Postwar Malay Talk Scheduled Thursday Night Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole First Condon Lecturer Dr. Fay-Cooper Cole, depart ment chairman of anthropology in the University of Chicago, will address audiences in Eu gene, Portland, and Corvallis for the second series of the 1^45-46 Condon lectureship of pus April 4 on the problem of the state of higher education. Dr. Cole will Speak on the cam pus April 4, on the problem of Malaysia in the postwar world. The speech is scheduled at 8 in 207 i Chapman. Explorer, Writer Cole has written several books on this subject and has done con siderable exploring. He is recog nized as one of the authorities on this question. For his extensive re search in Malaya Dr. Cole was awarded the Gold Medal of the Geographical society of Chicago. It is the opinion of Dr. Cole that it would be inviting another war if the western peoples tried to re gain their pre-war domination of the wealth and trade of Malaysia. also feels that the Malaysians must be given grave consideration and their abilities must be recog nized. “We must have this willingness to share the good of the land (Please Turn to Page Eight) FAY-COOPER COLE Red Cross Slates Nursing Courses Registration of home nursing classes for veteran wives and Uni versity women students sponsored by the University Red Cross chap ter will be held Thursday and Fri day afternoon in Dean Karl On thank’s office, Johnson hall, from 2 to 5 o’clock. The classes for veteran wives will be held two afternoons a. week for two hours at the Fairmont Christian church. Arrangements have been made to take care of children of mothers who wish to attend the classes. University women’s classes will be held once a week for two hours. Two classes will be organized and each class will be limited to ten members. Further announcements concern ing the days of the classes will be made in the Emerald. YMCA to Formulate Plan For Year; Install Officers The YWCA will open their activities for the term with an installation this evening for the newly-elected officers and cabinet members, and the sponsorship of their annual retreat to “Pujay” to formulate plafis for the coming year. Installation of the new officers and cabinet members will take place tonight at the home of Mrs. H .K. Newburn. Mary Corrigan, retiring president, will install the following officers: Margery Skordahl, president; ^Martha Thorsland, vice-president; " Ifflfe-Desinger, treasurer; and Beryl Howard, secretary. New Cabinet Members Cabinet members who will as sume their new positions are: Bobbie Fulmer, membership; Mary Anne Hansen, publicity; Betty Walters and Laura Olson, public affairs; Bjorg Hansen, interna tional affairs; Virginia Hammer quist, luncheon club; Shirley Mult hauf, worship; Geneva Davis, con ference chairman; Shirley Pfaffle, Town and Gown; Dedo Misley, social; Ann Woodworth, house council; Virginia Tomkins, girl re serves; Dorothy Rasmussen, com munity service; and Pat Ebert, activator. Heading this year’s Flying Speech squadron will be Beverly Deichler and Carolyn Jenks will have charge of posters for the “Y.” McKenzie Retreat Hostesses for the evening are the members of the advisory board With Mrs. Dell Thorsland in charge. “Pujay," site of many a YWCA retreat on the McKenzie river will once again be open April 6 when the new and old officers and cabi net members will meet to plan next (Please Turn to Page Seven) Enrollment — 3286; Record Threatened Only 16 more registrants are needed to break the reeord spring term enrollment of 3301 set in 1940, Clifford L. Con stanee, assistant registrar, an nounced yesterday. By 5 o’clock last night 3286 had completed their registra tion, an increase of 497 over tile first day. During winter term a total of 3423 completed enrollment, making it the third largest winter term on record. The largest registration in the his tory of the University was re corded fall term of 1940 when 3705 students entered. Constance now estimates that his previous guess of 3500 registrants will be sur passed. W. F. G. THACHER Professor Thacher Back Following Overseas Tour By ROBERTA BROPHY W. h. G. Thacher, professor of English and advertising, has returned to the University this term after 7 months as a professor of advertising in the Shrivenham army university in England. While attached to the army, Mr. Thacher held the assimulated rank of field officer. Shrivenham is one of three army schools in the EuroDean tneater. 'Another university is lo cated at V.iarritz, France, and Camp Wharton near Liverpool serves as a technical school. The students, totally 4.000 for each of the two eight-week terms during which Mr. Thacher served on the tacult.y, were predominately non commissioned officers and officers up to the rank of colonel. The schools are open to all American soldiers with college experience of who are eligible to enter college, Mr. Thacher said. University Offered The university offered a full fledged curriculum in all courses except medicine and law. “The campus was a beautiful park,” Thacher said in describing the uni versity location. “The mess hall for faculty and officers was located in a baronial mansion and the campus itself was carved out of an old (Please Turn to Page Eight) Educational Board To Resume Films The Educational Activities board resumes its free movies series to night at 7:30 p.m. in 207 Chapman hall with the feature "Alaska’s Silver Millions,’’ a film depicting the life cycle of the salmon. Three other pictures which will also be offered include "The Home Place," showing various shots of homes of historic