Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 10, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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    Toss-up Grid Battle on Tap
Makes All-Stars
Says P E Prof
“Sport specialization has caused
the ‘all-round’ athlete to become a
tnan of the past,” aserted E. R.
Knollin, professor of physical edu
cation, Wednesday.
When asked the cause of sport
specialization, Knollon replied, that
v hen a young man in junior high
shows possibilities of becoming
a first class football, basketball,
the specialization begins,
track or baseball athlete, then
The pre-college coach having
posible star material in any sport
other than football does not want
the player hurt during the football
season. The coach tries to keep the
player in the sport of his best
qualifications to work out a higher
technique of skill in that sport.
Athletic Dancing
“See,” said the medium built,
wiry Knollin, as he rose from his
seat and showed a few basic, move
ments of the feet that he called
“athletic dancing.” “Athletes have
difficulty of shifting quickly from
one foot to the other in quick
changes of balance, but if the ath
lete has had a good instruction in
athletic dancing or basic footwork
it is a simple feat.”
“Remember Knute Rockne’s four
horsemen?” I did, thinking golden
memories of football's pat days.
“Rockne taught them a dance step
ho saw chorus girls do on a stage.
Athletic dancing can do this; for
all basic dance steps are found in
athletic* dancing,” stressed Knollin.
Affect on Students
“It has affected the student body
as a whole," replied Knollin when
queried as to the result of the pas
:T.g of the all-round athlete; “the
colege student today cannot do
many of the feats that are consid
ered a matter of routine in junior
high and high school gym
Simple feats of tumbling, such
as rolls, hand springs and cart
wheels, that the college student
should have learned in the lower
schools, aserted Knollin, have to be
taugh in college physical education
Alpha Omicron Pi’s
Entertain Jermain
Alpha Omicron Pi took gloat
pleasure in entertaining- “Bud"
Jermain Thursday evening- at his
first women’s fireside.
Jermain, instructor of jour
nalism, was “purchased" by the
Alpha Omicron Pi's at the World
Ftudent Service fund assembly.
A. Beta Theta Pi, Jermain remi
nisced about his college days and
life in his fraternity. He also told
the girls many interesting facts
about his life in the army includ
ing a few commando tactics.
Hot chocolate, doughnuts, and
the soft blending of the old well
loved Oregon songs sung before a
ecackling fire made this a mem
o able evening.
Communion Breakfast
There will be a communion
breakfast for members of the
Newman club, at the 9:15 a.m.
mass Sunday, November 11, it was
announced by Donna O'Brien,
chairman of the function.
Catholic students and their
friends will receive communion in
a body at the 9:15 mass, followed
by breakfast at the school cafe
teria next door to the church.
f I - -—-—----—-—-—
By Leonard Turnbull
As a writer of athletics, I’m naturally thrown into contact
with many men in this profession. After checking back on the
nebulous past 1 call to memory none who have impressed me
with character and general likeability as Phil Sorboe, head
coach ot me \\ asmngion maie
varsitv football team. Piles of
records on the weekend rival
coach spill a tale of 33 years
crammed with football know
ledge. Sorboe sparkled for the
Cougars football team during
’31-’33, capping bis collegiate
career as a member of the 1934
West team that downed the
past. 12 to 0. In his senior year.
Phil was winner of the Bolder
Honor Medal, the award given
annually to the player voted the
biggest inspiration to the team
, Phil Sorboe by squad members. Three r ears
of pro football followed college, mostly with the Chicago Car
dinals. Then mental labors of heading high school teams ensued
from 1939 to 1942. when a call was received from Uncle Sam.
After his discharge from the Army Air Corps in 1944, Sorboe
guided the Lincoln high school team of Tacoma through an un
defeated season. Washington State officials decided then and
there that this was the man, and he will be aiming for the fourth
win of the season against our Ducks today on Pullman’s
snow -wrapped gridiron.
Back to the whereabouts of our Webfoot gridmen, and we
find a looming obstacle in the blanket of snow on the Cougar's
home field. Last reports state that three inches cover the Pull
man surroundings, and more is falling.
Snow is good for skiing and for falling inside your upturned
coat collar, but there the attributes end. For footballers, the
sifty white flakes stiffen flexible hands, and make the underpins
a little hard to keep balanced on crunchy fields. Tex Oliver’s “T
wist" formation will have many difficulties today against the
team they downed 26-13 in the first of the home-and-home
\Y oh foots nosed into the first game with Washington State
as growling- underdog's of the day. The Saturday afternoon
squabble turned into a dream performance by wearers of the
lemon and green. Blocking’ was there by linemen and backs,
ball carriers lugged the leather with high stepping’ finesse, and
the issue was never in doubt, provided you shift the tired fourth
quarter back in memories.
