Oregon It Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager MARGUERITE WITTWER Managing Editor GEORGE PEGG Advertising Manager JEANNE SIMMONDS News Editor MARILYN SAGE. WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors Art Litchman, Tommy Wright Co-Sports Editors BYRON MAYO Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor BERNARD ENGEL Chief Copy Editor ANITA YOUNG Women’s Page Editor GLENN SNYDER World News Editor BETTY BENNETT CRAMER Music Editor Editorial Board Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer Published daily during the college year except Sunday*, Monday*, and holiday* line Snal exam period* by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered a* second-class matter at the pottoffice. Eugene, Oregon._ A Sutmu Reiatt. . . Queen Pat rules over the happiest Junior Weekend Oregon has had in the last five years. When the campus sang of Queen Fllie in 1942, the forces of war already had closed around the ivy-covered walls. \V hen students paraded in the March Gras last year, the echoes of marching feet sounded in their minds. But this year the shadow is gone. Queen Pat s. subjects are numbered in the thousands. Her cares are numbered only by the weather man. And if the traditionalists and the anti-traditionalists can agree that a dunking is better than a drenching Oregon rain, her realm will be free of discord. Hail Queen Pat I! May her short reign be sunny. tW&ekesidl . • . Oregon's sons and daughters are celebrating the new arrivals ■—the visiting Oregon Mothers. Although the moms are sharing the spotlight with Queen Pat, they’re also sharing all the activities of Junior Weekend as members of the Oregon family. While the weekend is far from typical, it is a merry-go-round of events to be enjoyed by the moms and their student sons and daughters together. Oregon welcomes the moms to the "State Fair." They’re all blue-ribbon winners. Telling the Editor ....mini.... About Hacking ... In answer to a letter to the edit or ill Tuesday’s Emerald concern ing the traditional hacking of all persons violating certain traditions of Junior Week, I would like to express my opinion. Traditions are a very vital part of college life. Without them a college is lacking something of considerable importance so far as campus life is concerned. I believe that the 15 signers of the article in Tuesday's Emerald had every right to say what they did. After all, they did help to preserve this country and the things it stands for. I do not, how ewer, agree with them. It is my opinion that a little of what I call fun is highly important in so far as college social life is concerned. No one is anxious to get hacked, but with a little pres ence of mind no one really needs to be. If the tradition was doing any real harm I would definitely be against it. The tradition under discussion is not going to do any person any permanent damage, and if they are sports enough to laugh it off it can do them some good in that they will get the reputation of being good sports. —Chuck Herring. About Regimentation ... The author of “A Tout’s Report,” not content with his usual waste of newsprint, wrote a letter to the Emerald regarding the status of veterans on the campus. From his letter I learned an amazing thing, that I had fought in Germany to make the world safe for the wielders of the paddle. Please forgive me for not knowing my own mind', but I always had the idea that I fought so that any one could say or do anything so long as it did not harm any other person or society. Yes, it may seem strange, but I would much rather "swell with pride and speak of the horrors” of Buchenwald and of the shadows of the men we liberated there, than go into ecstasy over the fact that I could be hacked for not obeying some adolescent tradition. In Ger many we tried to elevate the dig nity of man, here it is being de graded. I’ll admit, however, that we have here only a bush league group of sadists. Perhaps the “15 old men" did not represent the student veterans as Mr. Lau infers, but I think that they do. The veterans here are opposed to any kind.of regimenta tion. As an example of this one need look back only to the basketball games of last term. While the co eds screeched to a deafening cres cendo at the slightest whim of the yell king, the men were conspicu ous by their silence. Most veterans are tired of being pushed around by senseless rules and traditions. I don’t see how any one who has been in the service can take any more of them. Mr. Lau, a freshman, wants to return to "prewar standards.” What does he mean by this phrase? Does tie want to go back to the “country club" era? Does he want to get