Oregon It Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager MARGUERITE W1TTWER Managing Editor BILL §ETSER Advertising Manager JEANNE SIMMONDS News Editor MARILYN SAGE, WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors Leonard Turnbull, Fred Beckwith Co-Sports Editors MARYAN HOWARD Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor BERNARD ENGEL Chief Copy Editor TED BUSH Chief Night Editor ANITA YOUNG Women’s Page Editor JACK CRAIG World News Editor BETTY BENNETT CRAMER Music Editor Editorial Board Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holiday* ma ■nal exam periods by the Associated Students, University oi Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon, Sandlot baseball players may look pretty sad in comparison with major league stars, but the kid ball players may be the big baseball names of the coming generation. In a like manner, the freshmen nominations and elections may seem to be a minor affair alongside of the spring term ASUO elections and, es pecially, alongside of national elections, but they also serve as the training ground for future campus leaders and active citizens. Party maneuvers, the nominations, and the elections for the class of ’49 may he quieter but just as true to traditional prac tices as the coming student body elections. It is true that the class officers will not have any very heavy responsibilities and that both parties will he able to get representation if a reason able number of students vote. The importance of the elections lies in the attitude of the freshmen and in their concern for fair election practices, %If the freshmen accept dictation on how to vote and if they let upperclassmen run their- elections instead of making their own decisions, politics will he going-its traditional way at Oregon. However, the freshmen can start their political and governmental life on the campus by showing an individual interest in procedures and candidates. v The hope that a merit system can evolve is not too far fetched, but it remains just a hope until it is given some practi cal application. The freshmen can lay the groundwork before they fall prey to the common assumption that the old system cannot he changed. « QacJz with a Staty . . . Lcs Anderson was the A$UO president in 1942-43 when Oregon was most busily engaging in-the conversion from a peacetime to a wartime basis. Today he is back, in the midst of the reconversion, to tell his fellow Webfoots about his ex periences as a lieutenant-in the infantry in Europe. lie returned a little too late to fulfill the hope he expressed at the send-off rally for the enlisted reserve corps in April, 1943, the hope that at “the first homecoming after the armistice we may all gather again for a reunion on our campus.” But he will receive a personal homecoming tribute from Oregon students who hear him at the assembly today. IIis views on World War If will be more interesting to University students because they are the impressions of a for mer member of their group and one who left school to enter the army. Hecau-se of his work with the Russians in Austria, per haps he will be able to add detail or discount falsehoods in the popular conception of Russian troops. Whatever stories he wishes to tell, Lcs will find an audience interested in his words as those of a fellow student reporting back to Oregon after three years. . Rainy weather is a driving hazard as well as an incon venience in Oregon. During the month of December, there were nine fatal accidents in the state as a result of skidding on slippery road surfaces. When it's good weather for ducks, it's often dangerous weather for Webfoots. Telling the Editor About Representation In recent publications of the Emerald and Old Oregon, I have found several articles on the pro posed U of O constitution. This new constitution for the University was purportedly a pattern from our own country’s constitution; a constitution which is democratic. Yet, in studying the form subjected to the executive council, I find that this form smells to high heaven. Democracy is based on a govern ment of, by, and for the people, and not for any particular clique. Since when does' the constitution limit representation by where an individual may live ? I am under the impression that it was based on the NUMBER of people and NOT where they lived. Many persons who are now attend ing the University live off the campus in private homes because the housing shortage is so acute. Also, veterans are living off the campus. There are also some houses which do NOT have 26 men or women living there. Are all these persons not to be represent ed? And if not, WHY? Of course! The idea of the student congress wag a Greek idea, but that doesn't mean that the Greeks should rule the campus from now on. The membership, the way it is set up, now allows for only 20 indepen dent representatives; yet,- there are more independents on the cam pus than Greeks, and the pay-off' is that the Greeks get a total of 33 representatives! Should Mr. Allen’s sly plan to accomplish the subjugation of the independents succeed? Why did Mr. Craig, Mr. Dana, and Mr. Larsen, the inde pendent members of the commit tee, allow such a document to be published, knowing that their names would be associated with