YWCA To Survey Coeds' Problems A survey to find out what the campus women are really like is being conducted at the University or Oregon and a number of other selected colleges and universities ia the United States by the Na tional Student Council and by USO Campus Services of the YWCA. The results, which will be pub lished in the “Women’s Press," V.W.C.A. magazine, will be used it, the development of the program for student councils and the USO Campus services. Directed by Anne Scripter -and Margery Skordahl, co-chairmen of tue Y.W.C.A. membership com mittee, the survey seeks to dis cover certain facts about campus women, their problems and con cons, what proportion of them have made hasty marriages, and what difficulties they see in their own future. The project is under the direc tion of Miss Lois Greenwood, exe cutive director of the campus Y.W.C.A. “Much has appeared in news papers and magazines about col lege women,” wrote Fern Babcock of the National Student Council and Louise Pfeutze of the USO Campus services. “Some of it has been good, but all of it has been speculation. We are attempting to discover some facts.” The results of the poll will be sent east, but the campus Y.W.C.A. plans to incorporate the results into its future progams, according to Miss Greenwood. Dreaming ... (Continued from I'nitc Nine) coat to his mouth. I presumed that it was oxygen. [ hurried home, towing a yule log behind me, to help mother put cheese on the crackers. Mother had asked me to set the table out on the terrace; it was such a beauti Joan Farmer, Delta Gamma, models the newest in dressy black and black skirt combination from Kaufman Bros. ful snow tall. We were having a family reunion; 265 relatives were coming in on the noon plane. Later, as I was trimming the Christmas tree with a pair of shears, I was deeply touched to find a string of beads (I just love beads) which my 265 relatives had chipped in to buy me. I was so happy that I flew to the window ana truew up me sasn anu snuuieu to the world, “Seasons Greetings.” Coed of the Week ... (Continued from Page Nine) the reason for the attachment was simply that she lost Ed Allen’s pin last summer, and this was a ! method for insuring against further loss. ProfessorSlated For Brazil Visit Appointment of Dr. A. R. Moore, research professor of gen eral physiology, as visiting pro fessor to the Biophysical Institute of the medical school in the Uni versity of Brazil at Rio de Janeiro, was announced recently hy the state department at Washington D.C. Dr. Moore’s two month appoint ment is on invitation of the direc tor of the South American insti tute, Dr. Carlos Chagas. The state departments division of cultural co-operation is subsidizing the visiting professorship. During his stay at the South American university, Dr, Moore will give lectures cn the excita tion of nerves. His lectures will include the results of studies mad^ at the University on the chemistry and biophysics of nerve function. “This is a very welcome oppor tunity to become acquainted with and to work with the leading phy siologists of Brazil,” Dr. Moore said, “It will be very interesting to me to learn something about animals of that region, and the appointment will enable me to carry on comparative studies, especially of the nervous system, in which I have been interested for a long time.” 1 il LET THERE BE BEAUTY! You'll be the belle of the holiday season if your hair is alive and sparkling with our expert styling. Gantfmi Beauty Salon On 13th on the Campus IN EUGENE IT'S THE BROADWAY • Ladies Ready-to-wear • Accessories • Lingerie • Linens • Piece Goods • Housewares and Draperies • Infant's and Children's Wear