Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1946, Image 1

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    VOLUME XLVII " " --G~; .. ( ~
Oregon’s Post-war Junior Weekend
To Have 'State Fair’ Carnival Theme
Holiday Delayed to Coincide With Mother's Day;
Float Parade to Substitute for Old Canoe Fete
Jobs Available
As Counselors
[n Girl Guides
Marge Dibble to Speak
To Applicants At Side
Marge Dibble, 1943 graduate of
the University, will meet girls in
terested in camp counselling up
stairs in the Side from 2 to 5 p.m.
today and from 10 to 11 a.m. and
from 2 to 4 p.m. tomorrow.
Previous camping experience
is not necessary, and Miss Dibble
would like to speak to all girls who
are interested in counselling even
though their plans for the sum
mer are not yet definite.
Acting executive secretary for
the Campfire girls in Portland,
Miss Dibble is taking applications
for counsellors at Camp Namanu,
a 480-acre Campfire girls’ camp
at Sandy, Oregon, 30 miles from
Girls may apply for any length
of time during the nine week
camping period from June 23 to
August 24. Before the camping
season opens, counsellors will be
given a training course at Na
manu to give them necessary in
structions and experience.
A member of Kappa Alpha
Theta, Miss Dibble was president
of the associated women students
during her senior year. Other of
fices she held while a student at
the University include vice-presi
dent of her sophomore class and
president of Kwama, sophomore
women’s honorary.
As a junior she was a member
of Phi Theta Upsilon and was
awarded the Gerlinger cup as out
standing junior woman during
Junior weekend of 1942.
• ^.fter being graduated from
this University, Miss Dibble at
tended Mills college, where she
received Campfire executive train
ing. Then she joined the Portland
campfire organization as assistant
executive chairman.
KOAC to Present
Student Program
The University Workshop will
present “Tomorrow” by Bud Schul
berg and Jerome Lawrence from
4 to 4:30 p.m. over station KOAC
today. The program will be pro
duced by Don Kyle.
The theme of the play revolves
around the ideals of freedom and
liberty. It is based on statements
of Thomas Mann, and concerns it
self with what the returning vet
eran expects.
The cast consists of Fred Beck
with, John MacDonald, Roberta
Quigley, and Virginia Woods.
This is being followed by the
usual two 15-minute musical pro
grams, one classical and one pop
ular by student talent.
The carnival atmosphere of
“State Fair” will color the first
post-war Oregon Junior Weekend,
co-chairmen Marilyn Sage and
Tom Kay announced Wednesday.
A return to the traditional spring
term peace-time note will high
light the gala affair, they said.
Date for the “State Fair” jam
boree has been shifted from May
3, 4, and 5 to May 10, 11, and 12,
the co-chairmen stated. Mother’s
Day has also been shifted to the
later dates.
Reason for the shift was to en
able the Mom’s Day celebration to
coincide with National Mother's
Day as requested by the national
organization. The change will also
facilitate a better choice of bands
for the Junior Prom and give the
various committees more time to
prepare for “State Fair” at the U.
All Junior Weekend com
mittee chairmen will: meet to
day at 4 p.m. at the Junior
Weekend office in McArthur
court. Financial estimates
should be ready to present at
that time.
Substituting for the dim but
dearly-remembered canoe fete will
be a float parade down Willamette
street following the “State Fair”
motif. The floats will be designed
by the various campus living or
ganizations which are asked to
begin now on their floats.
The all-campus sing, vocal fea
ture participated in by all houses,
should also be prepared for by the
organizations, the co-chairmen
Commiflee heads for Junior
Weekend were appointed recently
by the co-chairmen. The committee
heads are laying the groundwork
now, the co-chairmen said, for the
gala peace-time affair.
Those who will head the various
committees are: promotion, By
Mayo; junior-prom, Dorothy Da
vis; all-campus sing, Dave Fort
miller; queen coronation, Virginia
Harris; picnic, Dorothy Rasmus
Sunlight serenade, Pat Metcalf;
float parade, Dick Savinar; fi
nance, Joyce Utz; traditions, Roy
Seeborg; clean-up, Anne Scripter;
terrace dance, Lola May Hoege
ney; publicity, Herb Penny.
Those wishing to work on any
of the committees may contact
the committee heads.
Shackrats Meet
Veteran staff members will lead
a meeting of all students interest
ed in working on the spring term
Emerald tonight at 7 in 105 Jour
Herb Penny, Bernie Engel, and
other upper staff members will ■
explain the departments of the pa
per and the requirements for each.
New workers can sign up for their
activities after the meeting.
Business Meeting Set
An Emerald business meet
ing will be held today at 4
o’clock in the business office *
of the Emerald". Solicitors,
layout, and office staff work
ers who have had previous
experience on the paper are
urged to report.
President to Discuss
Educated Man’s Duty
First ASUO Assembly to Introduce ‘
Dr Harry Newburn to New Students
"Responsibilities of the Educated Man” will be the title of
an address to be given by Dr. Harry K. Newburn at the assembly
this morning at 11 o’clock in McArthur court.
