Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 03, 1946, Image 1

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Number 50
Returning Vets Welcomed
By Administration, Students
Hearty welcome to Oregon men and women returning to the
University of Oregon after wartime service to the country was
■“Expressed Wednesday by Dr. Earl M. Pallett, executive secre
tary, speaking in behalf of President Harry K. Newburn, who
is in the East in the interest of the institution:
"It is gratifying to see so many of the former students back
on the campus after doing their share in the war,” Dr. Pallett
said. "I notice also a large number of new students among the
returning veterans, and to them as well as to the former Oregon
men and women and to other new students we extend a most
hearty welcome.
“The newcomers may he assured that everything possible
is being done to take care of them, both in the difficult matter
of housing and in the academic work of the University. It is
unfortunate that housing conditions are so difficult, but with the
active co-operation of the people of Eugene the situation is
rather better than had been expected.
“Students registering this term in the face of the unusual
discomfort are showing a spirit that should .carry them along
successfully in their pursuit of an education.
“Veterans who returned last term made, in many instances,
rather exceptional scholastic records. All may be assured of
every effort on the part of the faculty and administration to
see that they get the most possible out of this educational
Demand for Housing
Still Exceeds SuddIv
Despite the increased facilities
for the housing of University stu
dents, many prospective students
were unable to register this term
because there is no place for them
to live, University officials an
Although no one has been re
fused admittance to the Univer
sity, letters were sent out to those
for whom no housing was available
warning them that if they wanted
to attend, they would have to find
their own rooms. Karl W. On
Postwar Fraternity Revival Finds
200 Men on Greek Rushing List
Ten-Man Quota Limits
Pledging for 15 Houses
Fraternity rushing, dormant
since January 1944, again is in
full swing with approximately
200 men signing up for the rush |
period this term, reports the j
—«inter-fraternity council mem
bers who counted and checked
the petitions at a meeting last
Fifteen of the 17 prewar frater
nities will pledge 10 men apiece
this term. However this number is
not necessarily a permanent figure
and inter-fraternity members
hinted that the pledge limit would
be raised later this year.
Form Letter Sent
. A form letter issued every fra
t ternity aspirant-told the prospec
... five pledges that a limit of 150 men
was allowed the fraternities this
year and that a fee of one dollar
; would be charged each pledge
'/'■ ~ registrant. - - •
Fraternity members explain that
this charge was necessary to hire
‘ the inter-fraternity council secre
e- tary and to cover other expenses.
T® take care of prospective
pledges who did not have a
chance to sign up yesterday a
special table will be set up this
' ■- afternoon in the basement of
Johnson hall.
Houses Listed
' The fraternities opening their
own houses this term' are: Beta
Theta Pi, Chi Psi; Sigma Phi Epsi
lon, Phi Gamma Delta, Theta Chi,
Alpha Tau Omega and Phi Delta
Theta. Delta Upsilon and Sigma
Alpha Epsilon are sharing the
Delta Upsilon house.
Fraternities opening but not
having their own houses this term
are: Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Sigma Nu, Kappa Sigma,
Sigma Chi and Delta Tau Delta.
Fraternity Pictures'
Deadline Next Week ...
All new students, fraternity
«*- men, and fraternity pledges
must have their pictures for the
Oregana taken at Kennell-Ellis
-^"before Tuesday, January 8, Jean
Yoder, Oregana editor announced
Wednesday. Students must make
their own appointments.
UO Honor Roll Lists 146;
Eighteen Make ‘Perfect’
One hundred and forty-six University of Oregon students
received GPA’s sufficiently high enough, 3.50 or above, this
fall term to warrant their names being listed on the honor roll.
From this number 18 made grade point averages of 4.00, or a
perfect score of straight A’s. '
The straight four pointers include DanielB. Adlum, Jean
A. Alexander, Kenneth W. Christianson, Dorothy W. Davies,
Tnhn W Oiprhflrt TSJrvrmn T7! flrnn-i — : —,—-— —..'
strom, Bettie M. Hall, Phyllis N.
Korn, Merlin V. Layne, Betty J.
Lombard, James R. McGill, Allea
nor R. Merrifield, Margaret M.
Murphy, Genevieve S. Norton,
Glenn H. Snyder, Pauline L. Sul
flow, Margaret Anon Thompson,
and Phyllis Williams.
Students with a GPA of 3.50 or
above are:
Alexander J. Allen, Jr., Russell
Bagan, Julia M. Balzhiser, Eileen
M. Brenneman, Edith M. Brown,
George H. Brusted, Virginia D.
Burt, Maxine E. Cady, Manford E,
Carmickle, Jeffrey B. Case, James
L. Cation, Thelma M. Chaney, Ger
trude J. Chernis, Dorothy L.
Clausen, Mary V. Corrigan, Emily
j. Dauzenroth, Leola R. Deffen
bacher, Donald D. Dpleman.
Ruth E. Ehrlich, Alice E. Eng
lish, LaVerne I. Erickson, Herman
R. Evonuk, Phyllis J. Falk, Jocelyn
Fancher, Ruby R. Florey, Lloyd
F. Frese, Barbara A. Fullmer,
William H. Gardner, ^Thomas W.
Gerity, Jack W. Gossard, Bernice
V. Granquist, Sally A. Grefe, Edna
B. Hadley, Dorothy E. Hargrave,
Patricia A. Heinrichs, Betty J.
Hermann, LeRoy A. Hewitt.
Nancy A. Hoerlein, Verna B.
Hogg, Emerson E. Hoogstraat,
Lauriel E. Hopkins, Velma J.
Horenstein, Beverly E. Howard.
Charlotte B. Hughes, Lawrence J.
Hunt, Betty N. Ingebritson, Caro
lyn L. Jacobs, Annabelle C. Jern
stedt, M. Joene Johnson, Robert J.
