Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 05, 1945, Page 16, Image 16

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    Gerlinger Hall Quiet As Girls’
Intra-Mural Volleyball End
Highlighting the women’s sports world during the last three
months of this fall term have been the intramural volleyball
games at Gerlinger Hall.
During the first two weeks of this year’s tournament Susan
Campbell, Delta Delta Delta, and Alpha Gamma Delta, got off.
to a flying start as jdfeysS&ch won their first two games, topping
the volleyball ladder.1 This led to
a big upset during the following
week when Susie blasted the high
hopes of Alpha Gamma Delta to
defeat them with -a 'vefy close 34
to 25 score, thus raising them to
the top position where they stood
with honors, three wins, no defeats.
Noticeably creeping up to second
place was Hilyard House with two
wins, no losses to their credit.
Susie Steady
The following week found Susan
Campbell still in the lead followed
by Highland House and the Delta
Delta Delta, both then undefeated.
This was the only game this term
that ended in a tie, 29 to 29. It
was decided to play an extra five
minutes and as the whistle blew to
end this most thrilling, breath
taking game, the final score, 40
to 30.
During the l^st week of the
semi-finals, with the season draw
ing t.o a close, there were six
houses leading the tournament,
Susan Campbell, Highland House,
Delta Delta Delta, Delta Zeta,
Delta Gamma and Hilyard House.
Finals Then
November 15, the finals began
with the Hilyard House team losing
to Tri-Delt, Susan Campbell dis
playing superior ability over High
land House, and the Delta
Gamma’s boosting their score to
wards “greener fiefds.” The win
ners showed themselves to be the
“terrific three” of the season.
As a climax to the season of
outstanding intramural volleyball
playing, Susan Campbell won the
final game from Delta Gamma
with a close and also low score of
81 to 24 indicating long rallys and
excellent playing on the part of
both teams.
From the best volleyball players
of the whole term were selected
16 girls to play in the All Star
game which was scheduled Nov.
Those participating in the A-ll
Star game were:
The Green Team *
Betty Crabb, captain, Susan
Campbell; Evelyn Woodworth,
Highland House; Lucille Bellinger,
Delta Delta Delta; Grace Ed
wards, Rebec House; Martha Cool,
Alpha Xi Delta; Maxine Jamieson,
Alpha Chi Omega; Carolyn Han
son, Alpha Gamma Delta; Eliza
beth Gilmore, Gamma Phi Beta;
Pat Beuttel, Highland House;
A-Bomb Brings
New Problems
Professor Says
“A blinding flash in the cold
light of dawn in south east New
Mexico” last spring marked the
end of the evolutionary era with
the discovery of the atomic bomb,
Dr. L. S. Cressman, head of an
thropology asserted Tuesday when
he spoke as guest lecturer to
social science classes in Chapman
Hall. The discovery of atomic
energy presents a new problem to
man, Dr. Cressman said, in that
cognizance of its good powers as
well as its use as a destructive
war weapon is essential. The world
i will have to adjust their out-moded
thinking and utilize this latest,
most revolutionary discovery for
the benefit of society as a group.
Speaking in conjunction on
general anthropology Dr. Cress
man explained that the evolution
ary era which began in the 1870’s
with Darwin’s famous “Origin of
Species” also brought about the
birth of anthropology since people
were “forced to look upon man as
Maryanne Hansen, Alpha Phi;
Gwen Noyes, Alpha Delta Pi.
The Yellow Team
Barbara Borrevick, captain,
Delta Gamma; Beverly Bennett,
Susan Campbell; Genevieve Siskey,
Hendricks Hall; Eva Anderson,
Judson House; Jean Crafton,
Rebec House; Della Martin, Hil
yard House; Kathleen King, Sigma
Kappa; Ninon King, Alpha Hall;
Harriet Tozier, Alpha Hall; Betty
Ingebretson, Delta Delta Delta,
JoAnne Luke, Chi Omega.
of imported eapeskin
Slip-on glove of “whipped cream"* quality. Leather—heavy and
butter-soft—cut and stitched for full finger freedom. The moment
a man puts his hand into this glove, he'll feel that lining straight
to his fingertips! Close-furred rabbit, really durable.
> Sizes 8 to 10y2, 4.9H
Donna Stageburg, Alpha Gamma Delta, admires a new plastic
cigarette case from J, C. Penney Co.
a part of a living world, unique
among all other living things.”
Two basic questions must be
considered in • anthropology, Dr.
Cressman said. They are: When
did man appear in history and
what are the physical characteris
tics which make him the highest
of all animals? Answering these
questions with the explanation
that association of fossils and
earth strata indicate the begin
ning of the Homo specie, Dr.
Cressman pointed out that three
marked physical characteristics
in the specialization of the trans
versly arched foot, the perfectly
erect posture and the highly de
veloped brain of man show his
I role in evolution as apart from all
other specie.
The era of evolutionary theory
is ended, Dr. Cressman said, and
a new period begins bringing with
it • a greater need for studying
human relationships. With a better
knowledge of anthropology man
may study his actions relative •&©—
group action impartially and sen
sibly with greater understanding.
"Y" Cabinet Appointees
June Johnson and Shirley Mult
hauf have been appointed to the
YWCA cabinet. Miss Johnson is
chairman for public affairs and
Miss Multhauf is chairman for
worship programs.
. ' Personalized for you
—or for that favorite friend.
Plus Tax
Plus Tax