In his first message of the year to be broadcast over station
KOAC, the University president plans to list some of the charac
teristics which identify an educated man as compared to an un
educated man. He intends to illustrate the resulting behavior of
Enrollment Totals
Set Spring Record
All records for spring term en
rollment at the University were
shattered yesterday when 132 more
students registered, bringing the
total to 3418, Clifford L. Con
stance, assistant registrar reveal
ed. The previous high mark was
3301, set in 1940.
This term’s registration is a 109
per cent increase over the num
ber enrolled at the same time last
Nearly as many have registered
during the first three days of this
term as were enrolled during the
whole if winter term when 3423
Although Constance expects the
total registration to surpass the
3500 mark, he does not believe that
the all-time record of 3705, estab
lished in the fall term of 1940,
will be broken.
Foundation Offers
Prizes to Students
A $1000 award may be won by
students working toward the mas
ter’s or doctor’s degree, according
to the provisions of a contest
started recently by the Palmer
Foundation of Texarkana, Ark.
Tex. A second prize of $500 is also
The purpose of the contest is
to encourage study of the objec
tives of the Foundation and to
suggest the most practical plan
to achieve these purposes. Theses
which graduate students write
may be submitted to the Founda
tion in competition for the prizes.
The Foundation was started by
C. E. Palmer, Southwest Arkan
sas newspaper publisher, and has
as its paramount objective the pro
motion among the people of an
attitude of fairness and unself
ishness in personal and public af
(Plcase Turn to Page Tight)
eacn as he contrasts them, and en
large upon certain phases.
According to Karl W. Onthank,
dean of personnel administration,
Dr. Newburn aims to make an an
nual address to students. This will
be his first assembly talk this yea*',
although since his arrival in Oregon
in the summer of 1945 he has been
in great demand as a speaker
throughout the state.
Wide Experience
Dr. Newburn has had much ex
perience in the field of education
as teacher, administrator, superin
tendent, professor and dean and is
therefore well-qualified to speak on
the subject.
A native of Illinois, the president
was educated at Western Illinois
State Teacher’s college where he
participated in basketball and foot
ball. At the State University of
Iowa in 1931 he earned a master of
arts degree and a Ph.D. in 1933.
In later years he made numerous
surveys for national educational or
ganizations and during the war the
federal government called upon him
to perform various tasks of \var
education whenever he could be
spared from his job as dean of the
(Please turn to pane cuilit)
UO Delegates Prepare
For College Congress
The University’s delegates to the Northwest Student Con
gress at Reed college in Portland this weekend are leaving the
campus today to prepare for their participation in the discus
sion sessions Friday.
The theme of the Congress is “The Students’ Stake in the
Atomic Age” and delegates from most of the colleges and uni
versities in the Pacific northwest will be present to present their
Wright, Litchman
Head Sports Staff
New but experienced hands have
been appointed to guide the sports
office of the Emerald, Editor
Louise Montag announced Wednes
day. The two new co-sports editors
are Art Litchman and Tommy
Wright, both returned veterans
who were former co-sports editors
of the paper.
Present sports editors Len Turn
bull and Fred Beckwith are en
gaging in other activities. Turn
bull will concentrate on his aca
demic work, and Beckwith will
write the Emerald gossip column.
Both Wright and Litchman left
the Emerald in 1942 to enter the
army. Wright served overseas in
the ETO with tank destroyer units
in Italy and the continent.
Litchman has a year’s experi
ence as sports editor of the now
defunct Eugene News. In the army
he was sports publicity man for
Camp Santa Anita, California.
Editor Petitions Due
In McArthur Today
Candidates for the positions
of Oregana editor and Emer
ald editor must turn in their
petitions at the educational
activities office in McArthur
court by 5 p.m. today.
The educational activities
board will interview applicants
at 7 p.m., April 8.
views on the topics on the agenda.
Lois McConkey, senior in liberal
arts, has been assigned to discuss
the promotion of economic welfare
and to present a resolution for pos
sible adoption by the Congress on.
this subject.
Lloyd Frese, junior in business
administration, will formulate a
resolution on the establishment of
effective means for peaceful settle
ment of international affairs.
The two University delegates
were appointed this week by ASUO
President Ed Allen upon the advice
of faculty members.
The Congress is co-sponsored try
Reed college and the Portland
League of Women Voters.
Of additional interest is the
college newspaper contest spon
sored by the Oregon Journal in
conjunction with the Congress. All
colleges and universities sending
delegates to the Congress have been
invited to enter their newspapers in
a contest which will determine
which paper covered the Congress
most adequately.
The winning college newspaper
will be awarded a silver cup by the
Oregon Journal; the editor and the
outstanding writer will receive a
plaque in recognition of the
Blanket Statement.
The courses this year are select,
there’s no doubt,
But attendance will suffer sor:o©
The brain trust in Johnson has
calmly left out
The Principles of the picnic process.