By FRED BECKWITH CO-SPORTS EDITOR Bar up the rafters. Lock the gates. Put the cat out, and grab a seat for yourself in The Court tonight, for it’s a tempting dish of basketball fare that is being served. Struggling for a strangle-hold on the Northern division, the Washington Huskies bring their gang of sharpshooters into the Igloo to battle the defending Ducks. All odds are off on this one. It could go either way. The two clubs split in their opening two game series in Seattle last weekend, and it s even-stephen sail ing for the Huskies and Ducks again tonight and tomorrow night. The Hobsonmen are keyed up tor this series, and that may insure their best performance of the season to date. Certainly the physical condition of the varsity is an important factor. Consider the gradual return to form of Dick \\ ilkins, the flying forward, and the steadily improving Bob Hamilton. Throw in the dependable Williamson, and add that unsung court hero Ken Hays, and you've got a quintet that is poten tially dangerous at all times. Such other stalwarts as Reedy Berg. Marv Rasmussen, Roy Seeborg and George “Slmg" Bray will be on hand, too, to pepper away at that basket and defend it when the Husky horde swarms down the court in a point pursuing onslaught. FIRST WIN WOULD HELP The locals will get a tremendous lift if they can capture the opening contest tonight. 4 he men of Hec Ldmunson will have to be on their toes all the way. On paper, the Seattle scrappers have the slight edge in the reserve department. It will be a big job for the varsity to throttle the Northern divi sion’s leading scorer, Le Don Henson, but in their win over these same Huskies last Saturday night in Seattle, the Oregons proved that this IS year old freshman can be checked. Sheer speed will probably characterize tonight’s contest, for both of the clubs are identified as the fastest quintets in the loop. According to height statistics, they are the smallest, too. Reserve tickets for the pinewood tussle were all sold out Tuesday night, and Athletic Manager Anse Cornell forecasts the news that there will be only about 1500 general admission tickets available for spectators both tonight and tomorrow night. Oregon will attempt to repeat their 1945 performance against the Washingtons. Last year, the Hobsonmen dropped the series opener to the Huskies, but bounced back to win the next three tangles. Their record this year is not too impressive, for they have actually faced the Kdmunsonmen on three oc casions. winning one and dropping two. But the history picture m still the same-; tip' Ducks dropped the first game, won the second, and may go on to annex the remaining two contests. TOUGH LUCK FOR BEAVERS We were sorry to hear of the automobile injury that sent Glen Warren, star Oregon State forward to the hospital at Newberg. Warren received eight stitches for a head wound and three stitches for a cut knee. How much this will impair his playing ability is not known at the present writing. It may be a big blow to the Beavers’ championship hopes if the Orange man is seriously handicapped in future OSC cage affairs. This kid Henson we mentioned a little earlier up the column space has compiled a neat average of 12.2 points per game, and while that’s not quite in the Hank Luisetti class, it still can't be labeled mediocre. Our star cameraman, Duke Dennison, was on hand yester day to snap a couple of pictures at the intramural basketball goings-on. The engraver willing, we’ll print ’em on these pages t< -morrow morning. THIS MATTER OF PREDICTIONS It’s an overworn gag' for a sports writer to make predic tions on the scores of future games. Most of the time, we poor ’scribes have no more idea than the Man-in-the-Moon of who is actually going to emerge victorious ami by what count. Once ii a while, a so-called expert tags the winner in a prize fight; he even comes up with the right side in a football or baseball clambake ever so often. When it comes to basketball, he might as well give up, because the melon flipping sport is the toughest o' 'em all to peg in advance. Just for the record, and to prove how wrong we’ll probably be. we’ll say Oregon over Washing ton tonight, 53-51. And now if somebody will bring us a cheese sandwich, we’ll curl up on this limb and watch the proceedings^ SWINGING BACK TO NORMAL Captain Bob Hamilton has been out of the starting Oregon line-up for the greater part of the current season. Only re cently has his injured leg given any indications of