Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 30, 1946, Image 1

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VOLUME XLV11 Number 114
—-Photo by Don Jones
Backers of the food conservation program on the Oregon campus which will feature a state
food authority, at an all-campus assembly Thursday, are Druids, newly-reorganized junior
men's honorary. Members of the society are, first row, G. Duncan Wimpress, alumni member
and faculty adviser, Herb Penny, secretary-treasurer, Bill McLennan, second.row, Gil Roberts,
\\ ally Johnson, Bass Dyer, president, Tom Kay, Benny Di Benedetto, and By Mayo, vice
president. Bob Davis was not present when the above, picture was taken.
Speech, ChorusSpotlighted
InJMusic Programs Tonight
Dr. Elston to Present
Lecture On Stravinski
Oregon students who have
their private opinion of Stra
vinski—the early or the later
—will have a sounder basis for
appraisal after Dr. Arnold
Elston’s illustrated Stravinski
lecture, scheduled in the music
school auditorium tonight at 8 p.m.
In this instance the later Stra
vinski will be examined. Dr. Elston
has observed that the cool recep
tion by the general public accord
ed the Russian modernist’s recent
works, is in sharp contrast to the
warm enthusiasm attended to his
initial successes, for example, “The
Firebird,’’ “Petrouchka” and the
“Rites of Spring.’’
‘Old’ Stravinski
Music-lovers recall that those
compositions were written in the
“good old days” when Stravinski
was observing formalities of musi
cal scheme.
However, as it inevitably comes
to all artists, psychological,
spiritual, and political change came
to Igor Fiodorovich Stravinski. He
reduced the structure of his com
positions to the bare necessities
of motion and form. Soon lie was
composing ballets with such out
of-this-world titles as, “Card Party,
A Ballet in Three Deals.” In 1938
he wrote a concerto entitled “Dum
barton Oaks.”
. Musicians to Play
Tuesday night Dr. Elston and
■Mrs. Louise Robson will play Stra
fvinski's “Sonata for Two Pianos,”
fand George Boughton, assistant
-jHnofessor of violin, will perform on
the same program two movements
from the “Duo Concertante for
Violin and Piano,” both impres
(Plcase 7 urn to Page Eight)
Women's Choral Club
Presents Spring Fete
George Hopkins, professor of
piano at the music school, will
be guest soloist this evening,
when the Women’s Choral club
of Eugene presents their an
nual spring concert in Mc
Arthur court at 8:15.
The group, consisting of 74
voices, has been active in Eugene
for about 10 years and gives con
certs annually each spring and fall.
Chairman is Mrs. Maud Densmore
and the musical direction is under
the leadership of Glenn Griffith
of Eugene high school.
Following the Star Spangled
Banner, the first portion of the
program will consist of three selec
tions, “The United Nations March”
by Shostakovich, “Send Forth Thy
Spirit” by Schuetky, and “When
Children Pray” by Fenner.
Mr. Hopkins first appearance on
the program will compose the
second part of the evening. He
will play “Lagunita” by Elmerco,
“Clare de Lune,” and “Golli
wogg’s Cake Walk” by Debussy.
Following this the Women’s
Chorus will sing “Serenade” and
“O Peaceful Calm” by Schubert,
“A Spirit Flower” by Campbell
Tipton, and “Carmencita,” a Mexi
can number arranged by Riegger.
Contralto parts will be sung by
Margaerite Saunders and the so
prano obligato by Doris Siegen
thaler, Rea Rice, and Elizabeth
The fourth section of the pro
gram will again feature Hopkins
at the piano playing “Bercuese”
and the popular “Polonnaise” in
A-Flat, by Chopin.
The final portion of the program
(Please Turn to Page Eight)
Petitions for Directory
Any student interested in
editing or managing the stu
dent directory tor the school
year 1946-47 must hand in his
or her application to the edu
cational activities office by
noon May 13.
Druid Campaigners
Plan Food Assembly
Speaker from State Food Director's Office
To Highlight Campus Conservation Drive
Highlighting, a campaign sponsored by Druids, junior men’s
onorary, to assist in President Truman’s food program will
be an all-campus assembly Thursday, May 2 with a speaker
from Joe Carson’s office, which is directing the food drive here
in Oregon.
The assembly will be at 11 a.m., Bass Dyer, Druid president
ociiu ivjLuuuay, ana an university i
students should attend.
Purpose of the -campus cam
paign is to assist the program
laid down by President Truman
in a recent nation-wide plea.
Center of the Druid program will
be the following request:
Cut waste# and eat less wheat
products, fats, and oils—substitu
ting foods that are’ plentiful. Re
duce the use of bread and other
What foods by 40 per cent; fats
and oils by 20 per cent.
