Page 2 DAILY EMERALD Wednesday, April 24, 1946 Oregon %' Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager GEORGE PEGG Advertising Manager JEANNE SIMMOND8 News Editor MARILYN SAGE, WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors Art Litchman, Tommy Wright Co-Sports Editors BYRON MAYO Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor BERNARD ENGEL Chief Copy Editor ANITA YOUNG Women’s Page Editor JACK CRAIG World News Editor BETTY BENNETT CRAMER Music Editor Editorial Board Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays tmo Anal exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the poctoffice. Eugene, Oregon. fyaad lab famine . . . Saving food for famine on the campus does not necessarily mean eating less. Meals at living organizations seldom are bounteous; and many a coed purposely sticks to a minimum diet. It does mean substitution and prevention of waste. The University conservation program will be centered around this plea of President Truman’s emergency committee: Cut waste and eat less wheat products, fats and oils—substi tuting foods that are plentiful. Reduce the use of bread and other wheat products by 40 per cent; fats and oils by 20 per cent. In many living groups it would be difficult to eat less wheat products; the amount of bread and cereal consumed is not great. Because they are hard to find, the amount of butter, oleomar garine, and cooking fats and oils has already been cut. Probably the best chance for saving is the prevention of waste. Each house should see that more food than can be con sumed is not cooked and served. Leftovers, even though the diners know that they are leftovers, should be utilized. No bread or butter should be thrown away. These, suggestions are obvious'; but it is up to each house to act. When people in Europe and Asia are near starvation, every slice of bread and each pat of butter counts. In sponsoring the food for famine campaign on the campus, Druids needs every ounce and every pound of material support we can give. * * * Now that Easter is over and the food for famine campaign is underway, it’s time to start that diet you planned for after Christmas. # • • fy>uun the dank*. Emerald workers of the khaki years nicknamed her the Little Beaver. In two years she has lost the diminutive, but her chances of discarding the rest of the tag are slim. As editor of the Emerald for 1946-47, Marguerite Wittwer •will find plenty of exercise for her capacity for work. Looking ahead, she can see some of the problems the campus will face— crowded classrooms, housing shortages, overworked and under paid faculty, and all the other conditions caused by the increased enrollment. Her job will be to keep the students informed of the. •University’s affairs and to share in the solutions of the prob lems peculiar to the year. In the Emerald tradition, she has come up through the ranks of the news room and steps into the editor’s position with three years of training in tracking down University news. That training, plus the personal qualities she puts into her work, won her the position of editor. Applied next year, it will win for the Emerald the recognition of the University and national critics. /Jmebicatt*Gaunt . . . AMERICAN COURT The choice of a Rose Festival princess by the students ol Commerce high school in Portland is one of the most encourag ing' features of race relations in Oregon since the pre-war daj*s In selecting a Chinese student to represent the school in the court of Rosaria, Commerce students did not self-conscious^ wave the banner of democracy. They recognized, in their elec tion. that beauty, brains, and personality.are not racial but in dividual characteristics. When that realization sinks into millions of American minds The United States can stop talking about race problems anc start living up to one phase of democracy. “New students are warned to visit photographer.” It reall) isn’t so bad. You never see the pictures. Browsing... With Joe Young Kahlil Gibran . .. “And how shall you rise beyond your days and nights unless you break the chains which you at the dawn of your un derstanding have fastened around your noon hour?” ... I don’t know . . . But these days the dawn of my understanding seems re mote when compared to the ma teriality of the fresh but sleepy start each day. . . — XIO NG morning can be guaran teed to be a good morning at 0745—but the bright spot, ex ceeded only by the sun when it chances to shine down Thir teenth avenue, is the Emerald stop at the Co-op. . . No, it isn’t [always this eight-page accountal and recountal that is the climax after another baconless breakfast. . . This plaudit-paragraph goes to the ingenious and capable hands behind the Co-op show win dows . . . and their plate glass tabloids of the collegiate wants and wares — always worth a later look even when your aren’t in the purchasing mood. — UO — This is the season for panoramic pilgrimages by the landscaping lads and lasses . . . the prospective Olmsteads are beginning to pore over good green growth. . . The bibliophile at the libe cast mis understanding scholastic looks on this type of verdant education of arborvitae, spirea, and viburnam as the flora-fraternity strolls to ward the Greek sidewalks. . . And from the vegetality of landscape lore it is an easy glance up to the vitality of roof slaps decorated with sunning visions of Minerva’s and Madonna’s. . . Who cares about spirea? tllllli;illlll!l!lll!!!l!IIM!lllillllll!illll!l!!ll!llllllll!ll!llllll!l!!ll!ll!l!lll!!lll!l|!llilll!llll!lllliilinrl! One of the most recent acces sions to that collection of books listed as reading property of “The Youngs” is an Alaskan experience —a character sketch of the land and its people. . . The front flap said it is a book “to be read at night by a fireplace.”. . It must be good advise because Pat took it word for word and curled up in her favorite chair beside the fire place and says it reads just like George talks. . . Sometime Again needs no re view, and George Hall needs no introduction. . . Alaskan duty dur ing the war, but “it is not a war book, nor is it a travelogue ... It is not a history nor does it delve into the politics or economics . . . rather, it is a story of some un usual happenings ... a story of the grubby, earthy, humorous, real kind of people who are Alaskans . . . the reactions of an unwilling traveler . . . the quandary of a person who expected to find min ers, gamblers, gunmen .. . Eskimos, polar bears . . . igloos, and who found some of these in part but mostly something else . . . G.L.H.” These stories would be a refresh ing addition to your reading pleas ure. . . rUO Library day contest coming up —and there’s no assurance that Browsing titles would make an eligible list. . . But for your entry check-off here are some lines by Carolyn Wells. . . “The books we think we ought to read are poky, dull, and dry; The books that we would like to read we are ashamed to buy; The books that people talk about we never can recall; And the books that people give us, Oh, they’re the worst of all!” !l!!!!ll!!l!l!il|mmillminilllll!llllll!lll!lllllllllli;illll!ll!lll!lllllllll!l!]l!ll!!llll[!