Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1946, Page 8, Image 8

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    College Offers
21 Fellowships
Announcement of graduate fel
lowships and scholarships offered
by Bryn Mawr college, Pennsyl
vania, has been received by the
Dean of Women’s office.
Candidates for fellowships must
have completed a year of gradu
ate work at some college or uni
versity of good standing, and can
didates for all scholarships must
be graduates of a college or uni
versity of acknowledged standing,
but need not have done graduate
March Deadline
Applications for the 21 resident
fellowships of $860 each should be
made by March 1, 1946. These fel
lowships are awarded in archaeol
ogy, biology, chemistry, economics
and politics, English, geology, Ger
man, Teutonic philology, Greek,
history, history of art, Latin,
mathematics, philosophy, physics,
psychology, Romance languages,
social economy and social research.
March 1, 1946, is the final date
for applications for the 20 resident
graduate scholarships of $400 each.
In rare cases applicants for these
scholarships, which are awarded
in ^ny subject in which a fellow
ship is offered, may be given a
supplementary grant because of
financial need.
Six More
Six non-resident graduate schol
arships, of $250, open to appli
cants who live in the vicinity of
the college, will be awarded in any
1. Checks perspiration 1-3 days.
2. Completely deodorizes perspiration
EVER-DRY's gentle. won't irritate the
skin It’s the daintier surer way to
salely deodorize and check perspira
tion Money back guarantee
L 1 50*
subject ir. which a fellowship is
offered. Application should be made
by March 1, 1946.
As a special award for 1946-47,
five graduate scholarships of $400
each are offered to women, either
resident or non-resident, who have
been released from government
service or war industries. Applica
tion for these awards should be
made by March 1, 1946.
Science Fields
Three $1000 fellowships and
three $600 graduate scholarships,
for either residents or non-resi
dents, are offered under the plan
for coordination in the teaching of
the sciences to qualified students
who have had training in two or
more of the natural sciences and
who wish to continue study in one
of the following fields: biochemis
try, biophysics, crystallography,
geochemistry, geophysics, or simi
lar inter-related fields. Application
should be made by March 15, 1946.
Further information may be ob
tained from the Office of the Dean
of the Graduate school, Bryn Mawr
college, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.
(Continued from paye one)
sophomore in liberal arts, will lead
a special program, highlighted by
speeches from Coach Hobson and
members of the team, yells, and
the music of Ted Hallock and his
Get Noise-Makers
Over 1000 noise-makers have
been distributed among all living
organizations, according to Mickey
Davies, rally squad yell king. Urg
ing all students to- turn out for
the rally, he said, “It’s time we
showed our fighting team that
we’re behind them, and this rally
is a great way to do it.”
Nancy Bedingfield, sophomore in
journalism, who is in charge of the
rally, requests that any house
which has not yet secured its quota
of noise-makers, contact either
I Jimmie George or Patty Beaton.
(Continued from page one)
Anyone knowing of available
living quarters for Saturday night
or possibilities for obtaining them
are requested to contact Edith
Goldstein, housing chairman, at
Hendricks hall. The housing situa
tion is expected to be a bad one
for that night, and students are
urged by Miss Goldstein to make
sure of reservations before the
dads arrive.
Basketball game tickets are
practically sold out, and students
who haven't purchased them for
dads yet should go to the educa
tional activities office immediately.
No reserved seat tickets are left.
Half-time entertainment for the
ike West? Finest
the Finest
P. A. Systems for Any Occasion
Sound Truck, Fully Equipped for
Immediate Service
Sound Equipment, Built to Order
Record Players with the Latest
Recordings for Your House
Estimates Not Official
The Emerald wishes to ex
plain that the estimates of the
number of Greeks and Inde
pendents who voted in the
freshman elections was made
by the Emerald and represent
ed no official announcement.
The estimates were based on a
check of the number of fresh
men in the various houses and
can be considered only as
guesses. There is no way to
make an accurate check of
the affiliations of those WI19
Speech Tours Set
For February 4-15
The University symposium team
on “Pan-American Relations” will
speak before high school audiences
of the vicinity February 4 to 15,
according to Robert D. Clark, as
sistant professor of speech and
dramatic arts.
