Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 22, 1946, Image 1

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Evening ^
Number •v6
Latin American
Relations Topic
Of Talks Today
5 Lectures, Discussions
Scheduled for Authority
Director of the Hispanic
foundation in the library of
congress, Dr. Lewis Hanke,
now on the campus under the
sponsorship of the University
lecture series, will give an ac
count of the South American
countries and their relationships
with the United States, tonight at
7:30 in 12 Friendly hall.
Under the title, “Our Honeymoon
With South America Is Over,” he
will define the social and cultural
aspects of the Latin American
countries and will give an authori
tative view of the present con
troversial questions that have
arisen between them and the
United States.
Many Talks Slated
Today at 9 a.m., in 105 Jour
nalism building, Dr. Hanke will
address the senior editing class on
Brazil, in relation to its recent de
velopments and shall bring to light
facts that few Americans know
about this country.
He shall lecture to the history
9-5r foreign policy and foreign re
(Please Turn to Page Bight)
Student Union
Fund Gets $3750
A $3750 appropriation to help
defray overhead' expenses during
the Student Union drive was voted
Monday night by members of the
athletic board, Chairman Earl M.
Pallett, executive secretary of the
University, reported Thursday.
This makes a total of $11,250
contributed by University faculty
commitfees to cover the expenses
of the drive, as the Alumni Hold
ing company and the educational
activities board have already vot
ed $5000 and $2500, respectively,
Pallett said.
Ed' Allen, Jack Craig, and Gil
Roberts were appointed as a bud
get committee during the Monday
meeting to go over the budget
prepared' by Anse Cornell, manag
er, prior to its presentation at the
next board meeting.
Dr. Lewis Hanke, director of the
Hispanic foundation in the library
of congress, who will lecture on
the topic, “Our Honeymoon with
South America is Over,” tonight
in Room 12, Friendly hall, under
the auspices of the University
Lecture series.
'Cover’ Contest
Closes Today
Today is the last day to enter
the combined contest for Emerald
Cover Girl and “Miss Photogenic,”
Annamae Winship, Emerald busi
ness manager, announced late last
“This year each house may have
as many contestants as they wish
by merely having their women
have their pictures taken today,”
Miss Winship emphasized.
To Be Announced March 8
The woman selected to be the
Emerald Cover Girl and the one
chosen as “Miss Photogenic,” will
be announced in the spring issue
of the Emerald which is scheduled
for March 8. The cover girl will
have a full-page picture on the
front of the large issue.
Stating that the cover girl will
not necessarily be chosen from the
entrants in the “Miss Photogenic”
contest, the Emerald business
manager said, “in all probability
the girl will be selected from the
contest entries since in this way
it will be possible to discover a
coed whom we know has definite
photographic qualities.”
Entries in the contests should
go down to the Bell Studio and
pay their dollar and have their
(Please turn to page si.r)
John Charles Thomas Concert
Finds Baritone Tense, Effective
By Betty Bennett Cramer
Illustrating a voice that is more
appropriate for songs of modern
character rather thon those of the
classics, John Charles Thomas pre
sented a varied program to a ca
pacity crowd in McArthur Court
Thursday evening. In his earlier
numbers Mr. Thomas showed a
lack of freedom which became less
noticeable in the moije popular
selections. Always his diction was
remarkably clear. His most out
standing number was “Lord Ran
dal,” a dramatic ballad set to mu
sic by Cyril Scott. Clear pianissi
mos, dramatic presentation, and
perfect diction all contributed to
the complete artistry of his inter
Opening Tense .
The opening number, “La Pro
cession” by Franck, showed a cer
tain. tenseness which made some
of his higher notes hazy. In ‘‘Me
Suis Mise En Danse” he loosened
up a little to the lilting rhythm
of Bax’s arrangement. “L’Ata
besse” was noticeable chiefly for
the exquisite quality of his soft
In “An Die Leier” Mr. Thomas
clearly portrayed the lyric and ro
mantic nature of Schubert’s mu
sic. Much tenderness was illustrat
ed in “Der Tod und der Jungling”
“Nacht und Traume,” and" Schwes
terlein.” In the latter, this re
viewer was almost moved to tears
by his effective piannissimo. An
amazing control of his breathing
was shown in the spirited" “O
Liebliche Wangen” of Brahms.
(Please turn to page eight)
Miss King Elected ‘First Lady’;
WAA, YW Officers Take Posts
'Love’ Lectures
Begin Feb. 26
New Books Supplement
Current Lecture Series
February 26 will mark the be
ginning of the lectures to be given
in conjunction with the “Love and
Marriage” series. Faculty mem
bers, ministers and men and wom
en well-versed on the subject will
speak to living organizations on
and off the campus. As planned
now the lectures are scheduled to
come to a close March 5.
A student committee composed
of Gil Roberts, chairman, Anita
Young and Dorothy Godknecht are
in charge of the arrangements.
They have been aided by Karl On
thank, dean of the school of busi
ness administration, and dean of
personnel administration. Various
books and pamphlets have been
purchased by the library which
pertain to the subject of “Love and
Marriage.” They are available to
students now.
