I Government Progress ... Read the New ASUO Constitution - Page 7 Oregon IDAHO WINS—50-46 Rebd Complete Report On Game - Sport Page VOLUME XLVII UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1946 Number 92 Final Constitution Draft Published Today I Eugene Three O'ClocI Rooms; Need for Spri By Chuck de Ganahl So that veterans returning to the University next term will not have to be turned away disappoint ed because there is no place to house them, the University and the Eugene chamber of commerce are sponsoring a drive to open Eu gene’s houses to accomodate 500 more veterans seeking an educa tion. At a meeting of the chamber of commerce Ten O’clock club Fri day afte-.ioon, Chairman Frank Senn outlined the housing drive, which started Sunday, to get liv ing quarters to handle the expect ed increase in returning GI’s spring term. The opening gun of the cam paign was an interview over radio station KORE with Dr. Harry K. Newburn, president of the Uni versity, and H. J. Cox, president of the Eugene chamber. Dr. New burn pointed out that the Univer sity^ is at a very critical point be cause of the housing shortage, and that the response to this drive might well determine whether the school will grow as Oregon grows in the future. Student Poetry Prose Sought New Magazine Feature Added to Annual Odeon With a magazine being published in conjunction with Odeon this year for the first time, there is a much greater need for short stories, essays, and poetry than ever before. Short stories and essays may •%tSi^from 1000 to 2000 words, with verse running any length. Ap proximately 10 short stories and essays will be published, depend ing upon the quality of the ma terial submitted. Use Box To facilitate submission of ma terial, a box will*be placed at the student Co-op this week, and all work may be left there. If more convenient, essays and short stories may be turned in to Dr. Robert Horn, and poetry to Mrs. Alice Ernst. The short stories, essays, and poetry will be selected for publica tion and presentation at Odeon by a faculty and student committee of judges. In conjunction with a program of original dance and music, the poetry that is best adapted for oral presentation will be read at the -Odeon performance, Sunday eve ning", April 28, by readers trained by Professor R. D. Clark of the speech department. Other longer verse wrill be published in the magazine. Deadline Set The deadline for all material to be entered in Odeon is March 22, (Please turn to page eight) k Club Sets Goal of 500 r»g Term Accomodations The aid of over 50 Eugene mer chants is being enlisted in the drive to collect applications for the vet erans’ rooms. Posters and applica tion blanks are being distributed to business houses all over Eugene. Persons wishing to sign up to house a GI may sign up at any of these stores or may call Mrs. Alice B. MacDuff, University housing sec retary, 3300 extension 331 and sign up. A similar campaign for winter term residences early this year di rectly made 437 rooms and apart ments available to veterans and eased the situation for many others. Remodeling Nec.essary In a talk to the Ten O’clock club Friday, President Cox told the gathering, “We’re starting this campaign early, and we have a definite reason. Last January we discovered that many Eugeneans would have provided rooms for the boys if there had been time to get ready. Some of the rooms needed a little remodeling and furnishings like beds, desks, or chairs. By starting this effort early, we plan (Please turn to page Uvo) GENEVA DAVIS Chairman J946 Ited Cross Drive Red Cross Opens Annual Relief Drive; Delta Zeta First to Fill Donation Quota Opening the 1946 -Red Cross drive, Delta Zeta sorority Monday donated |L00 per cent toward the $1500 campus goal. The .prganiza tion having the highest quota per member will receive the Red Cross cup award. Progress toward the $1500 cam pus goal will be shown in the Co-op as a house is built, repre senting one of the many homes lost in the recent Springfield disaster. Each living organization will strive to reach its goal of one o. ewwp It’s not the house that Jack built, but the goal in the 1946 Red Cross drive when the drive quota is attained. A house similar to the one pictured will be constructed in the Co-op as the $1500 goal is reached. New Guinea’s Shangri-la Viewed by UO Graduate By Maryann Thielen New Guinea’s famous Shangri la is an actuality for Carl Huffak er, Jr., who flew over the valley ancf prepared photographs of the region for mapping purposes while he was with the 2nd photo chart ing squadron, a mapping unit of the air corps. Huffaker, anthropology gradu ate student, was attached to one of the five air corps units used for aeronautical charting, specializing in little known regions. His job was to coordinate the work of the photographic units with the map ping units. While his unit was sta tioned in Hollandia