•r. Paul I. Risley o Speak Monday “The Origin of Twins in Verte jrates,” the first of a series of ter term lectures sponsored by ;ma Xi, science honorary, will presented Monday night at 8 . in 105 Deady. Dr. Paul I. Ris iy, head of the biology depart nent, will deliver the lecture. Before coming to Oregon in September, 1945, Dr. Risley was a nember of 'the faculty at the State Jniversity of Iowa, a position Vhich he had held since 1931. The biologist received his B. A. legree in 1927 from Albion college, Albion, Michigan; his M. S. in 1939 :rom the University of Michigan, and his Ph.D. in 1931, also from Michigan. Dr. Risley is a member of Sigma Xi, the American Society of Zoolo gists, the American Society of [Naturalists, and the American As sociation of Anatomists. i “I’ll go through fire for you.’1 “Don’t put yourself out.’’ CLASSIFIED f records in albums best of James, Miller, Shaw, Dorsey, Kastelanetz, others—$15.00. Also 12-in. Don Cossack album $3.00. Trailer No. 13, Agate and 15th. -OST: String of pearls. Have a sentimental value. Reward. Beth Coleman Ph. 283. LOST: Brown Eversharp pen, near Journalism Bldg. Reward, call 3300 Ext. 388. Betty Jean Hole man. CAMPUS CALENDAR Today Dads’ weekend Basketball—Oregon vs. Washing ton, here “Duckpot,” the YMCA - YWCA open house will be held tonight Sunday Town and Gown Alpha Omicron Pi faculty dinner Monday Heads of houses meeting Marion Fong to Discuss Chinese Relationships “Chinese Relationships,’ a stu dent forum led by Marion Fong, junior in liberal arts, will be fea tured Sunday night at 6:15 o’clock when the Town and Campus group meet in the White room of the First Christian church. This lec ture will be the third of a series of race discussions. A short devotional service wijl be held before the meeting and refreshments will be served. All students are invited to attend. Groups to Fete Dads After Game Tonight A joint YMCA-YWCA open house honoring the visiting dads is scheduled for tonight after the Washington game in the YWCA bungalow. All students are urged to bring their dads to the affair. The open house will last until midnight. Committees for the social are: decorations, Helen Magillicuddy; music, Marge Fisher; entertain ment, Mary Joy Ham; hostesses, Ann Bartlett and Carolyn Jenks. Personalized Public Address Service HOUSE DANCES ASSEMBLIES INDOORS OR OUT G. H. SMEED Ph. 1213-W ! WELCOME U of O Dads and Students 11 a.m. “THE POSSESSOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH” 7 :30 p.m. “HOW TO CHOOSE A WIFE” University Class, 9:45 a.m.—Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 11 road way at High Dr. V. Webster, Pastor Avoid Accidents Play Safe Drive Safely ASK ABOUT OUR 2-WAY PLAN For Your Driving Safety Corner 11th and Pearl 185 E 11th Phone 448 Newburn to Talk In Eastern Oregon Dr. Harry K. Newburn, president of the University, will address vari ous organizations in eastern Ore gon Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb ruary 5 and 6, it was disclosed by his secretary today. At noon on Tuesday Dr. New burn will present his views on the Problems of Education to the Lions Club of Hood River, Oregon. After this speech he will discuss the same subject at the Pomona Grange in Hood River. Members of the La Grande Ro tary club will hear Dr. Newburn’s speech, Education for Internation al Understanding, Wednesday at noon. From there Dr. Newburn will go to Baker and speak on the same subject at the annual banquet of the Baker County Chamber of Commerce. He will return to the University Friday, February 8. STUDENTS TO VIEW (Continued from page three) ia wounded and her assailant is Carmen; Jose is ordered t6 take her into custody. He does but subsequently unfastens the cords that bind her hands and she escapes at the foot of the bridge. Act two occurs in the Inn of Leilas Pastia. Carmen is with friends at a table where they sing and dance. Escamillo-, a victorious bullfighter from Granada, arrives. The soldiers and gypsies welcome him, but he devotes himself to Car men. When Escamillo and the soldiers depart, two smugglers who have booty in view seek Car men’3 assistance. They persuade her to induce Jose, who has de serted his regiment to- follow the gypsy girl, to join their band. Mountain Scene The action of act three takes place in a rocky pass in the moun tains. Don Jose and Carmen are seen in a haunt of the smugglers. Escamillo appears and arouses the jealous Don Jose. They rush together, but the smugglers separate them. Esca millo then invites everyone to the bull fight at Seville. While Don Jose is upbraiding Carmen, the faithful Micaela enters and begs him to accompany her to his mother, who is dying. Don Jose goes with Micaela. Carmen Dies The fourth act occurs in the en trance to the bull ring. As the bull fight is about to begin, Escamillo arrives with the faithless Carmen. He enters the ring. Carmen’s gypsy friends warn her that Jose is in search of her. She resolves to face him. He enters, maddened by Carmen’s joy at the triumph of Escamillo, Jose stabs her. She dies as the victor ious Escamillo arrives upon the scene. Alimony: The high cost of leav ing. »7 Sawdust Diesel Stove Oil Oak Ash Blockwood Slabwood WHATEVER YOUR FUEL NEEDS, CALL MANERUD HUNTINGTON FUEL CO. 997 Oak St. Phone 651 REGISTRATION (Continued from page three) vesper program will be a talk by Bobby Reynolds, sophomore foot ball star. Have Fun, Dad! "The sincere wish of the Ore gon students is to have all dads enjoy this weekend we have planned for them and get better acquainted with the University," declares Dorothy Habel, Dads’ Day chairman. Students unable to obtain living quarters for their fathers should contact Edith Goldstein, emer gency housing chairman, at Hen dricks hall immediately. Some places are available. Committee chairmen for the Dads' weekend include: general chairman, Dorothy Habcl; pub licity. Trudi Chernis and Barbara Johns; open house. Bob Miller. Bill Knapp, and Dick Kaegi; pro motion, Barbara Borrevik and Bar bara Wells; registration, Arm Burgess and George Alexander; transportation, Bob Metrifield; campus tour, Dedo Misley and Helen Hicks; emergency housing, Edith Goldstein; awards, Torn Kay; posters, Margaret Rauch and Joan Rambo; and church services, Anna Jean Winters. GIFTS OF DISTINCTION IN MIRRORS AND . PICTURES See the . Assortments at QUACKEN BUSH’S 160 E. Broadway KNOW WHERE YOUR MONEY IS GOING CHECKING ACCOUNT AT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ELT.EXK S96 W illamette St. Served as You Like Them Also STEAKS and UCHICKEN Private Banquet Rooms Available GEORGE’S GROTTO OPEN 9-11 Ph. 4527 764 Willamette