Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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Business Manager
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Art Litchman, Tommy Wright
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Chief Copy Editor
Women’s Page Editor
World News Editor
Music Editor
juunviuxi nvaiu
Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer
Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays ®na
final exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the pot toff ice. Eugene, Oregon.
^binectixuil ia the Pall&
• • •
The polls will be in pandemonium on the day of ASUO
elections unless the executive council takes sonic steps to make
tiling's run more smoothly.
First, with about 3700 students enrolled, two’polling places
are needed. If possible, the YMCA and YWCA should be used,
and the registration book divided alphabetically.
Second, the status of special students should be determined
by the executive council. The names of many of them were not
in the polling book at freshman election, but some were allowed
to vote after their standing had been checked. It’s up to the
council to clarify their voting status before the book is made up
this spring so that varification with Johnson hall will be cut to
a minimum.
Third, the council should make it clear whether social or
academic standing is to be used in voting for class officers. The
polling books will be based on the students’ academic standing;
the students will expect to vote by social standing. If the books
are to be used, all the people without junior certificates should
know ahead of time that they’re voting in the sophomore class.
Otherwise, the council moght put class voting on an honor
system and take the student’s word for it.
Fourth, the council should decide what identification is
necessary. Requiring the registration card doesn't work as a
hard, fast rule. Substitute identification should be listed.
With improved polling booths and with all the service
honoraries assisting, the elections can be conducted a little more
efficiently. Without attention to these details, the polls will not
be able to draw a vote in proportion to the size of the student
The Odeon committee this year shovfcd the good taste
of a window dresser who realizes it is better to exhibit a few
wares tastefully than to set up a display that looks like an in
in streamlining the show Sunday, the committee achieved
a balance of music, dance, and literature. The Odeon magazine
supplemented the literary portion in including longer works
which deserved publication.
In previous years, the length of the shiw has distracted from
the work offered. Members of the audience cometimes felt they
were seeing a complete stock of studnt creative art. This year
in the compactness of the hour-and-a-half show, they'- were
given a selection of work chosen as a sample. If the abridged
edition of Odeon created a desire to see the more complete
works, all the better.
The 1946 Odeon showed that the idea, once established, was
not going to remain unchanged. Its place in University life is
set, but its pattern will be adjusted as time' goes by.
In a hurry? Weaving in and out of traffic, passing on hills
and curves, may save you a minute or lose you a lifetime,
You can't charge through traffic without paying for it eventu
ally. You may be hell-bent, but don’t insist on company.—
.National Safety Council.
The world’s best driver can wreck an unsafe car. One minor
part may cause a major accident. Be sure your brakes are good
to the last stop.—National Safety Council".
■QrieA BecJzouMt and *7ammy cMag/fa'id'l
Last weekend was no bore
Dances and parties galore;
Pins were given and snatched back,
Of gaiety and joy there was no lack;
But the biggest news we must confide
Is that they’re selling beer in the Side.
A line on the lovers: Beaucoup
pin-plantings we have, and here’s
a couple from the Chi Psi lodge.
Jack Ruble and Theta Carolyn
Tyler; Terry Metcalf and Delta
Gamma Patty Berg . . . Dick Laird
and Fee Marilyn Moore were givin’
a sharp rendition of the “Beta
Mating Call” song at the picnic
of the house of the same name
Sunday . .. G. Dune Wimpress rang
the impression bell at the Pi Phi
house recently when he sent a flock
of the new initiates one dozen
booful roses . . . Chi O Kay Schnei
der took the shower count from
the SAEs Sunday, but doesn’t know
why . . . Nostalgia: SPE Ed Mar
shall demanded absolute quiet
during the Marie Rogndahl-Law
rence Tibbett broadcast Sunday.
The lad used to date the lady . . .
Add combos: Joe Driscoll, DU, and
Jean Krebs, Tri-Delt, a new com
bination . . .
Mainstem talk: Alpha Chi Fran
Haffner and Sigma Nu Dick Wil
kins are in the casual stage . . .
