Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 17, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon If Emerald
JLKJUlon- mvjinjlavj
ni'UlAiKLAJU VVU'itJJ.lli
Business Manager
Managing Editor
Advertising Manager
News Editor
Associate Editors
Art Litchman, Tommy Wright
Co-Sports Editors
Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant News Editor
Chief Copy Editor
Women’s Page Editor
World News Editor
Music Editor
Editorial Board
Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays *>no
•nal exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the poetoffice. Eugene. Oregon.
'UnUtiauMt Quantity. . .
Oregon has met its ASUO and class officers for 1946-47.
All of the candidates presented at the assembly and class meet
ings will he elected. The election will decide what positions they
will hold.
Under the preferential system of voting, the student usually
votes for his first and second choices for positions on the execu
tive council. If he adds a third and fourth choice, he may weaken
the strength of his No. 1 and 2 votes. For instance, after an
established quota has been reached by a candidate for No. 1
position, his surplus votes are carried over to the second choice
marked on his pile of ballots. If that candidate reaches the quota,
the surplus votes are carried over to the No. 3 candidate marked.
Both candidates for representatives from each class are
automatically assured election. There are two positions open
for each class, and only two candidates have been nominated
for each. Usually a student votes only for one.
Balloting for class officers holds to the same rule as that
for ASUO officers.
The slates offered by the two parties indicate that neither
is confident of pulling a large majority. If either party believed
it could draw a great enough vote, it would have nominated
three or four candidates instead of two. In such a case, the sur
plus votes from Nos. 1 and 2 would he enough to elect a third
candidate from the party.
* * *
The unknown quantity in this election, as in many preceding
ones, is the great number of students not affiliated with any
living organization or social group, such as Orides and Yeomen.
Both the Greeks and Independents are courting their favor.
If they go to the polls Tuesday in any number proportionate
to their strength, they will decide the elections.
The position of the unaffiliated students is unique. Their
vote is the least likely to be prejudiced by conventional party
lines and the most likely to be a result of individual thought.
After a pre-decided nominations assembly, the knowledge
that the decision will be up to the most individualistic students
is one bright spot in student politics.
Telling the Editor
About Lewis . . .
Ted Hallock's comment regard
ing' the nomination of John L. Lew
is “as the biggest fool in the his
tory of labor's rise to power” is a
fine example of what may happen
to a man who sits behind a type
writer until he loses control of
the keys. He suggests that such a
movement might start with the
most “earnest defender” of labor,
whoever that might be. And final
ly, he decides that this is a case
where the union has allowed a
leader to ascend whose ambitions
are undemocratic.
I am not labor's most “earnest
defender,” and still I can see no
reason why Lewis should be push
ed to the forerank of fools. Rather,
I’m inclined to believe that those
who treat the subject lopsidedly
and after the manner of "hacks,”
who some time ago succumbed to
the facility of holding Lewis and
the miners up to public shame, are
the real fools and constitute a
threat to society by virtue of their
position to tamper with that thing
called public opinion.
No one who is informed will
deny the worthiness of the present
union proposal to establish a fund
for miners and their families in
case of disability. Courts have rec
ognized the rights of the better
ment strike, which is purely a de
fensive weapon of the union and
does not originate with the leader,
as assumed by Hallock.
Finally, the last source of preju
dice should be a column in the Uni
versity paper. There is a little sign
in the city room of the Emerald
which bears this principle: “Think
before you write.” I suggest that
Hallock move his typewriter with
in easy eyeshot of this reminder
when he undertakes his next dis
cussion of labor and its leaders.
Lester Schlangen.
About Politics . ..