February 4 at 2 p.m. a team
composed of Geneva Davis, Nancy
Peterson, and Samuel Benveniste
are scheduled to make their first
appearance, speaking before the
Loraine high school student body.
Ann Brady, Robert Van Vactor,
and Floyd Hinton will present the
discussion at Crow high school
February 8 at 2 pm.
Coberg high school will hear
Shirley Hough, Van Vactor, and
Hinton the following Friday, Feb
ruary 15, at 2:30 p.m.
A larger panel consisting of.
Karen Martin, Robert Reeves, Ken
neth Neal, Barbara Wells Hinton,
Miss Hough and Miss Brady will
present the subject at Westminster
house February 10 at 6:30 p.m.
game remains a secret, but the
Dads’ Day committee promises
something special for dads and
sons and daughters. This enter
tainment will be in addition to the
presentation of cups to the wo
men’s living organizations with the
most dads here.
(Continued f rom pane one )
fusing issues as the authority
of the ASUO president to ap
point student members to
faculty - student committees
will be clarified.
The most debated topic in the
rewriting of the constitution, the
duties of the University Congress,
will be discussed by Robert Camp
bell, committee member.
“This assembly is the first
opportunity- students and
faculty members both have
had to get together and hash
out this problem,” Allen stated
in urging all students to at
tend, “Our student govern
ment, in that it prepares
future leaders in local, state,
and national politics, and helps
students become better voting
and acting citizens of their
communities, should be of pri
mary concern to every man
and woman on this campus,”
he added.
“Students have often been ac
cused of an apathetic attitude to
wards their government; it has
been said we are too irresponsible
to handle our own affairs. This
sort of assembly is a proving
ground. If attendance and partici
pation indicates active student
interest in campus affairs, the ac
cusations will be disproved, Craig
706 K. 13th St.
’Co-op’ Iron Lung
Rushed to Hospital
The iron lung which was being
demonstrated at the Co-op last
week-end in connection with the
March of Dimes drive, got an un
expected chance to do some real
service Saturday when it was
rushed to the Sacred Heart hos
pital by Dr. L. S. Kent to provide
for a serious emergency.
Dr. Kent told an Emerald re
porter that one of her patients, a
young woman, had become para
lyzed and breathing was growing
very difficult for Ifer, making it
necessary to procure quickly some
means of respiration. Accordingly,
the iron lung was tracked down
and hustled off to the Sacred
“It was very fortunate that
there was an iron lung in this
vicinity,” Dr. Kent said, adding
that by morning the patient had
passed the danger point and was
able to breathe much more easily.
The invention that has saved the
lives of many persons afflicted with
infantile paralysis was demonstrat
ed Friday and Saturday by Miss
Margaret Itchner, nurse.
(Continued from page one)
in journalism. “It is the story of
an army air force combat man’s
reaction in bitterness to public
attitude after returning to the
United States,” Hallock said.
Explains Function
"The play also explains the
function of the army air force
personnel distribution command,”
he added.
The cast consists of Fred Beck
with, Jim Davidson, Earling Er
landson, Bob Weston, Pat Kim
mick, and Paul Marcott. Sue Welch
will head the sound and music
Songs from Opera
RoseZena Latta, sophomore in
music, will sing 15 minutes of
seelctions from opera from 4:30
to 4:45. Mary Margaret Lucas,
sophomore in music, is producer
of the presentation.
Lynn Renick, freshman in liberal
arts, will sing numbers following
the theme “Something Old, Some
thing New, Something Borrowed,
Something Blue.” She will be ac
companied by Sally Watson, fresh
man in liberal arts. Bob Kirk
patrick will produce this portion
of the show.
In New Colors N
Black, Crev, Pink
Ash, Victory Blue,
London Pride' Sun
glint, Cherry.
Always Prompt, Courteous'Service
790 11th
Ph. 1597