Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1946, Page 3, Image 3

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    Greeks Support Fancher,
Wicke for Senior Offices
JNommatecr by the Greeks to
head next year’s senior class,
Jocelyn “Jada” Fancher, 20-year
-»-old junior in sociology, is a mem
ber of Phi Theta Upsilon, junior
women’s honorary, a past member
of Kwama, as well as president of
her house, Gamma Phi Beta.
Charlotte Wicke, winner of'the
Alpha Delta Pi cup for the out
standing freshman and treasurer of
Sigma Delta Pi, national Spanish
honorary, is the Greek nominee for
the Number 2 position in the senior
class. Miss Wicke is also presi
dent of Hui-o-Kamaaina, Hawaiian
club, second vice-president of Pan
hellenic and president of her
sorority, Alpha Delta Pi.
Junior Class
Running for the Number 1 posi
tion for next year’s junior class
93 E. Broadway Ph. 670
on the Greek ticket is Bob Dagget.
Dagget, a veteran, was one of the
reorganizers of his fraternity,
Sigma Chi and has served on
numerous campus committees.
Bobbie Fulmer, sophomore repre
sentative on the Co-op board, is the
Greek candidate for the Number
2 position in the junior class. Miss
Fulmer is a Kwama, and was re
cently tapped for Gamma Alpha
Chi, women’s advertising honor
ary. She was also tapped for Phi
Theta Upsilon, junior women’s
honorary, at the nominating as
Described by party heads as “one
of the most outstanding freshmen
on the campus,” Reed Grasle, army
veteran, is running on the Greek
ticket for the Number 1 position
in the sophomore campaign. Grasle
has expressed the desire to make
the sophomore class a more active
one and thinks it may be accom
plished by increasing the number
of sophomore class meetings as well
as class social functions.
Marge Weeks, Emerald reporter
and WAA member is the Greek
candidate for the Number 2 posi
tion in the sophomore class. A
member of Delta Zeta sorority,
Miss Weeks was described by
Geneal Cowan, who nominated her,
as “having all the qualities of
leadership necessary.”
it’s wedding bells in June
V'ou’ll want to select your
invitations and announce
ments at Valley Station
ery Co.
Phone 470
76 West Broadway
Kwama Petitions Due
At Dean's Office Today
Petitions for scholarships to
be given by Kwama, sopho
more women’s honorary, to
two freshman women and two
sophomore women are to be
turned into the dean of wom
en’s office by 5 this afternoon.
These scholarships are to be
awarded on the basis of need,
grades, and activities.
Today's World
—Railroad brotherhood leaders re
ported progress in government
talks looking toward settlement of
the rail labor dispute before Thurs
day’s strike deadline.
NANKING, May 20.—(UP) —
General Marshall, American peace
envoy to China, sharply criticized
both Communist and government
factions for their part in the Chi
nese civil war.
PORTLAND, May 20.—(UP) —
American and Canadian newspap
ers were faced with a newsprint
famine as more than 50,000 lumber
workers in five Northwest states
threatened to walk out unless tim
ber operators met their demands
for increased wages.
TOKYO, May 20.—(UP)—A
heavily conservative cabinet was
named for Japan after General
MacArthur demanded that "mass
violence and physical intimidation”
be stopped.
(UP)—A generation of Americans
who grew up reading “Penrod” and
“Seventeen” mourned the death of
Booth Tarkington, one of the na
tion’s best-loved novelists.
Poison Oak Toll
Bulges Pill Palace
Lower extremities of the pill
palace are humming with people
taking X-rays, while the second
floor is humming with 14 patients
just taking a rest. Ruth Allen,
ZTA, has a blooming case of
double mumps. First to be report
ed this year at the infirmary, and
believed to have been picked up
in Portland last weekend.
Entering last evening with poison
For 'CO-OP’ Cash
New Tempo of Hilarity Shown
In Student-Produced Drama
'Good Night, Caroline,” when
presented Thursday afternoon and
evening introduced a brand new
tempo of hilarity which began with
the opening lines, uncouth snores
from the tired husband, Richard
Sound affects along the lines of
sneezing, coughing and yawninig
coupled with the easily turned on
oak from top to toe, Virginia
Avery, expects to spend some time
in the rest camp before it is com
pltely. cleared up. Listed for the
beginning of the week are Ruth
Harmon, Miriam Sullivan, Barbara
Lucas, Gloria Mountjoy, Ruth Lee
Robertson, Virginia Skow, Daniel
Dinger, Joe Hall, Wally Heider,
Jim McClintock, Frances Thorn,
David Delano, and Bob Krause.
and off crying jags of Carolines
Estelle Shimshak, added to the
humor of the plot. The gruffness
of hard-boiled John McDonald as
the burglar and. the appearance of
Carolyn Jenks as Selma, the maid,
supported the wit.
Trlef’s Plan Altered
This bedroom scene drama is the
story of a spoiled wife who comes
face to face with a burglar intent
upon “relieving the household of
a few articles.” The plot centers
around her innocent line of chatter
which dumbfounds the thief and
changes his plans completely.
The first play in a number of
years to be produced by University
students, “Good Night, Caroline,”
lives up to the expectations of cast
and director as being, "extremely
witty, a good play to work with.”
Paris-born, heaven-inspired ... the
only perfume in the world especially created
to accentuate a blonde’s loveliness, to
emphasize her natural advantage.
Perfume $3.25 and $22.5(f.
Also, cologne $4. All prices plus tax.
p l fl t i n e