healing. Now he’s ready to see limited action against the Washington Huskies this weekend in what promises to be a crucial series for both the locals and the Seattle scrappers. ATO’s Smash Zetas; Phi Delts Post Win Miller and Hume Lead Hilltoppers; Betas On Short End of 23-19 Count By Carl Ciuff Roaring into the final stretch of “B” league competition, Phi Delta Theta knocked over Beta Theta Pi 23 to 19 in a close contest and the Alpha Tail Omega Hilltoppers notched their third consecutive vic tory at the expense of Zeta hall 32 to 18. Staving off a last quarter rally the Phi Delts played heads-up ball. Tommy Kay flipped in a quick re bound from under the bucket with ten seconds remaining to give his team a four-point lead and insure victory. Mcran Leads Losers The Phi Delts divided scoring honors between Hoff and Abbey, who scored nine and eight points^ respectively. Moran garnered eight* tallies to pace the losers. ATO led the Zeta team 16 to 12 at the halftime and turned on the heat in the second half, holding Zeta to but six scores. Kenny Hume and Pete Miller split two dozen points evenly to tie for scoring i honors among the Hilltoppers. In “B” league competition both | the ATOs and Phi Dells are unde feated and will battle it out in the near future for the number one spot. Lineups: Beta Theta Pi “B” (191 Cobb Moran (SI Holm (41 Newquist (21 Larson (2) Loud (3) Drougas Munro Phi Delta Theta . “B” (23) (91 Hoff Candee (2) Stevenson Stanton (81 Abbey (4) Kay( Dienes Cone Officials: Puffinbarger and Bolt. Alpha Tau Omega (32) Kavanaugh Hume (12) Miller (12) Rouse (2) F F C G Zeta Hall “B” (18) (4) Hill Braymen j (6) Bakkum i (C) Teinke! Crocker (6) G (2) Pelz Robinson Cantrell S S Officials: Puffinbarger and Bolt. FRIDAY'S Intramural Schedule BASKETBALL 4:00 Yeomen “A” vs. Delta TJp silon “A” 4:45 Alpha Tau Omega “A” vs. The Bums “A” ... BETAS WIN ANOTHER Beta Theta Pi fought its way into the intramural handball finals last night by handing the Phi Del ta Theta team in a three to noth ing shutout defeat during tourna ment play in the men’s gymna sium. The Betas’ tangle with the Yeomen February 5 in the champ ionship contest. Holm knocked over Mahoney 21 to 17 in the first game and t&ote the second by default. In the other singles engagement Drougas tipped Griswold 21 to 17 and 21 to 13. Monroe and Reed teamed up for the Betas tc. win the doubles event from Tansing and Stanton 21 to 17 and 21 to 19. Lt. Sturgill Here Today To Discuss V-5 Program Lieut, (jg) Robert Sturgill will be in Room 134, men’s P. E. building from 1 to G to day and from 8 to 12 Satur day, tc interview all men in terested in the navy V-5 pilot training program. liinNIIIllllililiiililiiiiiililiiliiliiiiHmllMlliliii'itillimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiimimiTP'i Duck Sez - - Sez He ' -HB *1 By Lynn Smi^h It’s a pleasant contention that Oregon's varsity basketballers are composed of some of the nicest chaps on campus. No exception is twenty-three year old Roy Seeborg, who hails from Astoria, Oregon. Rcy was recently discharged and was for a long time one of the famous marching men of the 104th Infantry Division of the U. S. Army. Visited Brazil He spent a year in Europe, and six months in Brazil. He maintains that he is very grateful for the splendid training. In his own words “Traveling around gave me an op portunity to broaden my mind. It’s a great life, the army is!” Roy was a student at Oregon before lie enlisted in the army. He was a member of the 1942-43 bas ketball team. One of his present team-mates, Stan Williamson, also played with him before. Outdoor Man Seebcrg is a physical education major and' plans to graduate next year, as he is currently listed a junior. He doesn’t want to miss one more year of basketball competi tion, at any rate. He is strictly an i outdoor type of man, and enjoys" nothing more than to spend a week end hunting and fishing. He’s fond of pets and especially his Boston bulldog. He’s of the opinion that Oregon is the best athletic school in this part of the country, which is quite a tribute to the University. As far as scholastic subjects are concerned, Roy’s favorite is Eng lish. and he’s fond of writing. In the popular music field, Roy singles out Cole Porter’s “Night and Day” as his favorite ballad. Speaking about the team. Roy says: “The days of alibying are over for us. We’ve found our selves.’’ Nice lad, Roy Seeborg. FELLOWS! for the BEST HAIRCUTS in town EUGENE HOTEL BARBER SHOP