Page 2DAILY EMERALD Thursday, Jan. 3, 1946 Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WX-NSMlt* Business Manager MARGUERITE WITTWER Managing Editor GLORIA GRENFELL Advertising Manager JEAJNJMili S1MMUJNUH News Editor MARILYN SAGE, WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors Bill Walkenshaw, Leonard Turnbull Co-Sports Editors MARYAN HOWARD Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor JANET WHELAN Executive Secretary tiuntuhiu U KK WAtt.rueu.NO Chief Night Editor ANITA YOUNG Women’s Page Editor JACK CRAIG World News Editor BETTY BENNETT Music Editor Editorial Board Mary Margaret Ellsworth, Jack Craig, Ed Allen, Beverly Ayer Published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, and holidays i®a final exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Jlioina (loom... Be calm, girls. The University did not actually turn away 1000 single men students this term. However, the administration did have to send out some pretty discouraging letters about the housing situation. This term the University warned entering students that they should find a place to stay before registering. The “come at your own risk” attitude had to be taken because of the acute shortage of 'housing. Bleak as the picture may seem, it has improved considerably over last term. The re-opening of the fraternities adds to the available space for single men. Remodeling of Villard and Gerlinger provides some emergency rooms. And the allotment of defense housing helps fatten the list of housing facilities for married veterans. During the Christmas vacation, the Eugene chamber of commerce and officials of the University made special requests to the townspeople to rent their extra rooms to students. Al though the response was gratifying, it was not enough to meet, the demand. Until conditions permit the building of new dormi tories and the opening of additional fraternity houses, rooms in private homes will be needed in increasing numbers for student housing. Since the University is one of Eugene’s biggest assets, student housing is a vital concern of city residents. Only with their help can the University continue to grow throughout the emergency until it is the greater postwar institution of past predictions. Three-fourths of a college generation have signed their names to University registration cards since fraternities ceased to be an actuality at Oregon. Tales of their serenades, picnics, and house dances came to us when the ratio was 4 to 1. We thumbed through old Oreganas and walked regretfully through woman-littered fraternity houses. Now, registration figures, gold pins, and newly-shined door plates show that the long-awaited return of Greek men is oHhe present. We will watch with satisfaction their rc-establi*hment in student life. With a quota of no more than 10 pledges for each house, the fraternities have begun to rush prospective members. .Fifteen of the seventeen pre-war Greek-letter or ganizations will pledge this term. Questions have arisen as to the acceptability of the old system of fraternity life among the v eteran members and pledges. Can the boys with the discharge buttons and the campaign ribbons live in accordance with the traditions and customs, they ask. Maintaining that the much publicized "personality changes" have been exaggerated, fra ternity men will solve these so-called problems in their own manner. The very absence of the fraternity during the last three years will perhaps emphasize its accepted place in University life. Normality has come again to Oregon. One of the not-so-welcome returning features of college life is the contusion and waiting that goes with registration. „ Miraculously, McArthur court, the center of registration activity, was comparatively calm. Sometimes the lines seemed almost endless, but they were at least orderly lines. The biggest bottleneck was in Johnson hall where students entering school for the first time were waiting to pay their matriculation fees and get special registration information. Johnson hall is not the best place on the campus to take care of a crowd of students. Yesterday morning the lines stretched down the stairs, outside the building, and onto the sidewalk. Upstairs the lines degenerated into a mass of new students tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnniiiii!ii!iiiii!iiiiniuinni]iii!iiiniiniiniinii!iiuiiniiiin:iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiii'iiiiii Telling the Editor iiiiiiiiimimniiiiiiiimmniiHnmmmnmiiiitinimiiiiniminnnnniiiinnininiHinuiiHiiii About Redeployment (A former journalism major and Shackrat, Courtney Swander, wrote the following letters to the editor from Europe where he is sweating out his return to the States. , MUNICH, Germany — Somehow word has come to the servicemen overseas that a lot of people back home think that they have nothing else to do than sit on the pier at Le Havre and wait for a boat to take them home. To almost every one over in Europe that would be ideal, but going home is quite a complicated process. With the end of the war in the Pacific everyone wanted to go home at the same time. Then the army, navy, and marine corps each announced their own plan for de mobilization. The biggest bottleneck in rede ployment was—and still is—the shipping shortage. Propaganda films made during the war that show the U.S. fleet and merchant marine as the world’s largest are still being shown, and wherever they appear they are greeted with hisses and hoots. Life in occupied Germany gets to be dull and uninteresting. Day after day checking civilians at out lying roadblocks, collecting used war equipment, and watching others on their way home helps morale take a tumble. To partially relieve tne strain, a number of leaves and furloughs for sight-seeing in Europe have been set up. As yet only a minority of the men in the ETO have been able to take advantage of them, for they are allotted on a quota basis, wth only a few per 1000 men. Ten-day trips to visit England and the French Riviera have been set up. Seven-day trips to Paris and Switzerland are now operat ing for about 35,000 a week. Three day passes to Brussels, Luxem bourg, and Garmisch-Partenkir chen in Bavaria have been started. To make it easier for the GI, free transportation on European railroads has been arranged—pro vided proper papers are given by district transportation offices. Hotels and restaurants for GIs travelling on passes or business are located in large cities, and offer free service. The trip home usually turns out to be a long drawn-out affair for most men. The first step is bring ing together men with the same point grouping into units. At the present time those with 60 to 65 points are just beginning this pro cess. Next comes a move to France to one of the redeployment camps of the Assembly Area com mand. These are gigantic tent cities housing 40,000 at one time. The final step toward home is arrival at the port. Le Havre, Mar seille, Antwerp, Southampton, and Bremen are now being used for this purpose. The ships leaving for the United States now are loaded wth 70 to 79 point men. The hap piest moment for any soldier or sailor comes when he sees the Statue of Liberty again. That mo (Please turn lo pa Conn., at the State theater one night when yours truly thought all god’s chillun used Webley-Vick ers as equalizers; (2) having played horn on a few of the more rabid late Herman Columbias when everyone thought it was Pete Candoli; (3) having played on all the fabulous Boyd Raeburn E.T.’s not to be heard in Eugene; (4) having stylized' a new style of stylized trumpet playing, to wit, without mouthpiece, just air man. Gaillard and Trio So listen for Slim Gaillard and trio (ex-partner of Slam Stewart) ; Harry Gibson piano, and Diz and some other fellows. As Diz has been quoted as saying, “about duece&bells Art (meaning Art Tatum who plays piano, a large-, piano-like instrument) is coming on to dooz a swan with them paper hats.” For those who don’t quite follow this dialogue you will find * in the addenda bibliography o jazz at the libe an article entitled, the “Anthropological and' Social Derivations of Words” which is very dull. Seriously though (and get this, kids, for the tears) you won’t hear jazz on this shot. You’ll hear the “power-rhythm-swing” that began with Charlie Barnet’s elite effort at the Door in N.Y.C. about seven years ago, and ofays imitating the negro, and without success. Like a thousand other combos of pick-up men and friends, Diz. and staff play riffs all night with much attempting to out-do the good lord who passed out emboucheres at the start. Rumor: Lionel Hampton due at Willamette park on Jan. 6. I refuse to say that this is a “mad crew,” because my copy of Metronome hasn’t reached me yet, and you just can’t be too careful. There is a guy in the band who is fine, aside from Hamp. Name: Herbie Fields. One of the first white men to be so honored by playing with a negro outfit, of the Sam Dona tried it with his own ork till bank hue, Auld tenor school, Herbie (Please turn to page three)