interest from colonial homes to the present, and will point out types of architec ture worthy of perpetuation: Alex ander Calder: Sculpture and Con struction," q technicolor film tell ing of this contemporary artists work; and "Modern Lithographer,” describing the techniques and processes of lithographic . artists. Former China Observer Relates Impressions; Russian Threat Minimized by History Teacher By Vernon White The knowledge that American material war aid would soon pour in to the Chinese battle-front in sufficient quantities to make a real difference had a very great effect upon the plans and morale of the Japanese forces in the spring of 1945, Thomas E. LaFargue, visit ing associate professor of history, asserted in a recent interview. He pointed out that the arrival of American-trained Chinese fliers and the completion of training of large numbers of troops in infil tration and western battle tactics coincided with the arrival of more supplies so a great counter-offen sive was in the offing when the war ended. La Fargue was con nected with American forces for nine months in 1945. Corruption Overemphasized He believes the much-publicized corruption in the central govern ment to have been vastly over magnified in the American press. Although much inefficiency due to lack of transportation and experi ence with western machines exist ed, he is of the opinion that China could not have fought an organized war for seven years if the bulk of these charges of corruption were true. Peasants Uninformed LaFargue cleared much of the smoke from the Communist-Na tionalist situation when he stated that the peasants in the Red-con trolled area have very little know ledge of the ideology of economic systems and support the Red gov ernment because practical ex perience has shown them they are beter off under it. Decreased taxa tion, reduction of usury, increased education and division of the great estates are the tangible proofs of fered them. There is little concen trated attempt to indoctrinate com munism among the people as the Marxists are a handful among millions. Russian Policy Clever Despite stories in our newspapers that Russia doesn't intend to with draw her troops from the railways and mines of Manchuria, Mr. La Fargue believes that Russian foreign policy in Asia during the past quarter-century has Shown it self far too clever to sacrifice its carefully built-up fund of good will for mere immediate gains in Man churia. - He sees' a tremendous sacrifice of Oriental good will, however, by j both Russia and the United States in their occupation of Korea. The only explanation which appears plausible to him of this occupation is the old concept of the right of the victor nation to occupy the land of the vanquished until its fate is decided. Characterizing the policy as "stupid” he asked how Korea will be any more ready for de mocracy five years hence than it is now. Democracy is learned by (Please turn to page eight) Nine to Receive Varsity Awards For Basketball Three-Stripe Badge To Robert Hamilton Following- a recommendation from Anson Cornell, athletic mana ger, the executive council approved nine varsity basketball awards, three freshman numeral awards, and one senior manager award at their last meeting. Robert Hamilton was given the only three-stripe award and wdl receive a blanket upon graduation. Recipients of the two-stripe badges were Richard Wilkins, Kenneih Hays, Reedy Berg, Stanley Will iamson, Roy Seeborg, George Bray, Marvin Rasmussen, and Bruce Hoffine. Nick Weddle will receive an award as senior basketball manager. , Freshmen given basketball awards for junior varsity play are Walter Kirsch, Robert Kehrli, and Alan Cohen. Group Qualifies Qualifying- for their varsity swimming letters in the 1946 sea son were Clifford Brooks, Dani*-! Callis, Jr., -Robert Hiatt, George I Moorhead, John McGee, Robert Prowell, Val Robbins, Alden Sund ; lie, and Richard Trctheway. All will receive first-year awards ex jeept Prowell and Callis who are : eligible for their second-year awards. Cornell Recommends Recommended by Cornell and ! passed by the board were 14 freshmen basketball awards, to be given to Ramah Gordon Allbright, George Bell, John Costello, Don Dibble, Eugene Evonuk, George i Huggins, De Wayne Johnson, Carl | Kitchell, John Lieder, Walt Mc iClure, Arthur Milne, Wallace Mold, I John Neeley, and Joseph Winter. ; Newburn To Talk At First Assembly Dr. Harry. K. Newburn, pre.-jir dent of the University, will open the spring term assembly series with an address titled “Responsi bilities of the Educated Mar.” McArthur court will be the scene of the gathering to be held at 11 a.m. Thursday. The assemblies a- e alternately student and faculty sponsored. The former are for en tertainment purposes while the second group regularly presents outstanding speakers and lecturers of an educational nature. ream introduced During winter term, the assem blies featured such diverse pro grams as the basketball team, in troduced by Coach Howard Hob son, student introduction of the proposed new University constitu tion, an account of military gov ernment in Germany, and another on the army of occupation in Aus tria: "Russia and Asia” was the subject of a talk by Dr. Stefan Osusky, former Czechoslovak am bassador to France, while Dr. Roy Dickerson spoke on "Love and Marriage.” Bands Featured Student bands and campus tal ent were the keynote of other ; Thursday morning assemblies. No ! classes are scheduled at this time to give all students opportunity to take advantage of these assem blies, both educational and enter taining.