back to the old time political (Plciisc Turn to Page Seven) From Oratorical Display to'State Fair’... Evolution of Oregon’s Junior Weekend By Dorothy Kienholz “As I sit and dream at evening Of those days now past and gone. . This year, returning veterans and alumni will find many changes in the University of Oregon’s an nual Junior Weekenu. The picturesque canoe fete has been converted to a float parade which will travel down Willamette street and up Thirteenth to the campus Saturday afternoon. Last winter’s flood destroyed part of the race walls and crushed student hopes for reviving the ca noe fete. “And I think of all the old friends Whose memories to me return, I can see them all in fancy As they were in days of yore...” In order to appreciate the sig nificance of Junior Weekend, one must return “to those days now past and gone” when students here at Oregon struggled strenuously over class colors. In the Beginning The year 1890 marks the be ginning of the traditional Week end, at that time sedately called the Junio» Exhibitions. Professor Luella Carson initiated Junior Day so that juniors would have pre liminary preparation for the ora torical contest which commence ment had become after the Failing Beekman prize was inaugurated. Consequently, Junior Day was enlivened only by the presentation of a music and oratorical program. Soon, however, the day became the occasion of a great free-for-all between sophomores and juniors. Flag Waving Wily junior’s conceived the idea of adopting a flag of junior colors with the class numerals upon it. Hidden until Junior Day, it was fastened to the end of a pole and flown triumphantly from a win dow in the nor thwest tower of Vil lard hall. The struggle centered around' the class attempt to fly the banner and show the sopho mores their lowly status. Tactics of warfare became more complex. Under the driving force of necessity, ingenious devices were hatched up by juniors, only to be outdone by more ingenious sopho more schemes. Professor Straub was asked to hide the flag one year, and it was because of his protection that the junior class had a flag to raise when Junior Day arrived. Flag-Pole Sitters During the presidency of Dr. Chapman, a flag-pole was erected near the location of the present staff. Walter B. Dillard, Eugene county clerk in 1944, and two other juniors, spent the night before the traditional day in a large covered wooden box, which was hoisted halfway up the pole. With a hose, food and water, they guarded the flag and its staff from possible attack. However, before they 'were able to raise their flag the next morn ing, sophomores captured the hose and showered the junior strong hold. This persuasive weapon forced the juniors to accept tem porarily a lower station in life as they made a hasty retreat via the pole. Spirit vs. Classes The class spirit which flourished so mightily on Junior Day inter fered with college work. Less than half the students enrolled attend ed classes. It was this state of af fairs which induced President Campbell to make Junior Weekend a real holiday and to replace de structive activity with construc tive work. Instead of painting class signs on buildings, demolishing proper ty, and tormenting each other, the entire student body worked on cam pus projects, such as making paths, paving walks, building and repairing buildings, and dredging and clearing the millrace. This scheme was inaugurated in 1903 under the name of “University Day.” The work accomplished that day was the tearing down and burning of the fence that formerly enclosed the entire campus. In its new form, Junior Day ap pealed to all classes. The girls’ share in the wosk was an all campus dinner served in the eve ning between Friendly -and Mc Clure. After completing their as signed tasks, the boys entertained the girls by forming a serpentine and exhibiting their “rah rah” spirit. Ladylike Applause A May, 1912, Emerald relates, “These inspiring college yells (Oregon Oskiwow Wow and Rah, Rah, Rah, Oregon) called forth ve hement applause from the women of the University who may ap prove but not participate in such outbursts of college feeling.” The inscription, “University Day,” on several of the walks which surround Deady hall, stands as evidence of the origin of Ore gon’s famous weekend, which be came Junior Weekend officially in 1908. Passing the Buck Painting the “O” on Skinner’s Butte became a junior class task in 1908, but mighty juniors usual ly drafted freshmen for the man ual labor while they tyrannically supervised the job. In 1911, the first “Canoe Carni val” as it was called, was held. James Mott, late congressman from Oregon, presented a