Druid Food Savers Plan Famine Meal Famine dinners will be the order of the day on the Oregon campus Thursday evening as a part of the Druid program to promote the nation-wide food conservation drive. Druids, junior men’s honorary, is urging all campus living organiza tions to cooperate in this graphic presentation of famine con- j ditions. Stations Feature Junior Weekend Junior Weekend is the theme of the Campus Headline program on stations KEX and KOAC from 9 to 9:30 tonight, according to Mar vin Krenk, assistant director in speech and drama. The script, written by Bob Kirk patrick, “Ox” Wilson, and Shirley Peters, will follow the adventures of a farmer and his wife visiting their coed daughters on Junior Weekend The cast consists of George Wat kins, Helen Sigismund, Bob Kirk patrick, “Ox” Wilson, Barbara Hawkins, and Patricia Metcalf. Floyd Stapp and Claire Lewis will be the featured vocalists, accom panied by Gene Edwards, who will also play solo boogie-woogie. The Omega hall chorus, directed by Jan Kok, and the Alpha Gamma Delta chorus, directed by Marie Peery, and featuring Rose Zena Latta are presenting a preview of the all-campus sing. Floyd Stapp and Bonnie Chappell will also pre sent solo pieces on the program. Co-chairmen of the weekend, Marilyn Sage and Tom Kay, will appear to explain in detail the ac tivities of the event. The Weekend queen, Pat Metcalf, will be inter viewed during th headline produc tion. Leading off the conservation | program Thursday will be guest ' speaker Clyde L. Walker, executive i vice-chairman of jobs for veterans in Oregon, who will speak at an all-campus assembly in McArthur court at 11. Walker will come to the campus as -a representative from the office of Joe Carson, state chairman for the food con servation program. Rex Gunn, freshman in journa lism, will give his speech, “Two Hours of Sunshine,” at the as sembly. Gunn’s speeeh took second prize at the Pacific forensic speech league contest held at Stockton, California. Menu which Bass Dyer, Druid president, suggested Tuesday for living organiaztions to follow dur ing their famine dinner is: 1 small dish of potato soup, 1 small corn pone with very little marmalade, and 1 very small piece of cheese. Purpose gf this dinner, Dyer ex plained, is to portray conditions in the famine area. Charles Howard, professor of law, who is assisting Druids in their campaign, said Tuesday that Walker will speak “from great ex perience on the European continent where he faced first-hand the prob lems of famine.” Walker, who majored in political science, graduated from the University in the class of ’38. While on the cam pus he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega and Scabbard and Blade and was active in athletics f Please Turn to Pape Eight) ATO Sweetheart and ATO To Star in 'Dear Brutus’ Marge Allingham To Play 'Caroline1 By Dorothy Thomson Lady Caroline in “Dear Brutus” is capably played by1 a busy little junior named Marjorie Allingham. Not con-! tent with her many duties as vice-president of Delta Delta Delta, business manager of the University theater, and secretary to Horace Robinson and Ottilie Seybolt. she also takes active par ticipation in dramatics. Her current role calls for the characterization of a pampered society woman dripping with affectations. “Dear Brutus” is the tenth show for which she has been business manager. She has acted in three of the plays, namely “Trojan Wo men,” “The Time of Your Life,” and “Dear Brutus” and was as sistant director for “Liliom.” She has also been active on the stage crews of all the shows this year. Twenty-year-old Marge is very enthusiastic about mountain climb ing and she likes to play tennis with Jack Miller. “He’s trying to teach me but I'm afraid it’s kind of a slow process,” she laughed. Radio Ham Marge is also an amateur radio operator or “ham” and has her own transmitter at home in Tigard, Oregon. She is definitely interested in radio work and is employed by Portland’s station KGW in the summer. She plans to go into some phase of radio work when she is —graduated next year. She attended Girl’s Polytechnic high school in Portland where she was president of the student body. (Please Turn to Page Eight) ! 