|!ll|||||!||!!||!:||| Graft and Corruption iimimmiHiminmmm'imimuimmiiiimimiiimimmtmimmiiimmmmmmiMihmmim By O. Larson (“Graft and Corruption” is a new Emerald column devoted to comment on current affairs. Since Mr. Larson will discuss controversial issues from his own viewpoint, the Emerald in vites students to reply to his comments either in letters to the columnist or in guest-column form.) Lest we be described as provin cial, let us stroll occasionally into the weird world existing outside the shell which is this campus, and review with sweeping generaliza tions the events of the week. The high purpose of this column is thus implied, that of focusing the significant happenings of cur rent history into a concentrated paragraph to be consumed with a glass of water—and a grain of salt—in the moment between late breakfast and an 8 o’clock class. This news-pill will be coated, to be sure, with pre-conceived opin ion, undisguised prejudice, and the personal bias of the author. We might as well be truthful about it from the start. With the starry eyed liberals flowering forth on college papers in amount of space all out of proportion to their cam pus representation, there ought to be a column or two for us hard shell reactionaries anyhow. On with the news! si: * * Those of us who view with alarm the national debt can breathe easi er. The LaFollette-Monroney re port, which provides primarily for a complete revision of congres sional parliamentary procedure, was released last week. It contain ed an important provision against deficit spending, and it is to be hoped that when the report emerg es in legislative form from the senate rules committee, this par I.. ticular feature will refain, if noth ing else. It requires Congress to authorize by roll-call votes any ad ditions to the national debt that are needed to offset deficits for the fiscal year. Actually, the LaFollette-Mon roney report is the biggest report of the week, although little has been said about it in the press at large. If Congress sincerely desires to give itself the face-lifting that the report urges, it will reduce its 48 house committees to 18, and the 33 senate committees to 16. Con gressional salaries would be raised to $15,000, and each member would be provided with an $8000 assist ant to handle non-legislative du ties. (High time, indeed, that our elected representatives be given as much consideration in these mat ters as our appointed bureaucrats). Another provision suggests a new coordination policy for majority and minority parties in forming legislative programs. Now they de pend on steering committees oi which someone has said, “seldom meet and never steer.’’ A year of Truman ended on Ap ril 12, and it is becoming distress ingly apparent to his opponents at both left and right extremes, that the ex-haberdasher will be a strong candidate to succeed him self in 1949. Despite the attempt ot a leftwing-tory combination tc smear the president on the Paulej matter, Truman, with all his limi tations. is still recognized as the only man who can hold the Demo cratic party together. Even as he functioned for that purpose at Chi cago in 1944, so he does today, anc so he will in '48—the noisy decla mations of Harold Ickes to the con trary. Ickes might have been some what justified in making an exit (Please Turn to Page Seven) /1 1buck At the jbial By Pat King Referred to as the only radio program written by the listening audience, the Dr. Christian show is based on scripts derived from a contest among amateur and pro fessional scribblers which is con ducted by the sponsor. In the fifth year of the contest 60 per cent gain was represented this year in an avalanche of 8000 scripts. Out of the 52 scripts that are selected, the best ones will be awarded prizes of $2000, $1000, $500, and three at $350. A noticeable feature of the contest is the increase in the number of amateurs clicking. Gillette will broadcast the Joe Louis-Billy Conn heavyweight box ing championship fight from the Yankee stadium on June 19. This fight will complete a cycle for the razor company, which started its first boxing broadcast with the first Louis-Conn fight at the Polo grounds on June 18, 1941. Spike On Air Spike Jones and his 32-piece dance orchestra, which is smashing^ all previous records for the Troca dero, can now be heard each Wed nesday night on Mutual from 8:30 to 8:55. Arturo Toscanini will conduct three pairs of concerts in May to open the La Scala opera house, damaged during the war, in Milan, Italy. When one of the characters on the Joan Davis show lost an em erald ring, according to the script, it was all terribly funny; but when Shirley Mitchell, who plays Bar bara Weatherby, lost $4000 worth of jewels when her home was rob bed—the situation lost its humor. Maladjusted Millinery Needing very little encourage ment anyway, all the suppressed Dache’s were brought to the fore in a frightening exhibit of mal&jL justed millinery by the Breneman Hopper hat contest. The latest to appear on Breneman’s program was a woman who trained a live cockateel (small Austrialian par rot) to perch on her hat without fear of his flying away. She ad mitted, however, that it was a little embarrassing when “Butch” whistled at sailors. Wonder if Jean Rouverol Black, who makes listeners gag as she simpers about her three chldren as Betty in “One Man’s Family,” is as nauseous about her real chil dren, who total three with the lat est edition April 6. Latest Ish Kabibblism: There 'was a young fellow from Perth Who was born on the day of his birth, * Was married, they say, on his wife’s wedding day And died on his last day on eawrtfe Maybe there’s a heatwave in L. A. right now. (Please turn to page seven) THE HOST HONORED WATCH ON THE World’s Fair Grand Prizes, 28 Gold Med als and more honors for accuracy than any other timepiece.