it ? By all means a change is need ed but one for the better, not for the worse! Check Articles II, and V of the proposed constitution, keeping in mind that there normally are 17 frats and 16 sororities, while there are but 19 independent living or ganizations. Think it over, brother, it’s your school, and the matter is entirely up to you! What are you going to do? It’s your govern ment; so, think and then act!! H. J. W. Jam for Breakfast iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMuiiiiiiiimiituniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiniiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiHtiiiiiuiiHiimiiiiimiiiiHiuiitinmmmiimiiiiiimiiiiiiH By TED HALLOCK Credits to Molly Connell for intelligent and well-done answer to my appropriately criticized “blood and guttish” letter to studes. You carve me, Molly, and say the whole thing better. Apologies to thinking Ducks. Profile No. 4: Bob MacFadden. Graduated with B.S. in music in June ’42. Uncle held up his induction until cloth and PYPrncPC riraffprl fViroo rlawo affor c«T?* Lewis. Thence to Camp Roberts, California, for basic infantry train ing. To Ft. Meade, Maryland, for 4 months more basic and over. Torpedoed, or mined, in mid-Atlan tic to pull back for Bermuda and change ships. Finally to Casablanca, minus In grid, for two months of playing jobs with 314th. A. S. F. band for "congress’ gentlemen’’ and a few enlisted men. Among others, played Allied club in Casablanca five nights per week and even P. Lorre dropped in for a scotch occasional ly. To Oran for 4 months stay. At last to Naples and civilization (meaning different type of tent). Hit there in Nov., 1943, for more officers’ dances. Now to Caserta To Caserta (after leaving Naples the night Vesuvius blew its top). After more brass functions to staging area for post-D-Day-land ing in southern France. Hit said country on D plus 17 at Plain de la Tour. By motor convoy to the north, winding up two months later at Epinal, seven kilos from the front (which was considered as safe as New York at the time). Got as far into Reichsland as Worms; then to Namur, Belgium, ending it all at Antwerp and the boat home. During 32 months overseas sojourn, Mac was bombed at Naples by the poor-aiming “bombardieren,” and strafed at Epinal by a couple of low-flying Nazi fighters, while playing cards (Mac, not the jerries). Hit Boston September, 1945, and out in Octo ber, same year. He’s a Pi Kap and plays lead tram in Hallock's bunch. Jazz. Yearly Out The new Esquire jazz yearly for 1945 is out (in Portland at least) and should be on local newsstands soon. Good buy. This time deals with Chicago style and history. .Polls in same prove that Diz Gil lespie has created a type of play ing and thinking that will be. and is, copied by millions of the na tion's musicians. If you are not familiar with that idea, catch any of his Guild affairs with Charlie Parker’s alto, Remo Palmieri’s guitar and Clyde Hart’s piano. Find (how silly) this week's Look magazine for an excellent pic series on the Herman Herd and their $100 per week band boy. A bit disenchanting (right spelling, Hoyt?), but true story of what glory lies behind an 802 card. People who have been invited-to Herb Widmer’s tonight’s audition will find an earnest and very good young tenor man, plus side men who know what they are about. Playing “pretty for the people’’ is an idea that will please many, after the-they have been listening to for the past three years. Sig Ep house is the place. Time is 4 p.m. Musicians Note I All campus union musicians: (Please turn to page three) llillll!l!!llllllllllllllllllllllllll!lll!llllllllllllllllllil!lllllllllllllllllll!lltllll!llll!1IIIllllilllllllllll!H Powder Burns iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiliiiiiilimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmffli By Rex Gunn Satan journeyed westward out of the gates of hell to seek for his dominion an earthly parallel. And deep in earthly paradise within an island realm, he found a hellish section that astonished even him. “Why, this is a truer hell than mine,” he cried in utmost glee, “I blush to think such wickedness has grown unsown by me. “But rest assured, ye mortals, who quite unbid so true, have Served my- earthly purpose, I’ll serve your purpose too. Co-operation Satan turned and beckoned an oriental aide who bore a fleet of warships—an ocean barricade. “Let’s get a rumpus started, there’s nothing I love more; they’ll get a rush of business like they’ve never had before. “I send a million servicemen to lavish them with gold and I’ll plant** a million arguments to get them in the fold, “I’ll scourge the dirge of virtue till it bolts in disarray arid I’ll swell the tide of River street to spur it on its way. "But more than that, I promise that before this time shall be there shall come among their number a mortal born of me.” Thus speaking, Satan vanished, but his words were proven true, and here’s the things that happen ed, that still can and sometimes do. Shortly afterward—in Paradise —on River street—a mist rose out the Ala Wai canal and left—and then came this: The Beginning Christie Pearl had auburn hair, an incredibly tiny face; the eyes were green, a sensuous sheen of varied depth, the lashes crept t