WHEAT FACES MFE>« ... DECISIONS ARE IMPORTANT Copyright 1944 hy KEISTER SYNDICATE, STRASBURG, VA. Script and suggestion* for this series of advertisements gratefully received. Every boy and girl reaches the age at which fairy tales and childish delusions are laid aside, and they face the age old problems of life. These are momentous problems—the problem of themselves, their reactions to life, the course they; are to choose, and to what distant goals. Mistakes made in these early decisions may prove tragic fn later years. Y'outh needs guidance as it comes into this phase of life in which it acquires a sense of moral and human responsibility for its acts and aims and the course it pursues in life. Iis best guide is religion. There is no surer way to fortify boys and girls against the pitfalls of life, and teach them to make wise decisions, than by bringing them up under the influence of religious, teach ing. When people think right, they are very apt to choose right and act right. They go wrong when they think wrong. The Church is an asset of priceless value, not only to the. individual, but to the community and the State. It is the repository of those moral and spiritual teachings which build character and promote good citizenship. It inspires faith, which is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Religion is the guide of youth and strength of every age. This advertisement contributed to the cause of the Church by the following patriotic citizens and business establishments: WILLAMETTE STREET MARKET 11G7 Willamette St. I1CWKLL, HERBERT A WIN ANI)Y 48 E. 10th JACK LAMB PHOTO SHOP 098 Willamette * MILLER'S 840 Willamette FIRST NATIONAL BANK 890 Willamette PAUL I). GREEN 837 Willamette JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. 649 Willamette THE JEWEL BOX 1036 Willamette VALLEY PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. 76 West Broadway LOYALL R. HUGH CO. ~ “ ’ 1029 Willamette MONTGOMERY WARD 1059 Willamette JERRY’S BAKERY Public Market COUNTRYMAN & WEBB Public Market EUGENE HOTEL 222 E. Broadway OREGON DAILY EMERALD DEPFENBACHER’S BARBER SHOP 849 E. 13th St. CHASE GARDENS 58 E. Broadway