Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 08, 1946, Image 1

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Number 120
Hoyt Flays Censorship
In 'Press, Peace’ Talk
Alum, Ex-Oregonian Publisher, Tells
Campus Uninformed World Doomed
‘ This world cannot continue to exist half informed and half
uninformed,” declared Palmer Hoyt in summing up a frank
and hard-hitting lecture given last night in the music school
auditorium in connection with the annual Don R. Mellett
Memorial Lecture series.
Speaking on the subject “The Press and Peace,” the former
Oregonian editor and publisher did not view the present situa
tion with optimism. He painted a black picture about press
(Pledge Turn to Paqc Seven)
—Photo by Don Jones
A preview of the campus clean-up prior to the “State Fair”
Junior Weekend is given to the Pioneer Father by Anne Scrip
ter, clean-up committee chairman, Dorothy Rasmussen, Mig
non Ruth, and June Clayton.
Clean-Up Group Releases
UO Police Detail Pairings
Pair-offs for the preview event of “State Fair” on the Ore
gon campus, the All-Campus Clean-Up, were announced Tues
day by committee chairman Anne Scripter. Each men’s living
organization has been paired with a women’s living organiza
tion to tidy up a designated part of the campus.
The two houses which are judged as looking the neatest will i
Weekend Tickets
On Sale at Co-op
Tickets for Junior Weekend fes
tivities are now on sale at the
Co-op. Hours are 2-5 p.m. today,
1-5 p.m. Thursday, 2-5 p.m. Friday,
and 8-12 Saturday. From tickets
may also be obtained at a ticket
booth between Oregon and Com
merce buildings from 9-12 noon
and 1-2 p.m. each day.
Price for the Prom tickets is
S2.40, the All-Campus sing 50
cents, and the campus dinner 40
cents. Living organization house
managers will receive their tickets
in blocs. Dinner tickets are mis
takenly printed giving the date as
Friday, May 10. The correct date
is Saturday, May 11.
receive a prize of rive dollars worth
of records. The presentation will
be made during the Junior Prom,
Miss Scripter said.
The list of houses and their as
signed areas to clean are:
Alpha Chi Omega-Chi Psi,
library; Alpha Delta Phi-Sigma
Chi, museum; Alpha Gamma
Delta-Omega hall, area including
Condon, museum, library, and
Kincaid; Alpha Hall-Kappa Sigma,
Hendricks hall; Alpha Omicron Pi
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Susan Camp
bell hall; Alpha Phi-Delta Upsiion,
drama shack to women's halls;
Alpha Xi Delta-Thatchers Cottage,
Johnson hall; Chi Omega Campbell
co-op, co-op.
Alpha, Gerlinger; Delta Gamma
Alpha, Gerlinger . . Delta Gamma
Sigma Nu, Friendly; Delta Zeta
Gamma hall, Fenton to Commerce;
Gamma Phi Beta-Sigma Phi Ep
silon, Commerce to tennis courts;
Gerlinger-Alpha Tau Omega, Art
(Please turn tu page three)
Chancellor Urges $700,000
Salary Increase to State Board
By The University News Bureau
Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, retiring chancellor of the Oregon
state system of higher education, in his report Monday to the
finance committee of the state board, recommended a $700,000
increase of the budget to take care of the heavily increased
enrollment of returning war veterans in the several insitutions
of the system.
To Assemble
Alum Ernest Haycox
To Speak At Igloo
Ernest Haycox, novelist and
graduate of Oregon in the class of
'23, will be the speaker at a special
assembly for junior and senior stu
dents in the music school audi
torium at 11 a.m. Thursday. Hay
cox, who became president of the
University of Oregon Alumni as
sociation last December, is coming
to the campus under the sponsor
ship of this organization in order
to acquaint upperclassmen with the
alumni group and give them an
opportunity to meet its head.
Journalism Major
A native Oregonian, Haycox
studied at the University school of
journalism. He began writing
while he was attending Oregon and
sold his first stories at that time.
According to Haycox they were
very elemental stories “the villain
constructed of solid rock and the
stormy waves at sea never being
less than 40 feet high.”
