Brecon W Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager MARGUERITE WITTWER Managing Editor GEORGE PEGG Advertising Manager JEANNE SIMMONDS News Editor MARILYN SAGE, WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors Art Litchman, Tommy Wright Co-Sports Editors BYRON MAYO * Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor BERNARD ENGEL Chief Copy Editor ANITA YOUNO Women’s Page Editor GLENN SNYDER World News Editor BETTY BENNETT CRAMER Music Editor Editorial Board Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer Published daily during the college year except Sunday!, Monday!, and holiday! ana Inal exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Enteted a> second-class matter at the poctoffice. Eugene, Oregon. Political Penance , . . Some of the boys had a theme song when they came back to Oregon from the wars. It went something like this: “Party politics here we come—right back where we started from.” The revival of some of the old political strategy, such as the rotation system of candidacy, was expected. The amount of talk about the “good old days” indicated that some of the returnees were very eager to take up their college life right where they left it. However, even died-in-the-wool party-liners didn’t expect such a literal return to the past. Let’s reminisce a little with those who are harking back to 1942-43. In that year, a number of houses who did not have representation on the Greek bloc pulled out of the bloc. They formed a coalition with the Independents and won the election. Now, three years later, some of those houses are doing penance for their action. A review of the situation from all sides would sound like a choice chapter from “Barefoot Boy with Cheek,” and the bloc bosses would lie the first to see the humor in the ways of campus politics. After a good laugh had cleared the air, some students might regret that the road hack to the pre-war days had been so easy. • • 0dearth Student originated, student sponsored, and student pro duced, the University’s fourth annual Odeon will present the culmination of a year's creative effort tomorrow afternoon.and evening on the Gerlinger sun porch and in the music audi torium. A unique aspect of campus life, Odeon will portray student thought and design in an effort to encourage and recognize original manuscripts, musical compositions, artistry, and dance forms. These creative attempts of the collegiate youth describe the trend of the general and specific student—the veteran and the non-veteran, the light-hearted and the’ serious thinker, the casual and the studious observer of life, as viewed from the U of O campus. Its student sponsors have worked for greater realization of original and creative efforts in planning the 1946 Odeon. [Whether the students appreciate and encourage their fellow students at this affair will be proved bv the apathy or enthusi asm that will greet this year's performance. Telling the Editor iiiiiuiimiiM About Larson . .. I was very glad when I noticed Mr. Lnrson's column, “Graft and Corruption." Even though he con siders himself a conservative, his expressed opinions on Mr. Tru man and the OPA are fair enough to appeal to all political factions. I am certain that he gives much thought to his column. We certain ly need more Webfoots like Mr. Larson and Mr. Hallock, who will give their time in reporting and an alyzing world news from a collegi ate viewpoint. Lewis Knight. About 'Graft'. . . Just where does our school paper dig up the men who write its col umns? Does our school paper think it is doing us a service by allowing such articles as "Graft and Corrup tion" by Mr. Larson to appear in print ? I hope it cannot be truthful and give a positive answer to this ques tion. The column in question is full of prejudices, discrepancies, and contradictions. Since when is Tru man tlie only man who can hold the Democratic party together or the man who held it together in 194-1? He is nothing more than a "stool-pigeon” who was catapulted in the wrong direction. Since when has Truman been solving our prob lems with “disgusting efficiency"? (Another of Mr. Larson's numer ous coined, meaningless phrases: he must be trying to compete with Clare Booth Luce.) If Mr. Larson must write a col (Please tinn t