Johnston, Irene N. Jolivette, Dor
otthy J. Kienholz, Sylvia L. Kill
man, Hugh R. King, Johnette C.
King, Theodore H. Kleinman, Lqwis
J. Knight, Olive V. Lindley, Alice
E. Lockhart, Kenneth G. Loder,
Doris Loenig, Barbara Lucas,
Shirley G. Lukins.
Ebba M. McCartney, Sallie R.
McKlamrock, Jean A. McCormisk,
Robert M. McKechnie, Margie L.
( Please turn to page eight )
thank, chairman of the housing
committee, said that many have
secured their own accommoda
29 More Houses
Forty houses and 50 trailer
houses secured by the University
have already been filled by mar
ried students and their wives. In
another month or two 29 more
houses across from Hayward field
will be ready for occupancy.
The University is constantly
trying to secure more accommoda
tions for students.
The second floor of Villard hall
has been converted to house 80
men and the third floor of Ger
linger hall is now the home of 36
women. Thatcher cottage has also
been changed to house 24 men.
Of those students who were liv
ing in the seven fraternity houses
which opened this term, some will
stay in the fraternity houses as
members or as paying guests.
Room for all the women was found
in the dormitories.
A drive headed by Herbert Cox
and Arthur Priaulx to find more
room for veterans in private
homes has helped the situation,
according to Mr. Onthank. “They
have found more room in this city
than I ever thought they could,”
he said.
City Groups, Help
Among-those assisting with the
campaign for housing are the Uni
( Please turn to page eight )
Sororities Begin Rushing
With Lunch, Dinner Dates
Rushees Must List Names, Pay Fee
At Panhellenic Office Today
Panhellenic announces that winter sorority rushing starts
today with - luncheon and dinner dates in order for the week
ending Saturday night. Anyone wishing to rush this week
must : first pay -the registration fee %f five dollars at the
registrar’s office in Johnson hallj unless! it was paid previously.
The rushee must have her name placed on the rushing list
at the Panhellenic office, which js now in the annex to the dean
of women’s office..Both offices will
be open from 8 a. rh. until 5 p. m.
Dates will be picked up by rushees
every day between 9 a. m. and 11
a. m.
' Preference cards will' be filed out
and the time for receiving bids bn
Sunday 'morning will be announced
at a meeting for all rushees Satur
day evening.
Those dropping rushing because
of a grade point average below 2,
or wishing to drop for any other
reason, should have their names
taken off the rushing list in the
Panhellenic office.
Twentieth Century Lit
To Meet Wednesdays
Professor H. C. Franchere’s
class in twentieth century litera-_
ture will be continued during the
winter term, it was recently an
nounced by foe general extension
This two hour course will meet
every Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. in
106 Commerce. The first meeting
will be Wednesday, January 9.
’Hour’ to Feature
Asia Discussion
A discussion of the Far East by
two members of the University
faculty will spotlight the “Univer
sity Hour’’ pver station KOAC
today at 4 p.m. The main topic,
“What To Do With the Philip
pines?’’ will be discussed by Mar
vin Krenk, instructor of radio and
speech, who has returned to the
University this term after serving
with the army air force in the
South Pacific for 20 months and
E).r, Warren D. Smith, professor
of geology and geography who did
a geological survey for the govern
ment in the Philippines a few
years ago.
Music for the “Hour” will feat
ure Maxine Cady, senior in music,
who will play Beethoven’s “Wald
stein Sonata.”
Registration Tops
Wartime Figures
Incomplete figures on enroll
ment, as of noon Wednesday,
showed 1993 students had re
ceived their registration mater
ial. This makes a great increase
over 1319 compared to this time
a year ago. The total number at
the conclusion of registering
last winter term was 1890, a
number which this year’s incom
plete statistics covers to date,
according to Clifford L. Con
stance, assistant registrar.
Several hundred old students
are returning who were not here
fall term, with the majority
being men, also a considerable
number of new students are en
tering, almost half as many,
with the men prevailing.
While there are still two offi
cial weeks to register, and stu
dents may register on petition
after that, Constance pointed
out that by next week the en
rollment may exceed ail previous
figures, the all-time high being
3476 in 1941.
Saturday Date:
Music Box Bail
Senior Formal Tickets V
Now on Sale at Iglpo
Formally attired couples will
dance to the music of Art Hol
man’s populal- Eugene dance or
chestra'next Friday night in Mc
Arthur. court at the seniors’. “Music:
Box-Ball”. • . ^ ; e,
. Plans for .the .occasion whiph..
promises to be one of the winter
term’s highlights, have Culminated
into hard work by all committee*
toward making the dance a success.
Tickets, first on sale yesterday in •
McArthur court, have been going',
fast and students wishing to attend
Should buy them as quickly .'as'
possible. ' - ; *
Decorations, though being held In
strictest secrecy, promise' to' be’
original and striking in theme.
Mary Margaret Ellsworth is*
geheral chairman for the “Music.
Box” and committee heads include
Martha Harold, decorations; Ber-<
nice Granquist, patrons; Ted Loud, •
orchestra; Bob Smith, entertain
ment; Shirley Walker, programs:;.
Ed Allen and Jim Lund, lighting;
Fred Samain and Ted Kent, clean
up; and Annamae Winshop, pub
Men Wanted for Roles
In Theater Production
The University theater guild in
calling for men to complete the
cast for “The School for Hus
bands,” musical comedy soiled- ,
uled for production early in
February. Rehearsals for the
play will begin at once, following"
the completion of the male role
casting. Men interested in the
play should leave their names
and phone numbers at the drama
studio. A special call is also made
for any student interested in
ballet work or one possessing
slight-of-hand ability.