(Please turn to page three)
On the basis of an estimated en
rollment of 5500 to 6000 in Oregon
State college, 4600 in the Univer
sity and proportionate increases at
other schools in the state system,
Chancellor Hunter recommended
an increase of 140 in the combined
staffs and 802 increases in salary,
averaging $371.75. Salaries will re
quire a total increase of $29S,145.27
in the budget.
President's Increase
Hunter recommended an increase
in the basic salaries of the presi
dents of the major institutions
(University and state college) to
$12,000 a year—-the advance to be
made in steps of $1000 each year
until the maximum is reached. The
salaries of deans, now at $5000
level, were placed at $6000 to $7500
in the chancellor’s recommenda
tion, and the compensation of heads
of departments moved up to $5500.
"In face of the present deficit of
highly qualified personnel in schol
arly and technological fields,” said
the chancellor, "these increases'are
highly necessary.”
March Meeting
When the rush of the war veter
ans back to college began last fall
the budgets for all the institutions
and activities of the state system
of higher education totaled $3,
626,355.25. This was raised for the
1946-47 year to $5,166,820.18. Of
this the University is allotted $1,
A typical enforcement scene on the steps of Fenton hall of
former days, shows tradition offenders the punishment that
awaits them during the “State Fair” week.
Tradition Offenders Meet Doom
Under O-Men’s Paddles Today
The second batch of Junior Week- ,
end tradition offenders will go un
der the paddle today, Leroy Erick
son, president of the Order of the
“O” which is policing the regula
tions, announced Tuesday. Names
of Tuesday offenders who must ap
pear at 12:45 p.ra. on the steps of
Fenton hall are: Larry Neer, A1
Putnam, Art Litchman, Don Coran,
Dick Shelton, Tony Malatau, Dan
Benveniste, and Don Malar key.
No women are being punished
during the week, Erickson stated,
but they are being watched' and
will be punished during the all
campus dinner. The campus has co
operated well during this fun-mak
ing tradition enforcement, he said.
The tradition musts which should
be followed during the “State. Fair”
week are: no smoking on the cam
pus, no walking on the grass, say
ing hello on the “Hello Walk” be
tween Fenton and Villard halls.
During the campus dinner, women
and men must not speak to one
R.C. Swank
Heads Libe
Position Vacated '
By Douglass Filled
Named to the position of
librarian of the University li
brary was Dr. Raynard C.
Swank, of the University of
Minnesota. Dr. Harry K. New
bum, president of the Univer
sity, announced Monday. The ap
pointment was confirmed by the
state board of higher education.
Dr. Swank fills the position of
the late M. H. Douglass, librarian
emeritus. Following- Douglass’ re
tirement, Willis Warren, assistant
librarian, filled the position tem
porarily, and when Warren joined
the -military service, Miss Clarice
Krieg, catalog librarian, main
tained the position.
Dr. Swank is in charge of tech
nical processes in the library of
Minnesota, and carries the title of
chief catalog librarian. He will re
ceive a professor rating at the
University. He received his bac
calaureate degree from the College
of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio, in 1934,
and a bachelor of science in library
science at Western Reserve uni
veristy, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1937.
The graduate library school of the
University of Chicago conferred
his doctoral degree on him in 1944.
Dr. Swank is a member of the
American Library association, the
Bibliographical Society of America,
the Association of College and
Reference Librarians, Special
Libraries association, Minnesota
Library association, and the Twin
City Cataloguer’s Round Table. He
has had a number of articles pub
lished in library journals.
Oregana Distribution
To Start Today
Sure to receive campus ap
proval, previewers predict, the. 1
1946 Oregana, bright with i
photographs of the campus in
technicolor, will be distributed
to subscribers today at Me- !
Arthur court from 8 a.m. to '
12 noon and 1 to, 5 p.m.
Oreganas will also be avail- ;
able during the same hours j
Thursday, and Friday from 8
a.m. to 12 noon. i
Shakespeare Film i
Tonight In Chapman
The English film, “Eng- •
land's Shakespeare,” a trav
elouge on the Shakespeare
memorabilia at Stratford-on
Avon, will be featured tonight
in 207 Chapman hall from 7:30
to 10:30 p.m. Also included on.
the program, are two Japa
nese-American films, entitled
' “Go for Broke” and “Challenge
to Democracy,” and a March
of Time edition on the “Na
tion’s Capitol.”
There will be two continu
ous showings of these films, !
and students, faculty members,
and townspeople are invited. :