To the Editor:
In Wednesday's Emerald, Byron
Mayo, currently playing shortstop
for the Greek League, attempted
a last-minute save for the Greeks
by fielding, rather sloppily, Herb
Penny’s letter to the editor pub
•fyled fceckuAlUt and cHa^ya'id'A
Here we go into the post Junior Weekend era, with gusty
political winds blowing across the campus. You’d think this
would be a period of stagnation, but lo, the social stream is
whirling along faster than ever, so let’s dip into the mad
crratnWo onrl cof r\ q •fotxr ifptnc
Quips From The Quad: Jinni
Woodward, Gamma Phi, is calling
strikes on Sig Ep Ted Bush—Is this
the last inning? . . . Chi Psi Tom
Carson is spending his weekends
at the beach. What’s the big at
traction, Tom? . . . Welcome back
to Don White, who was on campus
for J. W. festivities, escorting
Delta Zeta Alene Hinton . . . Dave
Goss seems to be occupying every
spare minute pf ADPi June Clay
ton’s time . . . Alpha Gam Carolyn
Hinson is biting her nails wonder
ing if Jim Beyers’ six-foot-six
brother will be down from Portland
for her house dance . . . Gamma
Phi’s Marty Harrold, B. J. Mc
Kenzie, and Joanne Sears hopped
off to California last week to see
sorority sister Dodee Radford
marry SAE Joe Marty in Palo
Alto . . . Alpha Chi Eleanor Wal
lace’s life has definitely been com
plicated by John Wiley’s return
from overseas . . . Harmony: Alfa
Fee thrush, Jean Lichty, being es
corted around and about by Fran
Mahoola, talented Sig Ep pianist.
. . . Recent guest of Bob Vernon
was fiance Margaret Badgley from
OSC . . . Nadine Neet and Mary
Lee Elliot are due for surprise
showers at the AOPi house . . .
Delt Red Reed has decided on the
Delta Zeta house. Her name is
Rosey McNutt.
Close-ups and longshots: Chi Psi
Ralph Huestis is making with the
goo-goo gloms at Treva Torson . . .
Marjorie Earl and Lowell Hamm
are in the steady class . . . Bob
Goffard is back in the Nadine
Robertson circle after being AWOL
for several weeks . . . Add be
trothals: Eleanor Anderson, AOPi,
and Sig Ep Dick Will . . . Alpha
Chi Gloria Hawley and Jim Robson
are that way . . . G. Dune Wim
press went and got engaged! Pi
Phi Peg Skerry announced the glad
tidings at her house with a big
“cookie shine,” featured individual
heart-and-arrow becrusted cakes.
Dune threw a party for the
brothers at the SPE menage . . .
ATO Frank Bocci is trying to sell
those new saddle shoes, because
Sam’s got him in the worst way.
. . . Movies in Eugene were so
poor last night that Theta Char
lotte Gething and her man, Don
Closson, skipped to Springfield for
a doublelieader horror spree . . .
Phi Psi lion Harris is giving the
big play to Jean Patterson . . .
Gamma Phi Ellie Toll has for
gotten about classes and every
thing else, cuz her lad, Chuck Mc
Comh, may be here for the house
dance . . . SAE A1 Paulson is
squiring Fhyliss Holdman around
these days . . . Here’s a previously
unreported pin-planting: Gerri
Davis, Delta Zeta pledge, and Doug
Fetsch, Phi Sigma Kappa.
Deadline dope: Beta Jack Gold
smith is readying a campaign for
Shirley Crump . . . Chi Psi Jack
lished in the same issue of the
Emerald. On Thursday Mayo was
joined by Ann Van Valzah, presi
dent of the ISA, who also felt that
Penny’s letter demanded some
In his letter, Mayo criticizes
Penny for overlooking the fact
that the penalties levied against
1943’s traitorous Greeks by the
bloc were revoked by a later ac
tion of the bloc. On closer scrutiny
Mr. Mayo will find that Penny
definitely qualified his statement
by dating it as the situation exist
ent on May 3, 1945.
Mayo also challenges Penny to
produce concrete evidence and to;
name his source of information.
Surely an astute politician like By
Mayo wouldn’t want concrete evi
(PleOsc Turn to Page Seven)
Ruble goes into a daze over those
long-distance phone calls from
Idaho . . . One of the nicest people
we’ve met in some time is Hen
hall's Ann Johnson, a Pendleton
beauty . . . Add steadies: Pat Bo
lander, Alpha Gam, and Clay Mor
gan, Delt . . . (Paid advertisement:
Hello Helen! Love, Dan.) . . .
