Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1946, Page 2, Image 2

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    Oregon® Emerald
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Leonard Turnbull, Fred Beckwith
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Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays ana
inal exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon.
Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice. Eugene, Oregon.
fefMuntaian ta IHooJzl...
While University authorities eyed the housing shortage
regretfully, Governor Snell announced the state’s solution for
the situation at the Oregon institutions—an enlarged extension
center at Vanport.
Opponents of the proposed junior college at Klamath Sails
can look with'greater favor at the Vanport set-up. As an exten
sion center, Vanport will be run on a fee basis instead of tuition
plus state support. Instead of a new institution, it will be an
enlargement of the present extension center at Portland.
Although the setting may be quite different from either the
old or new campus at Oregon, the Vanport extension will have
the advantage of being in the state’s largest city. Its curriculum
will be built up as the. need arises, and additional facilities for
classrooms and housing will be available as the enrollment
Some of the arguments advanced against Klamath Falls still
■ can be levelled against the new plan. It may have difficulty find
ing an adequate faculty, and its extra-curricular activities, if
any, will have to be started from scratch. But the new plan will
not involve a great drain of state tax money, and the living ac
commodations will not have to be remodeled to such a great
State authorities noted with pride, when they announced
the Vanport center, that Oregon is the only state in the area
ready to accept a large number of applicants for admission to
college classes. If they continue to work for a permanent solu
tion, their pride will be justified.
The ultimate goal still is enlargement of dormitory and class
room facilities and increases in the number of faculty members
at the established institutions. High building costs already are
causing the postponement of building plans. The existence of
the Vanport center should not bring about indefinite postpone
ment of the real solutions.
eMo4*U*Uf. ■Jlelne.'iA....
To the 500 Eugene homeowners who housed veterans winter
term, to the additional homeowners who now are taking in
veterans, and to the Eugene chamber of commerce for its news
paper and radio housing campaign, go the heartiest thanks from
Johnson hall and particularly from grateful ex-G. I.'s.
Additional housing units have been opened to veterans with
families, but dormitory space has not been increased. It’s in the
blueprint stage. There was no room for new out-of-state stu
dents and those who were late in filing reservations. Without
rooms in private homes, many more deserving students would
have to wait until dormitories and housing units materialize.
Certainly the homeowners experience inconvenience in open
ing his home to a stranger-student. But pleasure, too, is involved
in such an arrangement. Parents whose children have homes of
their own usually welcome the chance to shelter others’ young
under their wing. And at his best the University student is a
pleasant sort of a roomer or boarder.
* In its campaign the chamber of commerce pointed out the
significant role of the University in the community, and there
fore the need for cooperation in housing its students. Holders
of available rooms were at least made aware of the need, and if
sympathetic with the cause, they registered at local stores.
Numbers of University students have always lived in private
homes, but formerly more rooms were available and could be
obtained with less effort.
Now Eugene homeowners can say with pride that they are
an important factor in making possible the education of 500-plus |
With Tommy Wright
Hi! Have a good time during
spring vacation? Fine! Me too.
How was the GPA? Too bad. Me
too. Lots of things to talk about,
you and I, so let’s get to it. Co and
Ed shook the mental ball and chain
of final week and really cut loose
for a bit of fun. Marriages, en
gagements, pin plantings, gay
parties from well-planned to spon
taneous beer busts made for a
really big week. Those that went
to the beach to acquire a little sun
---didn’t. Even those Californians
and non-golden staters who went
south of the border (Oregon that
is) didn’t have too much success
along the weather line. But those
who trekked back to the campus
Sunday found spring ready and
waiting—and I’m already worry
ing about making those afternoon
Just can’t get SPRING and
spring term at the “U” out of my
mind, but the little black book is
just full of information, degrada
tions ’n stuff—guff it probably
should be called. Ferinstance right
here on page one is a note on walks
—the kind you walk on to keep
your feet dry. Well, what do you
know after the sun is beginning to
show the edge over the rainy
weather, they’ve gone to work and
fixed some of them up. Hope they
stay in shape until next winter
when we’ll need ’em again. And by
:he way, have you checked the two
nagnolia trees between Fenton and
Deady—ah say there a thing of
aeauty. Somehow magnolias seem
.o fit in with juleps and mint and
die south. Ahm a southerner you
enow—southern Oregon that is.
