Oregon Forensic Students Plan Tournament Saturday Arriving at the University of Oregon Saturday morning will be approximately 150 high school and college students to participate in the Willamette Valley Forensic in stitute. Representatives from six high schools and five colleges will take part in the one day affair. This is a practice meet and no prizes are being offered. The meet is being sponsored by the Intercol legiate Forensic Association of Oregon, and its main purpose is to make pre-season practice in speech activities possible. High schools represented in clude schools from Eugene, Salem, Roseburg and McMinnville. Col leges and universities participating are Oregon State college, Pacific university, Willamette university, Lewis and Clark college, and Oregon. Participants will register in Room 12 Friendly hall at 9:15 a.m. Saturday. Starting at 9:30 the meet will include three rounds of debate, two rounds of extemporan eous speaking and two rounds of impromptu speaking. The subject for the high school debating is resolved: That every able-bodied male citizen of the United States should have one year of full-time military training before attaining age 24. The col lege proposition is resolved: That the policy of the United States should be directed toward the establishment of free trade among the nations of the world. Participating in the program for high school forensic directors at 10 a.m. will be Dr. E. L. Johnson, head of the political science de partment of the University of Ore gon, and Dr. C. H. Secoy, assist ant professor of chemistry on the campus. Professor K. E. Mont gomery, assistant professor of speech and dramatic arts, is gen eral chairman of the meet. Election is Postponed The ISA election of class rep resentatives, originally sched uled for today in the Co-op has been postponed until .winter term. Yep, mighty proud to be able to offer you this smart line .von’ve seen featured so often in. VOGUE HARPER S BAZAAR Designed to flatter and cut to fit lithe }unior figures* Styled with all the smartness demanded by that style*conscious group ... America’s coeds! SIZES 9 TO 15 Tenth and Morrison, Ninth and Alder in Portland, BR 7711