Phi Delt pledge Hal Schick is
havin’ plenty of trouble in dating
popular Jo Ann Knight, Gamma
Phi . . . Alpha Gam Marion Salt
ness broke her engagement to
Jack Edwards of the Oregon med
school. Sherry Ross’ Chuck Tyson
is getting the nod in that league
these days . . . Gamma Phi Mary
Decker and Sigma Chi Dave Waite
are a pair . . . Fiji Ted Pillup is on
the inside track with Alpha Chi
Pat Silvers . . . Add daters: ADPi
B. J. Nicolson and Theta Chi Merv
Haskins . . . Wonder why Pi Phi
Joan Hickey was so flustered about
going through the ring at the Chi
Psi house dance . . . Kappa Marian
Lee Velliers and H. eers„ Chi
Psi, had a terrif time at his haws
danse . . .
Corraling the chatter: Another
pin-planting and the happy people
are Joanne Utz, Delta Zeta, and
Kappa Sig Don Wingate . . . Theta
Caralee Lockwood threatens bodily
harm to the next person who calls
her “Legs” . . . Heat is simmer
ing in the new romance that
features beauteous Eleanor Wal
lace, Alpha Chi, and Phi Psi Larry
Lau . . . Alpha Gam Rose Zena
Latta is dividing her time between
Jack Dalton and Don Korn . _ .
Several of the Kappas showed the
town to visiting SAEs on the Uni
versity of Washington baseball
team. Good time had by all . . .
Chi O June Johnson sported her
fiance, George Lockover, at the
“Temptation” house dance Sat.
eve. . . . She’s engaged, lovely, and
uses Pond’s. We mean ADPi
Nancy Mutz who accepted a spark
ler from Bud Allen, army lad
stationed at Fort Lewis . . . Lynn
Renick is impressed with Phi Psi’s
Vic Selman.
Bulletins from the boys: At the
Delta Zeta “Bamboo Ball” the old
Hawaiian custom was carried out
when dates and escorts received
leis . . . Best movie to hit in
Eugene in week’s was the cinema
production screened at the State:
“Lives and Loves of Colonel
Blimp.” We heartily recommend it
(Please tarn to page seven)
Graft and Corruption
After a lengthy debate over the conscription extension
question, the House of Representatives finally compromised
on a bill which passed, 290 to 108. The Senate has yet to put in
its say on the matter so the issue is still up in the air.
The House measure satisfied the pro-conscription people
because it would continue the draft. It satisfied the anti-con
scnption people because it would
n’t allow anyone to be drafted. This
is the first known time in recorded
history that a legislative body has
passed what is known as a draft
less draft. No teen-age boys will be
called, fathers will be exempt, and
for five months no one at all will
be inducted. After that time has
elapsed, the responsibility for draft
continuation would rest with Presi
dent Truman, who would have the
unpleasant privilege of making a
decision on the touchy matter just
a few days before fall elections.
A correspondent with an illegible
signature writes, “. . . let's have
more than a glass of water, a grain
of salt, and your ‘everything is
being ironed out’ line. A great
deal can happen in two years. Let’s
wait awhile before predicting Tru
man’s re-election. There are better
men than he for the presidency,
men with a better background in
foreign relations for one thing."
* * *
This column did not predict Tru
man's re-election, just his renomi
nation by the Democratic party.
Now that the Republicans have
chosen to masquerade as liberals,
anything can happen in the 1948
contest. Their candidate will tin- ;
doubtedly be Harold Stassen. The
boys in the back room, however,!
will be the representatives of the
right wing. This was made certain
at the last meeting of the Republi
can national committee, when the
ultra-conservative Mr. Reece of
Tennessee was elected chairman
over progressives like Danaher of
Connecticut, and Mr. Hanes, right
hand man for the late Wendell
Willkie. The inter-party repercus
sions resulting from the selection
of Reece revealed the hopeless
split which now exists in the Re
publican party. In Portland on
Saturday this condition found ex
pression in a speech by Henry
Cabot Lodge Jr. Earlier, Senator
Morse let fly with the statement
that the National Committee
“listened to the same old cliches
and reactionary nostrums ad
nauseum which have produced Re
publican defeats since 1932.’’