More signs of the times are things
ike baseball which is going full
slast on Howe field these days.
\nd people talking about picnics
:hough perhaps a little premature.
But then there are antis along with
:he pros—a sad millrace which
ioesn’t show much promise of
swimming, canoeing, or Junior
Weekend fetes.
Names anil Nonentities . . .
The Theta Chis let Bill Gallagher
jo in time for his wedding to
Gerre Lou Wright of La Grande—
Hr. and Mrs. Gallagher are coming
back to the campus after a honey
moon and Bill will be in school
again this term . . . Dick Zenger
and Eddie Jo Whitney were mar
ried during spring vacation and
Dick will be back for more educa
tion this term, too. Tini Smith and
his wife, the former Irene Gresham
are visiting on the campus—They’ll
both attend the University of
Michigan next year . . . Shirley
Anderson is sporting an engage
ment ring after the weekend—
Dick Will of the Sig Eps is the boy
. . . Delt Dick Shelton, though he
is a trackman, let Maryann Theilen
catch up with him, and now she’s
wearing his pin ... A few of the
guys and gals didn’t waste any
time getting back into the swing—
dates last night Jerry Monahan and
DG Jean Pierce; Dona Chapman of
the DGs out with the lad just out
of the service; Marilyn Rakow, Tri
delt, and Erie Swanson, ATO . . .
Time to put in a word of welcome
to a few of the boys coming back
to school this term—wish I had
room for all of them but here are
some: Gene Brown, Les “Butch”
Thompson, Bill Bradshaw, Hubert
Williamson, Chuck Herman, Bob
Hells, Bill Burnett, Stan Boquist,
Don Myrick, Kerm Smith, Tommy
Hazzard, Jack Boone and Dan
Borich—Glad you're back, Hey! . . .
The OSC-UO Sig Eps combo dance
at the Multnomah Friday night
was quite the affair what with the
police matron and all, but “621"
was the spot demanding all the at
Jam for Breakfast
Like to apologize to Paul Huedepohl of Jantzen Beach.
Seems we have been crediting Harvey Wells as being brains—"
behind the incoming bands. Not so. Mr. H. exclusively books,
flies east, spends much to bring some fairly second-class musi
cians to J. B. Inexpensive orchids to you, Paul.
Dick Jurgens will open J. Beach
season Followed by A1 Donahue.
Tom Dorsey will be in territory
during first two May week. Starts
in Calgary, through Seattle to
Portland. Our guess that Dick
Williams, who has taken over
Junior Weekend music negotia
tions, will find TD, and TD alone,
as potential dance material. Cost:
3000 rocks against 75 percent of
the gate. Think twice, Richard.
This first colyum of this season
is being written under a glorious,
and rare, afternoon San Francis
can sun. The city is relatively
lovely and lively, has lost a little
of its recognized sobriety, and
gained more than a little tawdri
i ness. Howard McGhee pulled out
I of the Backstage for L. A. A1
j Donahue replaced Frank Sinatra
j at the Golden Gate. Barefield is
at Jack’s, and friend Beckwith re
ports the group a killerino. Finest
music of all at the Dawn Club
where Lu Watters holds forth six
nites a week, and has become so
permanent a fixture that the neon
| sign outside has been redone to
include Lu’s name in time-resist
ing steel letters.
Postwar Band
Lu and men got out of the navy
almost simultaneously. Bob Sco
bie (second cornet) was in the
AAF, stationed at Portland’s Air
Base, married >an Oregon chick
and made a few records for Port
land hot collector Monte Ballou.
Band is essentially the same: Turk
Murphy replaced on trombone,
plus new banjoist. Lu and Bob on
two cornets; Ellis Horn, clarinet;
Dart on drums.
Watters and men still play
standing, a la original King Oli
ver style, which is the greatest
kick. The Dawn Club is small, the
brass men’s lips are more potent
than any so-called “lead" man in
today’s large band groupings.
Friday nite was Lemon O eve
at the Dawn. Started with Hal
lock, John Mathews, and Miki
Campbell (ex-Alpha Chi). Kept
growing with Beckwith’s entrance,
a cornerful of Pi Kaps, and final
ly, and astoundingly, Erling Er
landson plus Oregon co-ed friend.