“Oscar” Merriam has found a new
playmate in Bruce Fisher, who will
be on campus next term . . . Beta
George “Walker is giving the heavy
rush to Alpha Chi Mickey Mc
Candless . . . New Sig-Ep pledge,
four- point Neil Burnett, who al
ways hits the books, showed up at
the preference dessert Wednesday
with a terrific blonde who bowled
the boys over . , . Don “Snap Your
Fingers” flinch and Joan Pleir are
in the teddie class. Vern Fleck and
Rosemarry Petty arecloserthanthis.
. . . The romance of vivacious
Jerry Dostalik, Delta Zeta, and a
certain Eugene boy, has hit the
Too late to classify: Smilin’ Len
Turnbull has returned to his origi
nal love, charming Tri-Delt, Audrey
Kulberg . . . Harry Officer is tak
ing long walks these days with
Phyllis Kiste . . . Chi Psi Bob
Niederholzer is a new visitor in
the Pink Palace. Theta’s name is
Maudie Paine . . . Jeanne Harris,
ADPi, is wearing the Fiji pin of
Art Caviness . . . Happy Kappa
these days is Wynn McClay. Her
fiance, Kavin Kerns is back from
a tour of duty in Sam’s navy . . .
Tri-Delt Pat Percival accepted
Merv Hanscomb’s Theta Chi pin
last Friday eve. . . . Lu Ludberg,
ADPi, announced her engagement
to Howard Harper, Pi Kappa
Alpha, on the same evening . . .
Add Ruth Robinson and Jimmy
Vitus to the steady league . . .
Tri-Delt Phyl Korn announced her
engagement with miniature tele
phones as fiance Bryce Thalman
works for the phone company . . .
Du pledge Herb Tanner and Flossie
Hintzen are in the casual stage.
. . . Good lookin’ couple: Kappa
Andree Manurud and Fiji Robin
Arkley . . . Doc Fox, Kappa Sig,
has been added to Mimi Moores’
list . . .
In closing: Have a nice week
end, people. We’ll be back with
some more trivialities in the same
space come Tuesday morn.
By Rex Gunn
One day in 1904 a huge beagle
hound who resided upon the estate
of Mr. Byron Franks, a politician,
was heard to roar most earth-shak
Investigating neighbors found
the hound's roar resulted when a
set of red-hot teeth clamped into
his nether quarters. The teeth were
not false, they belonged to, were
conceived by, and had grown in the
mouth of Mr. Franks; but it was
nevertheless disturbing • to the
neighbors to find the portly old
gentleman being dragged about
his own living room floor with his
teeth buried in the hide of the
bounding beagle hound.
Hot Plot
When disengaged, Mr. Franks
was inarticulate, his teeth were
cherry red and boiling in the bloody
gums, the hound’s wound was sear
ed and still smoking, and the hound
was highly enraged and indignaij^.
It was found, after a dentist had
done away with the fiery teeth,
that Mr. Franks had bitten the
hound in agony; upon hearing this,
the hound shook its head and point
ed to its rear haunch but Mr.
Franks confirmed that story.
“I was sitting in my favorite
chair attempting to relax,” he said,
“when I felt my teeth growing
warm. I dismissed it as sheer fan
cy, but when my gums began fry
ing, I lost control and bit what
was closest.”
For years, the mystery of the
fiery teeth went unsolved. Doctors
gave up in despair. Psychiatrists
muttered something about extreme
emotional phenomena resulting
from perpetual struggle in a high
ly competitive society, but wh^i
asked for a quotation they always"
threw in a word the reporters
couldn’t spell and smirked.
Sociologists figured there was
something to that emotional phe
nomena business, but they were
surprised to find that M. Franks
had always been a Republican of
moderate tastes with an equitable
temper and no blemishes on his
record. He attributed his success
in politics to the fact that he “nev
er got excited even in the midst of
a red-hot campaign when his op
ponents muck-raked and smeared
and lied in their teeth.”
A smart, young entomologist
from Boston solved the case after
reading the above quotation.
“Politicians are comparable to
(Please turn to page jour)
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So when you wake up some morning
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i Say the word, and w'e’ll give you a
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