Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1946, Image 1

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ASUO Political RaceBegins Unofficially;
Greeks, ISA Set Pre-Assembly Tickets
See Page 8 for Nominations Assemblies Story.. •
Independent candidate for
ASUO president.
Koyl Cup Winner
Gil Roberts Enters
On ISA Ticket
Gil Roberts, named out
standing junior on the campus,
and recipient of the annually
awarded Koyle cup, has been
named to head the independent
p-asfy ticket as nominee for
ASUO president, Ann Van Valzah,
president of the Independent Stu
dents association announced Tues
According to Van Valzah,
Roberts’ University record, his
service as Junior Class representa
tive on the Executive council, and
member of the Athletic board, and
his outline for future changes in
ASUO government made him the
outstanding Independent candidate
for the office. Roberts is a member
of Druids and Friars, and a junior
in physical education.
Elected as the Independent nomi
nee for the number two position
in the ASUO, that of first vice*
president, was Ted Hallock.
Hallock, a junior in journalism, has
worked for the Emerald as colum
nist for three years. Ke is also
known for his activities as pro
gram director of KOAC, the cam
pHS'*l'adio station, and as a local
band-leader. His service as admin
istrative and combat AAF officer
“should stand him in good stead,”
Miss Van Valzah said.
Other candidates who will be
nominated by representatives of
the ISA at Thursday's ASUO as
sembly, as announced by Miss Van
Valzah, are: senior representative
on the executive council, Nick
Weddle; junior representative,
Dorothy Fowler; sophomore repre
sentative, Laura Olsen.
Bill Setzer will be nominated for
the presidency of the senior class
at their next regular class meet
(Please Turn to Page Eight)
Two three-term scholarships
are being offered to any junior
woman who will be a senior
next year. Petitions for this
scholarship, offered by Phi
Theta Upsilon, may be obtain
ed in the dean of women’s of
fice and must be returned there
before 5 p.m. Friday, May 17.
All junior women needing as
sistance in their senior year of
college are urged to apply.
Junior Class Tops Mothers Day Files:
Register 28% For ;State Fair' Festivities
'Baseball' Theme
Of Variety Show
Baseball is the theme of the
Campus Headlines variety show on
stations KOAC and KEX at 9 to
The script, written by Ted Loud,
will feature the Omega hall and
Chi Omega choruses singing their
winning songs. Vocalists are Claire
Lewis and “Ox” Wilson. Members
of the cast include Bob Moran,
Paul Marcotte, Duke Dennison,
Wilson, and Bob Kirkpatrick. Ted
Hallock’s orchestra is playing.
New chairman and assistant
chairman, respectively, of
the campus Red Cross.
After computing figures
turned in by her committee,
Mother’s Weekend registration
chairman Kay Schneider an
nounced that the junior class
walked off with top honors for
the highest percentage of mothers
registered. 28% of their mothers,
out of a class of 196, were signed
up at Johnson hah.
The freshmen took second place
followed by sophomores and finally
the senior class. It is felt by
Mother's Weekend committee mem
bers that although complete regis
tration was not obtained, the num
ber was high considering that
housing problems prohibited the
offering of a prize cup this year.
Miss Schneider wishes to thank
all those who assisted her during
the weekend and also Dean Eai-1
for his help and cooperation.
Mothers not only enjoyed them
selves but got down to business as
well and elected a new state club
president, Mrs. John H. Carkin of
Salem. They accomplished this at
their Saturday meeting which was
deftly squeezed in before tea,
parade, picnic, open houses and
prom. Reports have it that most
students are still recuperating
from trying to keep up with
mother on her annual gay colle
giate weekend.
She enjoyed the programs pre
sented by Amphibian and Orchesis,
listened appreciatively to the all
campus sing, and even hit the high
spots of the Junior Prom from her
vantage point on the balcony. She
saw various University depart
ments on her campus tour of Satur
day afternoon, dropped in for tea
at Gerlinger, and bounded on to
parade and picnic.
Sunday noon saw mother feted
at dinner in the living organiza
tions of her sons and daughters.
(Please 7 urn to J'nne Uinht)
Free Chest X-Ray
Set For May 20-24
X-rays will be given free of
charge to all those wishing them
Monday, May 20, to Friday, May
24, in the basement of the Health
Service, Dr. Fred Miller announced
yesterday. The State Department
of Health in cooperation with the
Oregon State. Tuberculosis Asso
ciation will have the X-ray unit
here for one week. They are capable
of taking one picture a minute and
will be operating from 12 noon till
5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in the eve
ning. This will be entirely volun
tary and will be of no expense to
the studdht or the University, Dr.