I contend that the Dawn should
become Frisco’s Wimpy's for Ore
gonians on leave.
Spent part of yesterday with
tention until unfortunately it was
, closed for no apparent reason at
all except for—well, for. no appar
ent reason at all . . . Lynn Smith,
of the southern drawl, sporting an
1 (in fact demanding attention) SAE
■ pin for Georgia Tech . . . Eva An
, derson had a high time at the den
tal fraternity dance in Portland
didn’t want to come back to Eu
gene—she’s back . . . Sigma Kappas
Elsie Bennetts and Fred Goodspeed
Theta Chi pledge and frosh prexy
are giving it another try . . . By
the way, the brightest flame this
side of Tia Juana is recently re
turned Theta Jackie Klein, a Calgal
with the sharpest suntan you’ll see
in a long time—Especially in Ore
gon’s doubtful weather remains
Odds and Endings . . .
I hope after doing all this chatter
about spring really being here that
the rain isn’t pattering on the roof
as you read (if you read this far).
What with registration and those
lines at the Jigloo neither wright
nor wrong had much chance to
catch up on all those stories of the
week’s happenings, but between
now and Friday when we'll be back
again we'll have both ears wide
open for news. Until Friday morn
ing then—so long for awhile.
MCA's Rowley, and GAC’s Kess
ler, and re-band movements on
coast. To be in northwest territory
during coming three months:
Benny Carter and new ork; Bob
Crosby; Sonny Dunham. Glenn
Miller (Tex Beneke) during June
(latter part). Woody Herman and
Stanley Kenton during latter July.
Look for Eugene VFW official
Bud Angell to attempt opening a
new nitery, to feature large band
and combo on alternating nites.
Should win support.
Add records: Jimmy Dorsey just
waked “Lover” for black label
Decca, on identical order with “Oh
What A—.” Muted brass, etc.
Charlie Ventura’s “Yesterdays”
tenoring on Krupa’s Columbia
may be last cut example with Gene~-*«
as Charles anticipates cutting out
in near future for own gang.
Air Shots
Good CBS air shot: Buddy Rich
band. Very highly unpolished with
scores sometimes quite over every
one’s ears and Buddy’s tubs con
fusing section men consistently.
Buddy sings, definitely on a Ray
McKinley kick, and someone else
plays rhythm drums in BG, which
are more tasteful than Rich’s of
ten too loud percussion. Heard
nitely between 11 and 11:30 p.m.
Warner Bros. 24-hour outlet in
L. A. has ceased bdcstng small
combos. Someone complained.
Harry Gibson’s lyrics were far
from Gibson girlish.
See you Thursday.
By Evans Cantrell
Hello again. After a big vaca
tion, Over Your Shoulder is back
There seems to be much dispute
as to an opening two bid and an
opening three bid. Sam Gordon’s
opening two bid required 9 or 10
tricks up until lately, but has been
revised to eight or nine. At any
rate a two opening denotes power
and is forcing to game. Now sup
pose your pardner has opened for
two. You must keep the bidding
open to game and if your opponent
hasn’t entered an intervening bid,
you must bid. If you do not have <
a sure trick in your hand, yestfi?*
bid is “two-no-trump.” What is
a sure trick ? A sure trick is one
which has almost a certainty of
taking a trick regardless of who
plays the bid. An ace is a sure
trick or a king-queen combination
of the same suit. An ace-king
forms two sure tricks; an ace
king-queen form three sure tricks.
So much for that. Suppose you do
have a sure trick; then you bid
the suit your 'sure trick is in.
This lets your “power-house” part
ner know where he stands. If the
bidding comes around to you again
before it reaches game and you
do not have any more sure tricks
to tell your partner about, then
bid no-trump. Suppose your part
ner has bid a secondary suit, and
the bidding has reached you be
fore game is arrived at, -then if
you have no more sure tricks to
bid, instead of no-trump, bid the
better of his two suits, so that he
will not arrive at game in a bad
suit. If you have the same length
and approximately the same--*
strength in both your partner's
suits, bid no-trump as previously
A three-opener is quite a bit
(Please turn to page three)