Ouuiasi Coed Week.: CouventioM, Platuten. Led by Oregon’s dark-eyed, raven-haired Jean Watson, the seventh annual convention of the Oregon Federation of Collegiate Leaders was held on the University campus earlier this term. The purpose of the convention was to aid the numerous leaders of the various campuses in Oregon. Mutual problems were freely discussed and solutions to these problems were sougnt in order to maintain smoother running schools. “I do think the convention was a success, especially with problems concerning finances—campus, not personal finances!” Jean grinned. Born In Hawaii Jean, or Chub, as she is known to her friends, was born in Hono lulu, T. H. The 20-year-old Theta has been active in campus affairs all three years of her college life. Her sophomore year found her clad in the white sweater of the Kwamas. While in this honorary, she held the position of treasurer, and in her junior year moved up to the position of secretary in Phi Theta Upsilon. ‘‘The job I enjoyed a lot was being co-chairman of the Dream Girl contest this year. The girls are so cute and it affords a . lot of excitement, tod!”-' Jean ex claimed. Home for Vacation Jean and her sister, Terry, came to the United- States from the islands when the war broke out7 in the Pacific. Terry was then a student in the University, and Jean finished her high school education in Corvallis. Last summer, for the first time in three long years, both girls returned home" for their va cation. “It seemed like a wonderful ^^Aiream!” Jean sighed. “Of course things had changed a lot, but just the same there is quite a bit of difference between the Hawaiian sun and Oregon mist.” To Visit East Plans are being made by Misa Watson and her mother to visit the east coast this summer. Wash ington, D. C., New York; New Eng land, and Quebec will be. .visited' by ’this "English major.' "We’re going just for fun, and speaking of ifufi, when I went to San Fran , cisco for .Terry'and; Las’s wedding two .weeks- ago,'j really felt rather wicked.” . ‘ Upon-; making. this . profound statement, Jean7 hastened to ex plain that sister Terry had nfarried Les Anderson, former student body president of Oregon, and that Jean had hastened south to act f as miaid-of-honor. “I gleefully and happily tooted off to San Fran cisco,” she laughed. Listing likes and dislikes, Jean confessed a weakness for rice, lemon meringue pie* steaks smothered in onions, and black coffee. On the other hand, vege tables and school dances are her pet peeves. “Don’t think I’m a big toad, though, because I love a really GOOD party!” she concluded. My Day By SMOK£Y It seems to be the fad about now for everyone to make com ments; on. What goes on the. cam pus since it’s back to normal, so I’ve decided to make a few authori tative statements myself. After all, I've probably, been browsing around: here longer than most of the “webfoota” and do have a pret ty good “in.” In fact, there isn’t muck I miss. Since I only attend classes when the mood strikes me (a trait I picked up from certain well-known Side-Sitters), I have plenty of time to keep up an the latest. And besides that, I waste- little time playing bridge. Yesterday, I didn’t quite make it to the Side for coffee time at nine, but I did get up and dash over to the Co-op at ten. Simply everyone was there for that morn ing pickup—cigarette,-1' mean. Heard a few persons talking about the frosh dance and etc. of last week-end. Seems like there was more etc. ... a party here and .a.party there. Back in. the old days when I was just a mere innocent pup, more people used to go to campus dances!' And strangely enough, there were gin-mills in the outlying district* then,-too, Think I’ll do some sleuthing the prob lem. ■ V ' " ■ ‘ ‘ . / Spent the rest of, the morning attending, to - personal affairs but was on hand to ’ direct traffic at 13th and JPatterson : during the noon rush. ' , '• . ' " Lunched ’til two. and then went SPECIALIZING IN FINE CHINA AND CRYSTAL Illlilllllllliuillllllllllllllllllllll GIVE . . E FINE CHINA AND CRYSTAL FROM THE GIFT SHOP iiiimiiiiiiiniitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii out to chase motorcycles and medi-. tate. Certainly slipped up on the' women’s elections last week— i would you believe it that not even j I knew who was going- to be on all the slates ’til late the night before. At three I headed for Taylors' to check on operations. As I strolled around, I noted that op erator No. 47, a somewhat curva j cious brunette, was getting things I well lined up for the week-end. I ! tell you, sometimes I have to be positively blunt with those women, j I’m the type that prefers to do the chasing. For example, just as I I was leaving an attractive blonde wearing a pair of new Spauldings grabbed me around the neck and started pulling my ears! Gave her 1 one of my most indifferent looks i and stalked out. By then it was getting late and time for me to go home and amuse the boys. They like to play all sorts of games just before dinner. You know, the old stuff of hurling a stick into the street. Then there’s another pastime we have ... It’s sort of a new adapta tion of cowboys and Indians. The fellows dart around through the bushes kicking leaves, and I pre tend to be completely unnerved. It entertains, them. Last night I decided to skip that ten o’clock coke date and stay home with, the freshmen. Play hard to get—that’s my theory. After an hour or so of kibitizing at bridge Li turned in. Springtime . . . TIME FOR ANEW HAIR STYLE BEAUTIFUL HAIR MADE MORE BEAUTIFUL WITH RADIO WAVE At last an instrument controlled permanent wave eliminating all frizz, kinks and strings— the perfect individual permanent. Phone 1727 V&fue&eatUifBaltUi, UPSTAIRS OVER SEYMOUR’S Roberta Lee Art Watters Sparkling earrings and clips. Buy them for a friend or your roommate’s birthday. Better yet, treat yourself to a pair to add life to that special spring outfit. Hankies are about the nicest thought of all for the last touch to any outfit. Choose them to suit your personality. Buy them for the next birth day present, too. Convenient Credit Terms A. smoothly tailored white rayon blouse. Perfect with pastel skirts* or a new spring suit. Short sleeves and the latest eollarlese neckline. Other styles to choose from. Prices begin at.$2.70. McDonald Theater Bldg Phone 633 Hadley’s know you need anklets. Like everone else you are probably ready to stock up for spring. Discard the old, get the new shades you need. New spring sweaters to give new life to skirts and a warm touch to cotton drespes. White and pastels, long and short sleeves, pullovers and cardigans. Budget Shop Iu the Basement