fiery campaign which won the queen’s crown for Ruth Gibson. The entire carnival and queen’s reign was brought to a hasty close by cold winds and rain. The Canoe fete became a regu lar weekend feature after 1913. The original floats were single canoes decorated with streamers, lights, and flowers. Gradually sev eral canoes were lashed together, and were finally replaced by the prewar barge type float. Theme Selection The juniors added the theme which centered the weekend around one main idea such as “Alice in Wonderland” or “M elody in Spring” or this year’s “State Fair.” Prizes were offered for the be3F floats, and houses paired-off for competition. Some alumni will remember the year when a float called “Statue of Liberty,” came floating grace fully down the race. The strong current got the best of the swim mers guiding the barge, and the lovely Goddess of Liberty executed a beautiful swan dive in front of the grandstand. Burlesque Version Some will remember how the sun shone hot on the bleachers crowded with mamas and papas and their University children, gath ered to witness the 1939 burlesque canoe fete which displayed a dis continuous stream of horesplay, dunking, and contests—the prize winning entry, a takeoff on a Ve netian gondola, gaily bedecked with crepe paper, which overturn ed after it passed the grandstand; the float which consisted of a satflpe on famous men with Mussolini and Hitler playing checkers in front, with F.D.R. yelling “my friends” in typical Rooseveltian manner on the back of the float, and the canoe races. Sports events, superseded the work party in 1914. Other weekend features were dramatic club plays and the Prom, which always ended festivities. Added Attractions Later additions were the tradi tional terrace dance, the all-campus song contest, the sunlight sere nade, the mothers’ luncheon and the frosh-soph tug o’war. In the reconstruction of High way 99 through Eugene, the Uni versity and state highway depart ment have drawn plans for a beau tiful “plaza” and amphitheater\3»“ front of the Dads’ gates, to be used as the center for weekend activi ties. The rough excavation has al ready been done to create a lake in front of the Anchorage and gives hope for the possible* return to “the good old days” when the water still ran deep and cold past the Anchorage. Way Back When . . . Six-Foot Poles Kept Oregon Couples Distant By Trudi Chernis and Dottie Habel Thirty Years Ago The new 400-page Oregana came out, dedicated to William L. Hay ward. Main decorative idea throughout the book was the Uni versity flower, the chrysanthemum. Dean Collins, ’10, wrote “On the Mill Race” especially for the book. “Never in the history of University politics have the students shown so much ‘zaz’ in an election as they did yes terday in the annual choosing of student body officers. Nev er before has such a large per centage of voters turned out to the polls in ‘Old’ Villard to take part in student body af fairs.” That was 30 years ago. What about 1946? “Cubby Hole” was the name at tached to the room where “cubs and scoops, geniuses and would be's assemble to write and rewrite the stuff that is peddled out to the Emerald readers.” Only one dis senter to the idea was heard, the complaint being that it sounded too “comfy” and that it wouldn't be long before “aesthetic professors and moony loverjs” would call it their own. Notice included in an Emer ald shoe ad: “The two very at tractive and b u s i n esslike young ladies who secured this ad promised that it would bring in most of the young la dies and all of the men for shoes. Help them to deliver the goods.” Twenty Years Ago “God of the Sea Rovers” natS— the winning artistic float in the canoe fete of Junior Weekend. Kappa Omicron and Sigma Pi Tau entered the float, which depicted hoary Vikings before the god. First prize for humorous floats went to Alpha Xi Delta and Kappa Sigma, for “Noah’s Ark.” The ark was filled with strange animal noises, Noah steered the boat with an automobile steering wheel, and on sides of the ark were signs, such as “Post No Williams,” “Four Out of Every Five Have It,” “Two Can Live Cheaper Than One.” On the tail lantern, unlighted, was a sign reading, “The Light That Failed.” A report from a student committee outlining the schol astic situation at Oregon made recommendations for a fresh man college distinct from the major University. The fresh men would be given to under stand their insignificance as members of the social commu nity. Through the process of well-organized traditions they would be brought to realize-^^. the limitations of their abilities and capabilities. Each year the (Plcctsc Turn to Page Seven)