Collection of Medical Essays °L M,remec^s Written by Kremer marguerite Wittwer Just off the press last week and soon to become available at the .Co-op, the latest book by Dr. Ed mund p. Kramer, University pro fessor of German, “lm Zeichen des Askulap,” is a collection of read ings by contemporary experts in medicine and related fields intend ed for premedical students. The book, “In the Sign of the Caduceus,” is published by F. S. Crofts and Co., New York. “All intelligence has already been thought, one must but try to reflect again upon it,” Goethe said, and following this precept, Dr. Kremer compiled in this 200-page book excerpts from lectures and texts of outstanding men varying in presentation and subject mat ter. In his foreword to the book, Dr. Henry E. Sigrist, eminent Swiss professor of history of medicine at Johns-Hopkins University, ex plains the need for a book of this type. His foreword, freely trans lated. follows: "Most of the Universities in this country require that the premedi cal student possess familiarity with scientific German.” However, there is no “scientific” and no “non-scientific” German; there is only one German language in which feelings, observations, thoughts, and the exact conclu sions from scientific research are expressed. “Furthermore, medical litera ture is composed not only of sto ries of illnesses and reports from the laboratory; for the field of medicine is an immensely wide one. It embraces the studies of mankind in his psycho-physical entirety, in his natural and social environment, in sickness and in health. With every century the du ties of the doctor have been en -'-iifrged. “Out of the simple healer of olden times the doctor has become tional and it would be naive to one who trains and educates, who through his advice seeks to fur ther health and conquer illness. . . The great progress of medical science has forged new weapons for the battle against disease. It is consequently today more than ever a satisfaction to be a doctor. . . the young medical student who wishes to use German liters.' ture needs more than an acquain tance with professional terms. He must learn to read German, and it is therefore commendable that this book is not composed of es says from professional writing which sooner or later will become obsolete, but is composed of essays Odeon Deadline Deadline for contributions to ~©deon is March 22. Submit origin al writing to Marguerite Wittwer, journalism building. CLASSIFIED LOST—Black Sheaffer fountain pen on Wednesday afternoon. Broken clip, name in gold band on barrel, Marshall Sargent. Sen timental value. Finder please call 1651-J. Reward. Vesta Sar gent, 1471 Patterson. They told me to go to the Kampus -Barber Shop and ask for Mac, Leo, or Berl! I KAMPUS BARBER SHOP 849 E. 13th which concern the eternal ques tions of the medical calling. “The student who reads this fellow men, and to this purpose we must strive to leave no stone un turned. “Every country, and Germany perhaps more than others, has con tributed to the progress of medi- 1 cine. Medical science is interna book with understanding will not only acquire the linguistic tools with which to read German litera ture, but will find himself inspired to contemplation and better pre pared to enter his profession. In his preface Dr. Kremer ex presses appreciation to Dr. C. L. Johnson, Dr. Waldo Schumacher, Kenneth S. Wood, and Mrs. Aileen Guy McNett, University faculty members, for their help. START THE NEW SPRING TERM RIGHT You'll find exactly what you want in . . . Notebooks Zipper Ring Binders Briefcases AA e carry a complete line of fine leather goods at . . Preston & Hales 857 \V illamette Phone 665 MAKE A DATE TO BICYCLE! \ ou’ve heard the song' about “Daisy.” Take your “Daisy” for an afternoon of fun on bikes. Reserve bicycles now for use on Saturday and Sunday. Bicycles bought, sold, repaired. CAMPUS CYCLERY 796 East 11th Phone 4789 FOR YOUR ACHING BACK! Add a bright new chair to your room to do your Studying1 in . . . JOHNSON FURNITURE COMPANY 649 Willamette Phone 2693 JUST FOR FUN Skate Your Date 7:30—10:30 Shoe Skates for Rent Private Parties Arranged PARAMOUNT ROLLER RINK 25 W. /Ill riiane 1789 Hogan's Grocery AND Cook’s Market Quality Groceries and Choice Meats 544 E. 13th Call 5303 Evenings 8-11 EVERYONE LIKES THE DELICIOUS FOOD JOHNNY BRINGS FROM THE SIBERRIAN Specials for final week • French Fries • Hamburgers • Black Coffee • Special Orders Under New Management