Today finds the sports ehosers divided on outcome of the
game, (liven a margin of error most are picking the Ducks, but
toss in a parthiau shot that the game should be one of the sea
son's closest. Both squads are riddled with injuries, and Bill
Uppincott, ace hack of the Cougars, may sit on the sidelines
most of the game. Light workouts have featured this week's
practice list for the two elevens, and neither one of the rival
coaches is shouting to wide heavens about teams condition.
The swimming team just isn’t splashing enough water these
days at the University men’s pool. More men are still needed
to bolster the squad to pre-war basis of high class meets. There
are a lot of men on the campus who have the ability for record
shooting—why they do not come out is questionable. Oregon’s
leadership in putting out top-notch aquatic teams is threat
ened. May these hidden stars see the water-diffused light and
Contact Coach John Warren, or report to the men’s pool
Monday at 5 p. m.
Headline in "The Oregonian" reads, "Staters Wave Crying
1 owel. in reirence to Beavers weekend tussle with the Uni
versity of Washington—St. Mary's pre-flight loses Frankie Al
bert this week with his discharge from the service—Reports
have trickled in that Laddie Gale is in Eugene, but as vet have
not met the former sterling basketeer—Pre-war estimates of
Snow Blankets Pullman;
T-wist’ Tangles WSC T
Thirty-three men and Oliver, along with his assistants, are in
Pullman, waiting for the starting gun to match teams with
the Palouse football gridders. The snow-covered field is in
readiness for the two elevens who will be exchanging might
for the second time this season. Little is known just what talent
Coach Phil Sorboe has in the way
of mudders, but it is a state-to
state fact Oregon has a speedy,
tricky team and definitely no mud
ders when it comes to playing
football on blankets of white.
The Oregon backfield, composed
Bobbie Reynolds, who has
been alternating from quarter
back to halfback, cuts loose with
one of his ground gaining
passes. He will be a mainstay in
the Oregon backfiel'd today
when the Webfoots and the
Cougars clash.
Bob Weber, hawk-eyed half
back of the VVebfoot gridmen
unleashes a pass. Weber has
seen sterling action with the
squad and will be on tap for
Coach Oliver's call in the WSC
I of Jake Leicht, Reynolds, Dono
van and Bond, a real threat anjr
sunny day, will have their hands
full when they combine mud with
speed in trying to repeat that
glorious day at Eugene one month
Ducks Master Stamina
The Oregon line, a mass of
muscle and iron men, last Satur
day proved they can play balT"on
any turf, no matter what the wea*
ther, when they stopped the Hus
kies colder than an ice cube. Wash
ington men under the command of
Pest (the footballs are no good)
Welsh, couldn’t score more than,
once against the three-to-one un
derdog Oregon eleven. There have
been few changes since last week
in the Webfoot forward wall.
Those changes mean substitutions
en masse against Palouse boys.
The Cougars prepared them
selves by going through Leicht
Keynolds plays of Oregon, and
were told by blackboard of the
method the Webfoots use in grab
bing any men wearing the wrong
Coaches Ready
Little more can be said except
each team has played two gatnes
since State last visited the Ore
gon campus some weeks ago. Both
coaches say they are ready to di
rect activities from the bench.
The opposing players have little to
say till head-bumping and pigskin
hurries begins with the sound of
“bang” that officialy starts an
other Oregon game to be recorded
in record books.
Oregon suffered some injuries
last week, but the iron men are re
ported in top condition with the
prospects of sunny California and
a battle with the Bears in view af
ter the cold north has been invad
Cougars Injuries Low
Washington State came out even
last week against California, in
their moral victory for the Pull
man men with no serious effects
inflicted on any first string player.
Oregon goes on the field slightly
favored by the people in Eugenjjft
while the Cougars rate a good
chance to win from the- Pullman
The game sums up with Cougar
power, their home field, against
Oregon’s Leicht-Reynolds, and a
fighting Oregon line with words
from Oliver to put Oregon again
in the win column.
Hathawa v
B. Anderson
] )eskins
R. Anderson
tiie planned Portland Meadows race track were $150,000, a?
compared with present $600,000 total—Two Portland high
school gills football teams played to a scoreless tie—an idea
for onr athletically inclined coeds!