Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 01, 1946, Page 7, Image 7

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University house weiner roast
Zeta Tau Alpha house dance
Rebec house dance
Kappa Kappa Gamma house
YWCA-YMCA open house
WAA final’membership meeting
■^Thi Delta Theta house dance
Campbell club guest dinner
Phi Gamma Delta house dance
Basketball—Oregon vs. OSC,
Sigma Phi Epsilpn house dance
Alpha Tau Omega house dance
Yeomen all-campus dance in Ger
linger from 9 to 12.
Housemothers meeting at 1:15
.Heads of houses meeting at 4 p.m.
in Alumni hall instead of the usual
place. Outgoing presidents will
please bring newly-elected ones.
(Continued from {iage one)
ricson; chaperons, Bill Cosby; tic
ket sales, Ralph Riggs; refresh
ments, Cliff Brooks; and cleanup,
Bob Brown.
“Springy,” short silks for the
girls and suits for the men will be
the order of the evening. The dance
will be a date, non-corsage affair.
(Continued from page two)
research at the library' and to keep
things clicking satisfactorily, did
a little sideline abetting of a help
ful librarian Caroline Brockway by
taking same to dinner or two and
a show or two. . . Research, that is.
With fingers crossed in hope we
don’t arouse any old feuds with
the Sig Eps (lovely boys) here goes
a few items from the odds and
ends, sticks, and stones depart
ment. . . The Sig Ep house dance
tonight promises to be an interest
ing affair and probably will make
exciting history. . . Bill Barnum,
Sig Ep flashy - sweater - wearing
pledge, on his weekly rotation of
sororities passed up the Chi O’s
to ask Tridelt Lucille Ballinger to
the dance. . . A couple of coeds
from the University of Washing
ton are coming down for the dance
as guest of Don Kay and Benny D.
Benedetto, and Kay’s pin which
has been escorting one of the
girls semi-secretly probably won’t
go bagk to Seattle after the week
end . . . seems Don has a new spot
in mind for the Golden Heart. . .
Doug Eden, another of the Sig Ep
lads, has been Cokesing Chi O’s
Won't lie available
for some time yet
Keep yours in good
706 E. 13th St.
Elaine Taylor during the last week,
and the fire and firetruck deal
should prove interesting (certain
ly hope no one is overcome by the
smoke and watch that cookie
duster, Dollg).
It would be a good idea just to
skip the next paragraph. . , Tak
ing time out for a cigarette myself
in hopes this three-minute job
falls silently into file “13.”
The sun is shining on the pine,
Buds are bursting through the
I thought I had spring fever;
Doc says it’s a winter cold.
If the girl losing a shell-shaped
earring at the Frosh Glee aStur
day night is attractive, she may
have same by contacting this col
umn. If not, there will be a slight
fee for services rendered.
I Colette Fouteau, who complains
of never having her name spelled
correctly in the Emerald' (hope it
is right this time) weekended in
Portland to see a dear, dear friend
just back from the service. . . Is
it spelled right "Coke”? . . Millie
Anderson of Judson house has an
nounced her engagement to Ver
non Purdue. . . “Old Buddy” Paul
Luvaas, despite owning a sharp
Lincoln Zephyr, is giving the locals
the go by for the gal-friend in
Portland, and he’ll be to the Rose
city for the weekend again . . last
fling before buckling down to win
ter term studying. . . Steve Worth,
ranter and raver in the heydey of
TNE, is one the campus checking
on the housing situation and if
successful will return to school
with wife Jean next term. . . Co
incidence : Frosh Prexy Fred Good
speed and Kathryn Dobson break
ing out in a rash (poison oak) si
multaneously. . . Marvin “Babe”
Van Allen, ZTA hashslinger has
house prexy Betty Lohmuller eat
ing out of his hand, and it seems
to work both ways too—doesn’t
seem to be any weakening of the
big romance either. . . Jack Craig
and Barbara Erb planning their
future over a cupacawfee at the
Side. . . Had a confidential talk
with Chuck Shaw, and Pat Crosby
flame, and despite Sigma Kappa
Crosby’s protests and threats, will
hit the next column with a full
account. . . While I’m on the SK
house, might as well come out with
a little very interesting informa
tion about same—next paragraph,
Seems Bernice Granquist, house
president, had a most important
announcement to make at the fire
side last night. . . In view of re
cent happenings at the SK’s things
weren’t too bright and cheery un
til Bernice finally reached the cli
max of the little speech—"Miss
Barbara Wells wishes me to an
nounce her engagement to Hex
Gunn.”. . And we’re for it 100 per
cent -you should get a gander at
the rock on Babs’ third finger left
hand, too—and wedding band to
i match. . . they'll set the date later,
j but not too much, I suspect.
I always hate these endings—
can't think of a decent way to say
so-long for awhile, I guess, but
just have to do it. . . See you in the
“Spring Edition” next week when
I'll be back with more mis- and
information on people and things.
