Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1945, Image 1

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    Oregon H Emerald
Ult. .lUniM (J. iVlt,lUtl.AIVl
Former Paleontologist and UO Lecturer
Succumbs at 76 in Oakland, California
Dr. John Campbell Merriam,
paleontologist, educator, adminis
trator, consultant, and lecturer on
the human values of science and
nature at the University, died
Tuesday morning in Oakland, Cali
Dr. Merriam was born Octo
ber 20, 1869 at Hopkinton, Iowa.
He was graduated from Lenox
college, Iowa, in 1887 with a
bachelor of science degree, and
received his doctor’s degree from
the University of Munich, Ger
many, in 1893.
A number of honorary degrees
were given the educator by lead
ing institutions of the country. He
received honorary doctor of
science degrees from Columbia
university, Yale, Princeton, Penn
sylvania, University of the State
of New York, and Oregon State
college. Honorary doctor of law
degrees were awarded him by
Weslyan college, University of
California, New York university,
University of Michigan, Harvard,
(Please turn to page seven)
'Irreplaceable Loss to Scholarship Circles/
/Stimulating Interest/ Say Colleagues
ur. Frederick M. Hunter, chan
cellor of the state system of
higher education, said of Dr. Mer
riam, “He has made an immeasur
able contribution to scientific re
search, first as a great geologist
and paleontologist at the Univer
sity of California, then as presi
dent of the Carnegie Institution,
and recently as consultant and
lecturer on the human values of
science and nature for the Oregon
state system of higher education.
“His passing is an irreplaceable
loss in all the scholarly communi
ties where he worked, both in Ore
gon and elsewhere. Among his
first great researches was the
study of the John Day area. Con
sequently, when the Oregon com
mittee on park problems ap
proached him concerning the posi
tion with the state system, it was
an opportunity for him to resume
contact with his great interest m
the John Day country. His contri
bution here was in keeping with
his previous great work.
“As president of Carnegie Insti
< Please turn to ['a</e seven)
Dean Wickham
Stresses Need
Of Signing Out
Parental Permission
Necessary for Coeds,
Heads of Houses Told
With emphasis on this week’s
football game in Portland, Mrs.
Golda Wickham, dean of women,
discussed the necessity of signing
out, with members cf Heads of
Houses at a meeting Monday.
Mrs. Wickham stressed the im
portance of notifying house
mothers of intention to leave the
campus for any length of time, in
addition to signing out with the
dean’s office. Women students are
required to submit letters from
their parents or guardians giving
permission to leave Eugene.
Contributions Considered
Contributions to the Dean
Schwering memorial scholarship
fund initiated after the death of
Mrs. Hazel Schwering, former
dean of women, were discussed,
and it was suggested that a silver
tea be given to raise funds.
House presidents were asked to
check fire inspection reports on
their respective houses and im
prove conditions wherever so indi
Saving Seats Banned
It was announced that students
will be denied the privilege of at
tending concerts sponsored by the
~ (Please1 turn to (age scz'cn)
NOV. 2.
'Of Mice and Men’
Scheduled Tonight
“Of Mice and Men,” movie
version of John Steinbeck’s
famous novel, will be shown to
night in 207 Chapman hall. Lon
Chaney Jr., Burgess Meredith,
and Betty Fields portray the
main characters in this drama,
noted for its outstanding acting.
Selected short subjects will
be offered with the main
feature. The movies are to last
an hour and a half, and there
will be two continuous show
ings, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
CARL C. WEBB . . .
Manager of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers association and
recently named vice-president of the Newspaper Association Man
agrs, an organization which covers the United States and Canada.
Train, Bus Schedules
To Portland Reviewed
By Laura Olson
Two and possibly three extra train cars will be provided for
students traveling to Portland this week-end for the game.
However, these additional cars will be added only to the South
ern Pacific training leaving Eugene at 1:46 p. m. Friday. Trains
will leave Friday at 6 a. m., at which time seats will be assigned
wnen ucKeis are cougiu., y.ou
a.m., this is the Cascade Beaver
and all seats are reserved in ad
vance; 1:46, students arriving first
will get seats as there are no
reservations on this train; 6:26
p.m., seats will be assigned when
the tickets are purchased. This
time schedule is in effect Friday
and Saturday.
Coming Home
Trains will leave Portland for
Eugene Sunday at 8 a.m., no
reservations are needed for this
train; 6:20 p.m., this is the Cas
cade and all seats are reserved in
advance; 7:15 p.m., no reserva
tions are necessary; and 10:00
p.m., reservations must be made in
Portland for this train.
