Winter-term Social Life Ends With Spring Feeling By BEV PITMAN Ah, spring is here . . . and it was also in the eyes Ox many people last weekend. Yes, house dances. There were ^tons of them . . . and really outstanding ones, too. Whether the young men’s fancies were turning to love or some other horrible disease, at any rate, everyone was having a good time. The Fiiis held a formal dance with all the trimmings. Their decorations were built around an old-fashioned bar and dance hall, complete with swinging doors. All the guests were allowed to display their hidden artistic talent, in the drawing of originals in the picture frames provided. The talent must have been well hidden, as not much of it showed. Kilroy Again Kilroy, the character of the dance, was always making his ap pearance, right where you didn’t expect to see him. Then for the romantic atmosphere, there was the porch, moon, and soft music of the phonograph. Pirate Costumes The pirates in the Phi Delt house danced and conversed as any jolly pirates would. The theme of the dance being “Bucket O’ Blood.’’ Over the front door hung a huge pirate skull and crossbone flag. The inside was decorated as the inside of a cave, complete with a treasure map. Everyone wore costumes, and you would have laughed to see what some of your friends looked like. In the basement there were many pictures depicting some of the pledges and members. One of the more notable works was of Latham Cone . . . looked exectly like him. Mardi Gras The Kappas had a merry time at their “Mardi Gras.” The house was a scene of gayety with serpentine a mile deep. Balloons, confetti, and people made the atmosphere one of a grand time. A funny thing happened to my mother in Paris. Oh, I thought you were born in Ohio. Roses are red, Violets are blue: Who’d be the squeezer For lemons like you? The ATO’s held their dinner dance in the Persian Room of the Eugene hotel. Art Widmer and his orchestra furnished smooth mu sic for dancing. a Hotel Theme Zeta Tau Alpha opened their “Grand Hotel.” The house was fixed exactly like a hotel. As you entered, there was a registrar’s desk, at which everyone had to register. The den was decorated as the bar room, and punch and cake were served. The dancing took place in the “Rose Arbor.” Green drapes enclosed the entire room. Behind the bandstand was a beau tiful silver rose, and believe me, it was a masterpiece. Around the walls were trellises covered with red roses. Art Holman and his orchestra played. Barn Dance Rebec house staged a “Rfebec Rumpus.” The dance was on the order of a barn dance, and there were lanterns and farm animals all over the place. A large cow adorn ed the dance floor, and there were horses stabled in the closets. Sounds unbelievable, but it’s true. Sig Eps Pop “Hellza Poppin’ III” was the theme of the Sigma Phi Epsilon dance. And from the looks of things, it really was. One room was completely draped in black and had about a hundred spiders Hanging from the ceiling. The theme of the dance was originated in the bath tub, and for sentimen- | tal and educational purposes that j very bathtub was located right in i the middle of the floor for all to : see. The members and their dates had to enter by the basement door, since the front door was blocked by about two dozen beer kegs—(empty). This completes the campus social roundup for this term. We will be back after vacation to bring you the latest social events. Dramatic Spring Headliners Because you want the latest styles and because you like to feel well dressed, you will buy your new spring hats where you have the largest selection of hats in Eugene. See them now at . . . BONNET NOOK 907 Willamette cflene ^Ue/ie Suggestion: Sun lamp owners could make a mint of money rent ing said lamps to lily-whiters. Comes spring and we all want a becoming tan to go with those crisp cotton prints. Spring’s coming to be 3ure, but so is exam week. As the ordeal approaches, the ratio of glad stones under the eyes is increasing rapidly. The electricity bill is going up, too, with lights shining all over the campus as freshmen burn mid-1 night oil on those winter-term papers. * * * Idle thought: If the trend of femininity in fashions is carried to ; an extreme, what will they do to peddle pushers? We’ve seen some with knee bows, but we rebel at the thought of ruffles! We overheard a student com plain of not being able to get a carton of a certain well-known brand of ciggies. The clerk assured him they had every kind but his preference. And to think of the days we spent during the war, lined up at same counter in hopes of getting one package, any kind! * * * Wishful thinking: To be outside not inside the classroom. Chewing gum is getting more (Please turn to page twenty-five) Spring Fashions Blossom; New Silhouette Appears • By NANCY BASE Spring is well on its way in arriving on the Oregon campus. Trees are beginning to bud; the sun is shining; and spring clothes are blossoming as fast as spring flowers. Co-eds are naturally talking about the latest styles and fabrics of these new spring clothes, so we thought that we would add a few helpful suggestions. The fabrics this year will be those that we all have dreamed I about. For your new spring suit you will find1 those long-awaited tweeds. The latest trends for your smartly-tailored suit are long, well-fitted jackets that nip in at the waist. Accentuate your tiny waist with a skirt that is full at the hip line and then falls into a 1 straight line. A striking belt for a! touch of bright sophistication is a smart accessory. Splashy Prints For your cotton and date dress es: piques, washable chambrays, French ginghams, and rayon silks, in soft flattering shades and splashy prints will make you look and feel like the very breath of spring. You will be showing a rad- j ically new silhouette if you are! really up-to-the-minute. A tiny waist, hippy skirt, longer waist and hem lines will create a really new you. Bare Shoulder For cotton or play dresses the accent will be. on extremely short cap sleeves or no sleeves at all. For smartness at its height, try the new trend of the Grecian by baring one shoulder. Wear draped sleeves, fishtail backs, lower waistlines, tiny cape lots, and bias cuts for your dreami est date dress. Be sure to remem ber your new silhouette by accen tuating your small waist in turn with a full skirt. Playtime Fashions Spring time is play time and in order to help “oF Sol” to give us the best tan ever, play suits will be worn at every opportunity. Heading the list of our newest fashions this spring are knicker bockers. Wear them for dinner dark and slim. Wear them for pic nics—bright and gawd'y. Wear them for loafing—new shades in soft colors. In case, you can feel assured that you are in the fash ion swing. (Please turn to page tzventy-four) Hermanek's have everything you need to get ready for a glorious spring. Buy clothes now, before finals. Bright and sparkling n e w costume jewelry. Pins earrings and brace lets. Silver and gold—■ sterling. Easter Bonnets Come in now and select a new spring hat to uplift your spirits before final week. Many styles to choose from. Handbags diat are new Reptiles, tic patents, athers. veily, Iliege, Brown and Black. For Your Wardrobe 'k ☆ pring Suits ilew Coats , _ rint Dresses * Blouses * Lingerie * Bags * Acessories Jte/im&mJ&l 870 Willamette Phone 99