Telling the Editor
(Continued from page two)
veteran should not get the idea
that the government owes them
this and that. True, it can never
repay them in the smallest sense
for what they have done, but they
are trying to make it up in the
best possible way they can.
We can sympathize with him
in the fact that the fresh, clean
high school graduates are creating
an intolerable housing problem.
When the veteran came to the Uni
versity, it was to again become a
civilian and to start as an equal
with the other students no matter
what his standing, not to create a
division between vets and non-vets
and therefore cause two different
classes to become existant. The 17
year-olds have and always shall
have an equal standing in the
school, and a superior attitude
should not be imposed upon them.
We agree a veteran is selfish to
believe that his standing gives him
seniority over the non-vet. The idea
that the 17-year-old is a gay cut
up with a lot of money to spend
and with little intention of getting
an education is a distorted view
of the facts. A great majority o!
these young blades are working
very hard to put themselves
through school, and some con
~„ . •"-!!L^L_
1 —--——
j sideration should be given to him.
No we can not see the seniority
ideal that would be thrust upon
us. We arc equal, no more and no
Warren Hicks and "Lloyd Dwigans
About Opportunity. . .
Dear Editor,
I have noticed with much con
sternation the unfavorable com
ment that is running rampant on
the campus concerning the propos
ed establishment of a junior college
at Klamath Falls. I most heartily
disagree with these radical gentle
I men!
Here perhaps is the educational
opportunity of a lifetime. Picture
if you will a rolling campus dotted
with tall, stately firs and home
grown vegetables. The time usually
wasted at a university on athletics
would of course be spent in slash
ing brush and clearing land, but in
this the eager veteran will have
the inner satisfaction of knowing
that he is really getting something
done! Winning the conference title
fades into absurdity when confront
ed with the majesty of such a ster
ling endeavor! Can nature’s out
stretched arms be so spurned? For
shame, ye soldiers of fortune!
In the rainy season, it should be
simple, with as many important
connections as the school undoubt
edly will have, to arrange with the
surplus property board for the dis
pensation of rubber life rafts to
facilitate inter - barrack travel.
Eugene's Flower Home
Corner 13th and Patterson Phone 654
DIETZ and his rumba kings
Open every night except Monday
No cover charge before 8:00-—After 8:00, 35c.
Phone Springfield 375 or 2144 for reservations
Don Hotter, Owner and Manager
VV hen it dries out, hip boots will do
There is no doubt that this aca
demic baby would speedily attract,
the very best instructors, for whf.t
professor in his right mind would
care to remain in a comfortable
Eugene home when he could glory
in the intellectual and physical w 3
derness of Klamath Falls?
Concerning the absence of the
fair sex, can any of you honestly
say they are helping you with your
education — scholastic, we mean ?
They are diverting, expensive, and,
as always, fickle. For the weak
willed people who could not com
pletely divorce themselves from
feminine companionship, copies of
Esquire and Film Fun could be dis
I for one am ready to pack my
knapsack and make the trek into
the wilderness. The G.I. Bill has
provided for us far in excess of our
needs. We owe the "home fronters”
more than we can ever repay. Is it
not sheer ingratitude when xje
sneer at this magnificent proposal ?
In conclusion I wish to reverent
ly suggest that we name the place
Snell (not to be confused with,
smell) university.
Larry Lau.
LOST: Green - colored sociology
note book, lost in John Straub.
Return to Beverly Rew, Susan
LOST: Will the boy who picked
up the First Year Spanish book
by Lurh—at the Anchorage
Wednesday afternoon please
return to the Anchorage.
10t,h Ave. at Pearl
Rev. Norman K. Tully, Pastor
Soldiers, Students and Visitors
Cordially Welcomed at Divine
11 a.m. and 7 :30 p.m.
Broadway and High
Dr. Vance IT. Webster, Pastor
University Group, 9:45 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service 7 :30 p.m.
1166 Oak Street
Hugh X. McCallum, Pastor
University Classes, 9:45 a.m.
Dr. Victor P. Morris, teacher
Youth Discussion Groups. 6 :1S p.m.
Worship Services, 11 a.m.
and 7 :30 p.m.
490 15th Ave. East
Telephone 4192
Wesley Goodson Nicholson, Minister
Morning Worship 11 :()0 a.m.
College Fireside 8 :00 p.m.
W. 11th and Charnelton
Sunday Masses—6:45, 8, 9:15, 10:30
Confessions—4:00 to 5 :00 and
7 :00 to 8 :30 p.m., Saturday
Rev. Francis P. Liepzig, Pastor
Phone 1859
Rev. Elbert Radakowski, Director
Student Activities
6th and I’varl—Phone 4623
Harold Aalbuc. Pastor
Morning Service 11:00 a.m.
1 loly Communion last Sunday
each month
L.S.A. Sundays, 7:30
1165 Willamette St.
Llewellyn O. Griffith, Mmister
Morning Worship, 1! :00 a.m.
Wesley House, 1347 Onyx
Student Groups 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Mrs. Mary Beth ITurlocker
Student Director