888 mmtXSSBs. , MARGE ALLINGHAM and JACK MILLER Theta Sigs Tap Top Newswomen; Holbrook to Address Matrix Table STEWART HOLBROOK Guest of honor at the Theta Sigma Phi Matrix Table banquet tonight. Gus Arnheim Spotlighted During 'State Fair* Prom The premiere dance of spring term, the Junior Prom, will feature Gus Arnheim and his orchestra, Dorothy Davis, “State Fair” Prom chairman has announced. The Prom will have the tapping of Druids, junior mens’ honorary, during its inter mission as well as the presentation of Koyl and Gerlinger cups for the most outstanding man and woman on the Oregon campus. -- Gus Arnheim was “discovered" ac a piano player in a band at the Coconut Grove, Los Angeles, where he later played an eighteen months’ engagement as the direc tor of his own band. He is an acclaimed writer of popular songs and has to his record such hit numbers as “I Cried for You,” “Mandalay,” “It Must Be True,’.’ “Sweet and Lovely,” “Was I Wrong,” “I’m Gonna Get You,” “Put Your Little Arms Around Me,” “I Surrender Dear,” “At Your Command,” “Under the Palms,” and others. When music had its advent on the screen, Gus Arnheim was quickly drafted into service. He was featured in the motion pic tures “Street Girl,'.’ “Puttin’ On the Ritz,” “Flying High,” “The Cuban,” “Her Majesty Love,” and many others. A few years ago Gus Arnheim and his orchestra left for a limited' tour of theatres which ended ini New York. They then went abroad: where they played at the Savoy1 GUS AHNHEIM Hotel in London and Les Ambassa deurs in Paris. Popular acclaim de manded their return to the Savoy for three months and after an en gagement at the Royal Hotel in Belgium, the band returned to the United States and appeared at the Cocoanut Grove, Los Angeles. (Please 7 urn to Page Plight) Annual Banquet Calls 300 Oregon Journalists Jeanne Simmonds, sopho more in journalism, and June Goetze. freshman in journalism, nave been named outstanding- ‘ women in their classes in jour nalistic activities by Theta Sigma Phi, women’s national pro fessional journalism honorary. Miss Simmonds, who was named outstanding freshman by the or ganization last year, is news edi tor of the Emerald. Miss Goetze works regularly in all phases of Emerald publication and attended the Pacific Northwest College coiv ference. The two girls will be honored at Matrix table, annual banquet spon sored by Theta Sigma. Phi, to be held this evening at 6 p.m. at the Eugene hotel. Stewart H. Holbrook, outstand ing Oregon writer will be guest of honor at the banquet and will speak on the title of his forth coming book, “Lost Men in Ameri can History.” Over 300 women in journalism throughout the state and outstanding- campus women will be guests at the banquet. Alumni members of Theta Sigma Phi are urged to attend. Yvonne Zeek is chairman of the affair. Campus Cemetery Center of Campaign Oddfellows Clean-Up Due Memorial Day To clean up the old Oddfellows cemetery adjacent to the campus before Memorial day, a city cam paign will be conducted by the Pi oneer Memorial Park association from now until May 15, according to Ben F. Dorris, chairman of the trustees. Eyler Brown, acting dean of the school of art, is preparing sketches of the cemetery as it will look after the proposed program is carried out. At least $1500 will be needed to clean out the cemetery, and there is a possibility that a permanent endowment fund may toe establish ed if enough money is contributed. Among the improvements which will be made are the trimming of trees, keeping a well-kept lawo, and generally cleaning up the cem etery. Contributions may be sent to the First National Bank of Eugene or to Treasurer Fred Stickels, 117 East Broadway. Checks should be made out to the “Cemetery Cleanup Fund.” The committee would like to have the full names and addresses of donors. Members of the committee arc Ben F. Dorris, chairman; Dr. M. C. Harris, secretary; Fred Stickels, treasurer; and John Pennington and Russell Evans. i ' Lunch Tickets Due AH money for tickets to tho junior-senior luncheon must bo turned in to the YWCA bunga low today. i