
captured the 1946 intra-mural golf
title when they edged a determined
foursome from Alpha Tau Omega
ia a match last Tuesday.
The Phi Delts were impressive
throughout the spring as they
trounced Sigma Hall 12-0 in the
opening round, tripped Chi Psi 9-3
the quarter finals, and bested
Sigma Chi 7-5 in the semis to gain
the finals. •
The ATO route included wins
over Sherry Ross, Campbell Club,
and Sigma Phi Epsilon to gain the
(Continued from pane nine)
jans appear especially promising
with their crosstown rivals the
UCLA Bruins equally potent. Coach
Jeff Cravath has under his com
mand the bulk of last year’s Rose
Bowl team augmented by scores
of proven grid talent from pre
vious years. The Uclans under
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Coach Bert LaBrucherie have at
tracted the cream of Los Angeles
high school talent, several PCC
stars from other conference schools
who have transferred to UCLA,
and perhaps the celebrated colored
sprinter-halfback Buddy Young.
Prospects at Stanford and Cali
fornia have not as yet placed them
in as respected a position as their
southern sisters. The Indians are
returning to the football wars for
the first time since 1942, while the
Bears are attempting a rally under
their new mentor Frank Wick
Backfield talent at the Univer
sity of Oregon has fans, and ex
perts alike in a high state of ex
pectation with strength expected
at least three deep at all positions.
Heading the 1946 parade is the
Webfoot All-American Jake Leicht.
Jake did not show in spring prac
tice as he was working out on the
track squad.
Jimmy Newquist, smooth runner
from ttie 1941 squad, will also aid
the Webfoot running attack. New
quist also played ball for St. Mary’s
pre-flight in 1942. Completing the
top trio for the tailback spot is
two-year letterman Bobby Rey
nolds, slippery-hipped triple-threat
er from last year’s eleven.
Also in the running at the left
half post are passing experts Norm
Van Brocklin and Bill Behrens and
punting ace George Redden.
The fullback turnout is equally
imposing. Bob Koch, 1941 veteran
and teammate to Newquist on the
1942 St. Mary's pre-flight team, is
expected to come through in great
style. Walt Donovan, light but fast,
is back from last year’s team on
which he starred as leading scorer
in the PCC. Glen Wilson, transfer
from Sacramento J. C. and Bob
Oas may also break the top
Included in those expected to re
turn is Bill Davis, Webfoot full
back in 1942.
The righthalf post appears the
weakest in the baclcfield at present.
The spring season found Sam
Ramey, George Bell, and Corky
Van Loo in a three-way struggle
for top billing. Of the three only
Van Loo boasts previous experience
having played at Pacific univer
sity in 1942 and briefly for the El
Toro Marines last year.
Help may be obtained at this
position from Leroy Erickson,
1942 letterwinner and San Diego
Navy star, who was unable to turn
out during the spring season.
The quarterback post is settled
with Duke Iverson back in the slot
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he occupied in pre-war years. The
Big Duke should be among the top
blocking backs in the nation this
year. Under Iversen are 1945 regu
lar Bill Abbey, Long Beach college
transfer Don Shaffer, and 1945 re
serve Andy Bodner.
Spring training revealed a lack
of strength at the end posts, but
this may be remedied by fall with
the expected return of several
proven performers. Tony Crish is
firmly entrenched at left end and
leaves no cause for concern. The
fall returnees may plug the right
end hole as Hymie Harris, Pete
Torchia and Joe Dugan are all
expected back. Also fighting for
wing berths during the spring pro
gram were Wayne Bartholemy, Pug
Mayer, Duane Potter, Lou Robin
son and a host of others, several
of whom are expected to develop
into top contenders this fall.
The tackle turnout is headed by
three returning lettermen—Chuck
Elliott, Harry Edwards, and Curt
Deskins and an equally impressive
array of new candidates—Colorado
State transfer Howie Frary, Bob
Roberts, and Pete Miller.
Another pair of top contenders
are expected out in the fall—Don
Stanton and Ray Blatchley, both
of whom played frosh ball at Ore
gon several years back.
John Kauffman, all-coast candi
date last year, leads the list of
guard aspirants. He is the only
letterman at the guard spots, but
may be hard-pressed to beat out
the efforts of Ted Meland, Bill
Murphy, and Tony Novacic, all of
whom looked very impressive dur
ing spring, season.
Top man at the pivot post is
Brad Ecklund, frosh numeral win
i ner several seasons back, who may
team up with quarterback Duke
I Iversen to give the Webfoots one
j of the best linebacking duos in the
i conference.
Jim Berwick, originally a guard,
has been tried out at center and
may work out very well. Under
Berwick are several other possi
bilities including Bill Sempert,
Jack Bunnett, Don Martin, and
perhaps a pre-war frosh standout
Clark Stokes.
The 1946 football season opens
Sept. 28 for the Webfoots when
they square off with the College
of Pacific on Hayward field and
continues uninterrupted for nine
contests closing Nov. 23 with the
Oregon State finale at Corvallis.
The complete 1946 schedule is as
Sept. 28 College of Pacific at
Oct. 5 California at Berkley.
Oct. 12 Montana at Eugene. -
Oct. 19 Washington State at
Oct. 26 Idaho at Moscow.
Nov. 2 Southern California at
Los Angeles.
Nov. 9 UCLA at Portland. ^
Nov. 16 Washington at Seattle.
Nov. 23 Oregon State at Cor
vallis. j
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