Miller added, and includes all staff
members, and faculty as well as
If a positive or questionable X
ray is taken, the results are sent,
in the case of the student, to the
Health Service, and in the case of
the staff members, to their own
physicians. If a negative report is
shown it will be sent to the indi
In order to get an X-ray, a stu
dent will have to come to the in
firmary this week and make an ap
pointment at his earliest con
venience. It is to the advantage of
all concerned that there be a defi
nite time set for each individual,
Dr. Miller suggested, if a house
president would like to arrange a
time for his or her whole group to
come in at once, that could be
done, but should be attended to as
soon as possible.
“Over 1400 pictures were taken
at Oregon State college a few
weeks ago, and we would like to
double that,” Dr. Miller commented.
He also added that anyone wishing
(Please Tuni to Pane Iiiaht)
Dorothy Rasmussen Heads
Campus Red Cross Unit
Dorothy Rasmussen, junior in
liberal arts, has been appointed by
the University Red Cross board to
act as the 1946-47 Red Cross
college unit chairman. Geneva
Davis, sophomore in liberal arts,
will act as assistant chairman.
As a member of the college Red
Cross board for the past two years
Miss Rasmussen has been chair
man of the surgical dressing and
camp hospital commiVi.ee. Winter
term her position was that of as
sistant unit chairman. She will re
place Mary Landry, junior in
liberal arts, who withdrew her posi
tion on the board.
Geneva Davis, treasurer and
finance member of the board, was
appointed assistant chairman. Miss
Davis was chairman of the suc
cessful 1946 Red Cross drive on
the campus winter term.
Other members of the. board will
remain as active chairmen of their
committees and new members will
be appointed to replace outgoing
seniors and other vacancies.
The new board leader’s will at
tend the first Red Cross College
Unit conference sponsored in the
Northwest which will be held May
18 and 19 at Lewis and Clark
college campus in Portland.
Thirteen college units in Wash
ington, Idaho and Oregon will be
represented at the conference and
will be guest of the Lewis and
Clark college and St. Helen's Hall
junior college Red Cross units.
The purpose of the conference
is to acquaint the college units and
to promote the Red Cross activity
on college campuses.
Greek candidate for ASUO j
Greeks Nominate
Tom Kay for Prexy
Tom Kay, co-chairman of
Oregon’s 1946 Junior Week
end, has been elected by repre
sentatives of all Greek living
organizations to head the.it
party’s ticket as a nominee for
ASUO president, Don Mayno,
chairman of the Greek bloc, an
nounced Tuesday.
According to Mayne, Kay’s Uni
versity record, his service as a
combat infantryman in Europe,
and his outline for future work,
made him the outstanding frater
nity candidate for the nomination.
His selection was by a unanimous
vote. Kay is a member of Phi E>elta
Theta, and a junior in economics.
Elected as the Greek nominee for
the number two position in the
ASUO was Marge Cowlin, presi
dent of the junior class. Miss Cow
lin, a member of Kappa Kappa
Gamma and Phi Theta Upsilon,
worked as business manager of the
Oregana in 1944-45.
Other candidates who will be
nominated by representatives of the
bloc at Thursday's ASUO assembly
as announced by Mayne are: senior
representative on the executive
council, uave rortmiuer, t:eta
Theta Pi; junior representative,
Pat Webber, Alpha Chi Omega;
and sophomore representative, Don
Pinkerton, Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
Tom Hazzard, Alpha Tau Omega,
who served as frosh yell leader in
3942, and acted as head yell king
after Earl Russell's resignation
until leaving for the army, was
selected by unanimous vote as
Greek nominee for yell king posi
Jada Fancher, Gamma Phi
Beta, will be nominated for the
presidency of the senior class at
the senior class meeting Thursday,
Mayne revealed. Charlotte Wicke,
Alpha Delta Pi, will be nominated
for the vice-presidency.
Other Greek party members who
(ricasc turn to pnije six)
Unclaimed Oreganas will be
available to owners at the edu
cational activities office in
McArthur court from 8-12 and |
1-5 p.ni. today. Students are .
urged to get their yearbooks
as soon as possible. i