Scheduled to speak at various
houses on February 26 are: Rev.
E. S. Bartlam, St. Mary’s Episco
pal church, Phi Gamma Delta; Dr.
H. W. Bernard, U of O, Yeomen;
Mrs. Alice W. Carkin, instructor
in education, Plendricks hall; R. D.
Clark, assistant professor of Span
ish and dramatic arts, Delta Del
ta Delta; Dr. L. S. Cressman, head
of the anthropology department,
Pi Beta Phi; Mrs. E. E. De Cou,
Gerlinger girls.
D. D. Gage, assistant professor
(Please turn to page six)
ADS Initiates
Walking Billboards
No, another depression has
not struck the Oregon campus
reducing members of its stu
dent body to advertising local
business establishments on the
streets. The several young men
pacing the paths and by-ways
adorned with brightly-colored
placards plugging the Falcon,
Eddie's Flowers, and a good
share of all Eugene’s “ye olde
shoppes” have another motive
tucked in the back of their
cerebral space. Their task
comes in the vise of perform
ing all the initiation prerequi
sites of Alpha Delta Sigma,
men’s advertising honorary.
This idea, while definitely
a brightening factor to the
campus dinring the drab win
ter months, is proving rather
bunglesome for the neophytes
especially upon approaching
doorways or entering crowded
campus hangouts. (For some
real fun this afternoon, why
not watch one of these fellows
attempting to board a city
bus? ) After all, these walking
billboards do need more space
than would usually be allotted
to them.
Meanwhile, keep in mind
that it’s all in the spirit of
fun (plus initiation) and the
majority of the poster-packers
aren’t doing this sort of thing
for a living—at least not at
the present.
Margery Skordahl Heads "Y" Group;
Virginia Scholl Receives WAA Gavel
Results of yesterday morning’s triple election of AWS—
YWCA—WAA officers were announced Thursday afternoon
at the AWS tea in Gerlinger hall. Bea King, sophomore in
liberal arts, heads the list of officers as the new president of
AWS. Virginia Scholl, sophomore in liberal arts, and Margery
Skordahl, junior in journalism, were elected heads of WAA
and YWCA, respectively.
WAA 'Fan Night’
Scheduled for 7
Swimming, volleyball, and bad
minton are' on the docket for to
night when the Women’s Athletic
association holds their first fun
night of the winter term in Ger
linger hall from 7 to 9:30.
General chairman is Grace Ed
wards, junior in journalism, and
Pearl Peterson, sophomore in lib
eral arts, is in charge of the pro
gram. The swimming will be under
the direction of Thelma Chaney,
sophomore in liberal arts.
Virginia Scholl, new president
of WAA, urges all members of
the organization to attend and par
ticipate in the games and swim
ming as this will probably be the
last fun night held because of the
increased social program on the
(Please Turn to Page Eight)
Signe Eklund, last year's AWS
president, announced her successor
and the other officers: vice presi
dent, Dorothy Davis, sophomore in
liberal arts; secretary, Barbara
Johns, sophomore in journalism;
treasurer, Mickey Metcalf, another
journalism sophomore; reporter,
Tudi Chernis, journalism fresh
man; and sergeant at arms, Prudy
McCroskey, freshman in art.
The new WAA officials we e
named by present head: Gay Ed
wards as vice president, Bet:.y
Ingebritson, junior in liberal arts;
secretary, Barbara Wells, sopho
more in journalism; treasurer,
Thelma Chaney, sophomoe in
liberal arts; custodian. Pearl Peter
sen, another sophomore in liberal
arts; and sergeant at arms, Bar
bara Borrevik, sophomore in ait.
YWCA results were made knov n
by President Mary Corrigan as
vice president, Martha Thoslan ),
junior in liberal arts; treasurer,
Beryl Howad, sophomore in liberal
(Please Turn to Pcujc Pii/ht)
George’s friend, an anonymous individual garbed in shed
and cowl, who.lias been haunting-campus gathering places tin*
last week, is pictured here in the Side, being' inspected by I’at
Meyer, Marge Fisher, and Joan Campbell. It is predicted that
this ghastly ghost will find George in time for him to take an
active part in the entertainment at the Frosh Glee tomorrow
Frosh Glee Program Unaffected
By Secret of Missing George
The Frosh Glee will proceed as
scheduled Saturday night from 9
to 12 p.m. at McArthur court
whether or not “George” is found j
in time to make his long-awaited
appearance. A mysterious friend
of “George,” attired in a white
sheet, is still making a campus
wide search for him, but at the
last reports George hadn’t been
A $25 reward is still being of
fered to the finder of George, dead
or alive. Anyone finding George is
asked to contact one of the co
chairmen of entertainment, Bar
bara Blinco or Janis Lee Hansen. »
The freshmen chose "Pickanin
ny Prance” for the theme of their
dance when they were requested
to drop the theme “Temptation”
by the University.
Murals, of southern scenes will
decorate the walls of McArthur
court to carry out the theme.
"Other decorating plans will re
main a secret until Saturday
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