Price of a round trip ticket is
$5.69 while a one way ticket costs
$3.15. Round trip tickets are good
for three months and one way
tickets are good for 30 days. Pas
sengers are asked to check bag
gage one half hour early.
(Please turn to page six)
Final Tryouts
At 2 in Johnson
The last call for tryo-uts for
parts in the forthcoming pro
duction by the Guild theater
has been issued by Horace Rob
inson, who will direct the next
play. All students interested in
drama are asked to meet at the
Guild theater in Johnson hall
this afternoon at 2.
This second production of the
year will be “The Time of Your
Life” by William Saroyan.
Top on Director Robinson's
“wanted" list is a man who can
dance like a combination of
Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire
and who can also act. Robinson
is also looking for a harmonica
player. Male students are espec
ially invited to try for these
Webb Elected
Officer of NAM
Newspaper Publishers Plan Improvement,
Says New Vice President of Association
By Maryann Howard
Carl C. Webb, assistant professor of journalism, returned <o
the campus last weekend, after attending a meeting of the
Newspaper Association Managers in Chicago, as the newly
elected vice-president of that organization. The group is com
nosed of field managers of 32 state rpcrional and national nnlv
lishers’ association in the United
States and Canada. Since the new
president is C. V. Charters, man
aging director of the Canadian
Weekly Newspaper association
with offices in Brampton, Canada,
Webb will be the head man in the
United States.
“Now that the war is over I can
see vast changes in the thinking
of -newspaper publishers,” stated
Webb, also manager of the Oregon
Newspaper Publisher’s association.
“Publishers are much more in
terested in producing a better
newspaper and they’re thinking
about how they can improve their
product,” he aid. “The last two
years they have been thinking
only of how they can get by de
spite the materials and manpower
shortages. Now they are looking
ahead and are actually going into
postwar projects which you have
been hearing about.” Also, said
Webb, there will be a great deal
of expansion when the material
and personnel problems are solved.
Even though government control
on newsprint is expected to be lift
ed by the first of the year that will
not mean that there will be any
more available, but rather that it
is- up to the industry to work out
the problem of production and
Other Meetings
Since Charters had to leave Oc
tober 24, Webb represented the
N.A.M. at the board of directors
meeting of the National Editorial
association the next day. Webb al
so attended the meeting of the
advisory council of the N.E.A. This
council is composed of officers, and
directors of N.E.A. and field man
agers and officers of the various
state associations as well as a num
ber of N.E.A. committeemen all
over the country. Not all the states
were represented, but most of the
Pacific Northwest states were.
The only other Oregonian present
was W. Verne McKinney of the
Hillsboro Argus, as past president
of the N.E.A. and chairman of the
board of directors.
Promotion Campaigns
Webb attended two other meet
ings which were held Saturday.
There was a morning meeting of
the Weekly Newspaper Promotion
bureau, which is affiliated with the
N.E.A. and which conducts re
search studies, assembles informa
tion about the work of newspapers
and conducts promotion campaigns
to acquaint people with the value
(Please turn to page six)
Concert Slated
Thursday Night
A repertoire that includes
outstanding works of the class
ical composers as well as origi
nal compositions is on the pro
gram for the first campus reci
tal by Ralph Briggs, assistant
professor of piano at the Uni
versity school of music. He will
be presented to campus and Eu
gene music lovers Thursday at
8:15 p. m. in the music audi
Selections from Bach, Beeth
oven, Brahms and Chopin will be
Briggs, new on the campus this
term, transferred from Ohio Wes
leyan university, Deleware, Ohio.
While attending the Cincinnati
Conservatory of Music, Briggs was
elected to membership in Phi Mu
Alpha, men’s national music fra
ternity, and served as both sec
retary and president of the local
group. In 1927 he was awarded the
Juilliard musical foundation schol
“Scherzo for Two Pianos,” an
original composition by Briggs
took first place in 1941 in the Kan
sas Federated Music clubs compo
sition contest, and in 1944 he took
second place in the same contest
with “Caprice for Violin and Pi
ano.” On the program he will play*
for his Eugene audience Thursday,
he will present one of his own com
positions, “Novelette.”
Play Billed For Final
Showing This Evening
Final performance of Bal
lard’s uproariously funny court
comedy “Ladies of the Jury”
goes on stage this evening at •/
8:00 p.m. in the Guild theater,
Johnson hall. Under the direc
tion of Ottilie Seybolt, the play
is the opener of the 1945 Uni
versity Guild season. A gay
farce, the plot deals largely with
the skillful maneuvering of a
murder trial jury by Mrs. Liv
ingstone Baldwin Crane, a role
delightfully portrayed by Mari
lyn Wherry.