WRIGHT OR WRONG (Continued from page eighteen) I’d hate to lose my little old dis charge button). . . Theta Chi Bill Oallager is taking the big leap right after finals saying “I do” for Gerry Wright from La Grande. . . . certainly hope he doesn’t lose too much sleep over exams with a honeymoon coming up right after. . . . Johnny O’Brien picks his own SA'eetheart of Sigma Chi and trusts his pin to Alpha Phi Mary Palmer. . . ATO’s Chuck Powers and wife, the former Dottie Engel, were down for the weekend, and Chuck will be back in school next term. . . Alpha Chi Maxine Jamie son anxiously awaiting spring va cation and reunion with Bob Reed a Chysy pledge from the University of Washington. . . Some people cry for joy, some walk without visible contact with terra firma, and some people walk out of the phone closet on their hands—that’s what Pi Phi’s Betty Busch did- after long distancing to SAE Jack Caldwell in New Jersey, who had just ar rived after two years overseas. . . Don Sikes dropped around to see Lois Giberson of the Tridelts- and disenchantment is the word after he found CuTt Olson’s SAE pin f'.rmly attached thereto.^ , i.. And here is another kind-;, of welcome for one of our boys just .returning according to very reliable - re ports Jean Fidler' also a Tridelt, did a fine job in-putting out the mat for sailor Ward Cummings Sunday. . . Phi Delt Ed Devaney was. around for a couple o£»d&ya and plans on being back in the old institution come spring ■term-: It’s, about time I reminded.rayself “•Gotta keep it clean..’-’:- % - Dune Wimpress, very sad and- - gloomy , last Saturday night and for a good - reason—Dune was separated from his own. house dance and more im •’ portant from Peggy Skerry, Pi Phi who made a quick trip north over the weekend. . . Peggy’s sym pathetic sisters took care to keep the lad from talking to himself, and on Monday morning he was as* blight and cheery as ever. v. And I just couldn’t continue without handing out. a few bou quets to the Sig Eps on that Sat urday dance. . . You just couldn’t miss the Chuck Polltr. influence • .''I I III ni ■■■', —. ..... on the whole deal even if you did n’t see the same Chuck costumed as the Atomic project with a web of interesting looking wires and a light bulb for a snozzola (it really lighted up, too). . . And an other bouquet to Shirley Huff, as the destruction of Hiroshima, not only for putting up with the antics of Atominded Politz but being such a good sport about it and it did take work. . . Johnny Matthews, one of the Sig Eps who unfortu nately remembers “wright or wrong” of befodewa’ was decked out to represent—but then I gotta keep it clean. . . The perennial something or other Bert Thierolf wno was house prexy of the Sig Eps back then, was around and doing a rather slick job of dancing —too dark and couldn’t recognize the chick. . . This might not be the right spot but with the Rob bieburr Warrens-Joe Courtney en gagement ring dazzling my 20-100 eyes, couldn’t go on without say ing something about ' the happy people •— It’ll be a June wedding with big plans for a South Ameri can trip for the honeymoon, bar ring complications. . . The Delta moved their house dance into the Osburn hotel, and the Sigma Nus and Kappa Sigs added additional flavor. . . Delt Dick Shelton was with Maryann Thielen, and “the Duke” who has an uncanny knack of getting around-to the right spots gave out with some info’ on the developments—which. Incidentally, raised a blush' out of the dear-dear girl.. . Another couple of EmeraM ite’s at the deal were. Chuck Dega nahl and Mary Ruth Springer. . . back on the track with the hope ■I’m not hurting anyone’s feelings with too many Sig Ep names. More about costumes—Gamma Phi’s Virginia Woodworth as the Plague; Paul Smithrude as Death; Treva Tor son, Gamma Phi as-Fa mine and Wallie Mead as War which all adds up to the Four Horsemen—Erling Erlandson, Sig Ep, and Margy McNeel, of the Al pha Phi’s, didn’t fool anyone by coming to the dance as angels—■ wings and stuff. . . Cigarette girl -Tan Barry with A1 Surten “the Bum.” . . Now that the basketball season is over and with a moral victory too, the boys are giving the training rules the bums rust I after a long dry spell. . . And | speaking of hoopsters here’s an item which came by way of the infirmary—After going to the pill palace for a resupply of cough syrup (gotta beat this liquor short age somehow) it isn’t difficult to understand why Captain Bob Ham ilton enjoyed his stay up there. . . Pat Shultz of the Alpha Gams is all excited over a much-anticipated visit from Larry this weekend. . . ' June Bobbins, Gamma hall, tripped home for the weekend to see a boy in navy blue. . . Another Gamma Gal Virginia Grinde and Physy Dave Kempston took in the Satur day night deal in Beaverville. . . Jeanne Boquist spent two weeks trying to decide which Pi Phi was the “type” for big brother Stan, ATO, who came down from Port land for the Tau house dance— ' Mary Lou Welsh won and evident , ly a very happy choice. . . Just couldn’t continue without men tioning the Phi Delt “Bucket of Blood” Friday night, and if Pi Phi P<*g«y Hauver has never “swash buckled” before, she did with Ed Salikdcom at the house dance. , . Passing comment—the Phi Delt house had lights only on the sec ond floor which made for a very cozy affair. . . According to Beta Ken Jackson and Wanda Shaw of Pi Phi’s, the Saturday night in the Rose City was a “very quiet one” . . . Just seen, and hot quite new information Mary Margaret Ells worth and; ASUO Prexy Ed-Allen. . Theta Chi Don Shanahan was ! visiting the campus and redoing old acquaintances—he’s still in the service but plans on coming back when “Uncle Sammy” gives him the word. . . Joe Wicks, a Theta Chi, and his wife the former Betty Mack, also formerly of the “U,” dropped ’round for a few" days of campus life. . . Theta Dinty Camp bell just announced her engage ment to Freddie Carlson. . . from here on any gal mentioned is a Theta. . . Caratee Lockwood and Physy Jim Longwood have decided to give it another try after not infrequent squabbles. . . Mat Mc Ewen of the Kappa Sigs was back on the campus recently to see Martha Hoch. . . and Becky Fish and Jess Shinn are doing Very well, thank you. I ROUNDUP— Well, here it is in all its doubt MATCH HER CORSAGES FOR ALL OCCASIONS Gi :§e 58 E. Broadway Phone 4240 ful glory—the final touch to win ter, winter term and winter rain^ I hope. . . The super-snooper orga nization is becoming organized, and Oregonians of the Webfooted species who can stand the sight of this guff will be welcomed back to “wright or wrong” next term. . . . Here faced with the old prob lem of how to say good-by—any how, good luck with the finals—• have a happy time during spring vacation—and don’t forget to come back next term. Use a Special Checking Account for limited banking needs Pay 5c per check No monthly service Pay 5c per deposit charge No minimum balance You can save by using a Special Checking Account and still enjoy safety and conven ience in paying your bills. EUGENE BRANCH of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK HEAD OFFICE - PORTLAND ■■ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ;—— We hope you'll be back in fine shape for Spring Term 110 E. Broadway Phone 1710 . Something bp;• Something V New . But Best of All... 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