Well, the GOP wants the right
people in the jobs that count. But
now it’s standard operating pro
cedure for the Republicans to have
.a liberal as a presidential candi
date, just so he isn't too liberal.
And there’s nothing to worry about
in Harold Stassen. What qualifies
this man for the presidency will be
decided by the same publicity
machine which transformed Willkie
from a corporation lawyer to a
barefoot boy from Indiana.
What has Stassen done and
what does he stand for? He was'
governor of Minnesota, served on
Halsey’s staff in the Pacific, at
tended the Frisco conference, and
has made himself useful lately by
making profound statements on
non-controversial issues. He took a
dynamic stand in favor of world j
(PI ease twn to iage seven) j
Jam for
By Ted Hallock
“Suds” Chaney and “Pops” Win
dus may try it again. The booking
business, that is. This time, assum
ing G. Coffey doesn’t wish to, the
boys will import Boyd Raeburn
(with a little incidental financial
support) during the latter part of
May. Seems a shame that experi
enced promoters won’t take a risk
with Boyd. Shy away from him as
terrifically as they would swallow
Sammy Kaye whole, mixed quartet
et al. Bonne chance, fellahs.
Two new local smallies organiz
ed': Bob Fox and Gene Edwards.
Both are Available Joneses. Hint
to shopping H. D. Com heads. Not
familiar with personnels. Fox plays
fine tenor, Edwards good piano. If
nothing else, both outfits have
helped answer the need for music.
And have stimulated competition
more than somewhat, though I’m
not a musician myself. —
Be-Bop and Newspapers
Credit the professional (musical)
press for a sensible attack beamed
at the laymen’s (people’s) press
for their absurd editorial foray
into the field of lyric analysis. The
expression “Be-bop” is being bann
ed, station by station, from air
shot appearances, on the ground
that it is bqwdy, possibly degen
erate, and certainly not Keatsish.
I wonder that “Onezy-Twozey”
still exists. Could be extremely
dangerous pro-Soviet double-talk.
And how about “Mairzy Doats” ?
We could go mad just thinking
about the possible vicious double
meanings behind these meaty lyric
nuances. Even Time was sucked in,
to the extent of reading narcotic
references into Dizzy Gillespie’s
somewhat awful tone poem Ҥah;
Peanuts.” Where America’s so
called sense of humor?
Crew Cuts: Don Lamond has
been sparking Herman’s gang on
tubs for several months. Replaced
Dave Tough’s replacement . . .
Ralph Cillier, ex-Shaw, BG, and
everyone, joined Bob Crosby in L.
A. His drums are played tastefully
. . . Kenneth Kersey, 88ist rumored
to join N. Grantz’ “J. at the P.”
touring troupe, has just merged
with Teddy McRae at NY’s Zan
zibar (McRae is ex-Chick Webb
concert-master-tenorist. . . Slam
Stewart, with own trio on 52nd
lane, has added a git to make a
foursome. . . Ray Linn dropped
Raeburn (not vice-versa) for the
proposed N.W. tour. . . no one has
left Woody yet.
Radio Fight
Watch for a contest between lo
cal radio stations when KUGN
gets its towers up. Point in
tion is who will build the greater
listening audience and how soon.
How it affects musicians: both
stations, in spite of KORE’s Mu
tual net commitments, may begin
to carry local dance remotes to
pad those dull after-tennish hours.
KUGN might go net and battle its
rival with Palladium vs. Streets of
Paris orks, or both may give Eu
gene musikers a break and feed
from the Park, Holland, etc. At
least KOAC is leading the parade
in that direction now, with clear
ance-free shots from OSC and Ore
gon, featuring (giving a chance
to) Oregon bands.
Names of Note: Connie Haines
singling at NY’s Martinique. . .
Johnny Bothwell opening Virginia
Beach, Va., in May. . . Our boy
Charles Trenet, directly from a
long engagement with the *FFI,
opens the Embassy (NY) this
month and should hack every
drooler in said big city within a
week, for our dough. . . Johnny
Desmond, the larynx to watch,
smashing things with Beneke ba«ft
Mercer Ellington debuting own
band on Aladdin discs.
Oregon’s mild English teacher
(Plccisc Turn to Page Seven)