photographing the New Guinea area, Huffaker had an opportunity to fly over Shangri-la which had been re discovered in 1941 by men from the air transport command work ing out an air route. Discovered In 1939 “A party of 90 from the Ameri can Museum of Natural History had previously discovered the val ley in 1939,” Huffaker said, “but they had not published their in formation. The ATC boys were disappointed when they found out that they weren't the original dis coverers.” “The flat valley floor is about 5000 feet in elevation surrounded by numerous ridges 10,000 feet or more in height. The impassable gorge through which the river leaves the valley completes an isolation as perfect as that of its (Please Turn to Page Eight) dollar per member and construct its own house. Highest Wins Contrary to the announcement made in Saturday’s Emerald, the Red Cross cup award will be pre sented to the house having the highest quota per member, as in the past. A booth will be placed in the Co-op for students who wish to contribute to the drive. House representatives met at the Side Monday to officially open the drive. Campbell club represented the men on the campus; other men’s organizations should contact Geneva. Davis, drive chairman, to receive their material. List Given House representatives are: Campbell Club, Bill Cooley; Alpha Chi Omega, Mary Alice Blockiing er; Alpha Phi, Jo Ann Sappenfield; Alpha Delta Pi, June Clayton; Alpha Gamma Delta, Beverly Howard; Alpha Hall, Mary Wat kins; Alpha Omicron Pi, Patty Boyer; Alpha Xi Delta, Mary Ella Velgulch; Delta Delta Delta, Glen na Burnett; Delta Zeta, Marjorie Weeks. Gamma Hall, June Robbins; Gamma Phi Beta, Mavis De La mare; Hendricks Hall, Pat John son; Highland House, Margaret Kielsmeier; Hilyard House, Pat (Please Turn to Page Bight') Russian Film Scheduled On Free Movies Series “Alexander Nevsky,” a Russian film, will be featured in 207 Chap man hall Wednesday evening, un der the sponsorship of the Educa tional Activities board. It follows the story of Einstein’s symbolic epic of the Russian peoples’ struggle against the invading Ger man knights in the ISth century. Starring the famous Russian actor, Nicolai Cherasov, the entire dialogue is in Russian with English titles. The score was written by Porko Fiefs, and the camera work is by Tisse>. There will be two continuous showings of the film from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Students, members of the faculty, and townspeople are invited to attend. Students to Petition For Amendment The proposed new constitu tion of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon in its final draft after nearly two terms of writing and rewriting is presented for the approval of the student body in the Emerald today. Following this first publication of the Constitution in its complete form, members of the University Congress committee, headed by Chairman Jack Craig', will circu late petitions among students on the campus requesting the present ASUO executive council to amend the existing ASUO constitution. The petition reads as fol lows: “In view of the in adequacy of the present stu dent government, we, the undersigned, members of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon, do here by petition under Article VI! of the present constitution to amend the present constitu tion. These amendments shall be those published in the Ore- > goii Daily Emerald, February 26, 1946.” Article VII of the present constitution reads as follows: , Section I. Proposition of amendments. Clause 1. Amend ments to this constitution may be proposed by a petition (Please Turn to P'aeje Iii.qht) Women Plan Recital Tonight More Than 100 Voices Featured In Musical The University Women’s chorus, featuring over 100 voices under the direction of Jan Kok, graduate assistant in the music school, wili present a recital in the music school auditorium this evening at. 8:15 o’clock. The recital is under the auspices of the educational ac tivities board! Students and towns people are invited'. Miss Sylvia Killman, sophomore in music, will be accompanist. She will also play two piano solos, Chopin’s “Nocturne Opus 72, num ber 1,” and Racmaninoff’s “Prel ude Opus 32, number 12.” Program Listed The first section of the program will include “Alleluja” by Mozart from the motet “Exultate Jubi late,” arranged by Wallingford Riegger; “Sheep May Safely Graze” by Bach, arranged by Katherine Davis; and “Reverie” by Debussy, arranged by Bryceso.a Treharne. A group of songs characteristic of various nationalities will make up the second part of the program. Negro Songs Included will be two Negro spi rituals, “Were You There?” ar ranged by H. T. Burleigh, and “Peter, Go Ring Dem Bells,” ar ranged by Noble Cain; “Down By the Sally Gates,” an old Irish mel ody, arranged by Richard Dono van; and a song taken from a French lullaby, “Little Children (Please turn tu page six)