Aiding Druids in this campaign
is Charles Howard, professor of
law. Mr. Howard recently re
turned from the famine area in
Europe and is furnishing much in
formation on the situation over
All campus living organizations
should take steps now, Dyer em
phasized, to carry through the
president’s program. Complete use
of heels of loaves of bread and
stale bread should be attempted.
House mothers, house managers
and cooks should review their
present food situation to see where
it may help the campaign, he said.
Living organiaztions should urge
all their members to attend the
Thursday assembly.
Figures given by the U. S. De
partment of Agriculture show that
while the United States has been
consuming food at a daily rate of
about 3,400 calories per person,
the urban population in half of
Europe is existing on less than
2,000 calories per capita a day
and in some areas they receive
less than 1,500 calories per capita
a day.
Theta Sigma Plans
Holbrook Banquet
Speaking on the title of Iris
forthcoming book, "Lost Men of
American History,” Stewart Hol
brook, prominent Oregon author,
Will be guest of honor at Matrix
table, annual banquet sponsored by
the University of Oregon chapter
of Theta Sigma Phi, women's na
tional professional journalism hon
Honoring women in journalism
throughout the state, the banquet
will be held at the Eugene hotel
at 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 1. Oven
300 Oregon journalists and out
standing women students in the
University have been invited to bo
guests at the banquet.
General chairman for the affair
is Yvonne Zeek, assisted by Vir
ginia Harris, banquet arrange
ments; Maryann Howard and Re
becca Tarshis, guests; Nona Brad
ley, invitations; and Margie Mc
Neel, publicity. Mary Margaret
Ellsworth is president of the or
Deller SPE Pledge
■William Deller, sophomore in
physical education, was pledged to
Sigma Phi Epsilon, not Sigma Al
pha Epsilon, as previously report
ed in the Emerald. Alsp pledged to
Sigma Phi Epsilon was Bob Merz,
whose name did not appear in the
Odeon Exhibit Features Campus Talent
From Every University Artistic Field
By Gloria Smith
Odeon’s music groups went
on the stage in a colorful
variety, and when the program
ended, it was this very variety
that was outstanding. Not
only choral works for a capella,
but accompanied choral arrange
ments, folk songs, art song, piano,
violin, and string quartet were
found in the groups.
In “Canticle and Gloria,” the
composer not only attempted to
express the music in a sacred tra
dition, but h9d actually disciplined
herself in the style of Palestrina
of the 16th century.
Jan Kok’s “Sonatina” used con
temporary speech with consider
able rythmic and harmonic vitality,
while Margie Folsom's “Lament”
followed a romantic tradition.
This variety in the program
gave an impression that the class
rooms are teaching the students
to develop talents along their own
individual line.
“The music teachers,” Arnold
Elston, assistant professor cf
music said, “are attempting to
teach the students that they have
a responsibility in the line in which
they write, but they are not try
ing to channelize their thinking.”
By Hans Wold
Highlighting the Odeon ex
hibit held on the Gerlinger sun
porch Sunday evening were the
entries of the design classes,
featuring both illustrations and
print goods.
Included in this display was an
original wall hanging designed by
Henry Heine, student in design I.
The design, done in an array of
colors on a yellow-green back
ground, illustrates scenes drawn
from the artists travels in the
South Pacific and Hawaii. The
original stencil was hand cut and
the muiti-colored areas were filled
in separately, using a stencil brush.
An example of colorful design
was a hand painted western style
batik head scarf done by Beverly
Slaney, design II student. Separat
ing lines of wax were used to pre
vent the dyes from running to
gether. The entire process is an
adaption of an original art which
originated in India in - the fourth
century and spread along the
Asiatic coast to Java.
A kimcna, featuring an oriental
type neck and border stencil de
sign, done in pastel shades of
lavender and green, was displayed
by June Bernhardt, design I
(Please Turn to Page Tight)
By Christine Christian
Veteran verse by former
G. I.’s—this was poetry that
held the true emotion of the
returned veteran. This last
group of poetry, sub-titled
veteran verse should receive
honors for the poetry groups. If
timeliness had been its only feature
it would have rated high, but these
were excellent portrayals of a
G. I.’s life and emotions, by three
veteran poets, Robert I. Doyle,
Gene D. W. Edwards, and Francis
Charles Politz’ satire, “Sex,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Must Out.’”,
proved to be the evening's high
light in humor. Directed towards
the enlightenment of faculty mem
bers, it found more listeners than
the group to which it was directed.
In the dance groups, Shirley
Cox’ “Lament” and Dorothy Ci.r
j I'ier's “Conquest" were outstaml
j ing in their interpretive portrayal.
| Miss Currier carried out the life
and vividness required of the dance.
According to Janet Woodruff, as
sociate professor of physical edu
cation, the lack of facial expres
■ n in the group dance “Cele
bration” was its main drawback.
“On the whole,” Miss Woodruff
said, ”1 thought the dance numbers
were very well portrayed.”