Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 10, 1945, Image 1

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Number 15
Piggers Okay
At Corvallis
Piggers got a big break, but
only a temporary one, last night
when Signe Eklund, president of
AWS, announced that dating
would be legal for the game
with the Beavers Saturday.
The announcement was made
by Miss Eklund in the absence
of a campus social chairman.
Social policy for all campus
affairs in the future will be made
through this office which was a
wartime casualty and is being
reestablished this term.
The policy for Saturday’s
game was set after conference
with faculty and student leaders,
but Miss Eklund stressed the
point that this is a temporary
measure and is not to be con
strued as a final declaration of
- acceptable social action.
ISA Plans for
Campus Dance
By November 7
Barbara Weisz was appointed
temporary secretary of the ISA
Senate, when the group held its
first meeting last evening. Plans
for the all-campus dance, to be
sponsored by the Independent Stu
dents association and held Novem
ber 7, were laid at the meeting.
Special committees were ap
pointed for ISA work, and workers
were organized to arrange for the
Senate banquet, scheduled to be
held sometime in the near future.
Anne Van Valzah, president of
the ISA, reported on the ISA ex
ecutive council meeting, held with
Gerry Huestis first ISA president.
Huestis contributed plans and sug
gestions which could be sponsored
by the organization and motions
were passed to work on them.
Present at the meeting were:
Joan Davids, Jeanne Jameson, Lois
Haegle, Dorothy Habel and Leona
Olson, Hendricks Hall; Bob Krause
and Art Fretwell, Sherry Ross
hall; Mildred Clemens and Betti
ana Watkins, University house;
Ben Tooze and Bob Miller, Sigma
hall; Eleanor Thomas and Lois
Cooper, Alpha hall; Richard Prince
and Jerry Mosby, Campbell club;
Eileen Dick and Lois Carleton,
(Please turn to page eight)
Two French Films
Presented Tonight
Tonight at 7:15, the French
film “Dr. Knock” will be shown
in room 207 of Chapman hall.
Famed French actor Louis Jour
et, takes the lead in this dra
matic satire on the medical pro
fession. This torrid narrative fol
lows the witty French style, with
its setting in a small modern
French town. As the dialogue is
entirely in French, English sub
titles are added throughout the
The second film is a March of
Time feature, titled “The French
Campaign.” This selection con
cerns the early plans and later
' military operations of the last
World War. The commentary is
in French, but English insertions
^S-re added.
Everybody is invited to at
tend these movies that are of
fered weekly by the educational
activities board.
Emerald Wins All-American
No Canoe Fete This Year
Board Decides at Meeting
The Educational Activities board in a meeting Monday
night wrote finis to any plans for the resurrection of the pre
war canoe fete as an integral part of this year’s Junior Weekend.
At Monday’s meeting it was decided that in view of the State
Highway Commission’s plans to let contracts for the construe
tion 01 tne new nignway be
tween J u cl k i n s point and
Broadway it was inadvisable
to set a definite course of ac
tion at the present time.
The project was reviewed
and the manager was directed
to save as much as possible
from this year’s budget to add
to the $15,000 already set aside for
the filling of the old channel, con
struction of bleachers on the south
side of the race, construction of a
stage on the north side, and gen
eral improvement of the site with
the cooperation of the highway
The board is determined to have
the work completed at the earliest
possible time but the prohibitive
cost of materials and labor at the
present preclude any possibility of
the project’s completion by spring
The board also let a contract to
the San Carlo Opera company for
the presentation of “Carmen” on
February 5, 1946.
Printing of 2700 copies of the
1946 Oregana was authorized, and
the additional paper needed for
the annual was ordered.
Authorizations for the printing
of the Emerald, and 2600 “Piggers
Guides” were granted before the
board adjourned.
Sr. Editing Class
Gives Radio Show
The University Journal went to
press for the second time this year
Tuesday October 9 over station
KOAC under the direction of Mrs.
Mary Stanton Krenk, radio advis
or, and - Shirley Peters, student
Broadcast and written by the
senior editing class, the journal
goes on the air weekly at 4:45
p.m. with the view of acquainting
listeners with odd, unusual, and
amusing incidents happening in
Oregon to Oregon people. Mater
ial for the broadcast is obtained
from local newspapers and from
listeners who submit interesting
Students appearing on the series
are Margaret Brooke, Marjorie
Olson, Nona Bradley, Wilma Fos
ter, Marvin Tims, and Leonard
Turnbull who alternate appear
ances, four doing the broadcasting
each week.
Registration Group
To Discuss Changes
Petitions for late entrance to
the University and petitions from
students wishing to add classes
will be discussed by the registra
tion committee Thursday.
Under the new system introduc
ed this year, students who wish to
add classes or register late must
petition the registrar’s office.
Ducks May Wing
To OSC Via Trucks
Due to the prevailing bus
drivers strike, it is quite evident
that some other method of trans
portation to porvallis for the U
of O-OSC game must be utilized.
A remedy for this situation is in
sight. There are trucks available
to cary students to and from the
game. At the College Side Inn
and the Co-op are survey sheets
to be signed by the students in
terested. Those organizations
wishing to travel in a body are
to contact Evan Sax at 3886. An
announcement of schedules will
appear in a later edition of the
Belated Rating Awarded
194-5 Winter Term Papers
By National Press Critics
l'or Inc tilth time in seven years the Oregon Haile Emerald
has been awarded the All-American Honor rating by the Asso
ciated Collegiate press annual newspaper evaluation program.
The rating, announcement of which was received Tuesday by
Louise Montag, editor, applies to the Emeralds issued during
winter term last year when
Anne Craven was editor, Eliza
beth Haugen managing editor,
and Marguerite Wittwer, news
The announcement came as
an unprecedented surprise
since the same Emeralds en
tered in this 33rd All-American
Newspaper critical servfce had al
raedy been awarded the First
Class Honor rating last spring
term. The All-American rating,
higher than the First Class classi
fication, was awarded the Emerald
after all the papers in a represen
tative group were judged by stan
dards set by the papers themselves.
The score the Emerald received
Newspaper Week Brings
Speeches, Articles, Visitors
ine widest ooservance ot news
paper week, in recent years, held
in recognition of the services of
the press during the war years and
with the hope of altering the pub
lic attitude of taking newspapers
for granted, ended October 8. Six
teen inches of space promoting the
prgram were contributed by the
Emerald during the past week,
which marked the sixth annual na
tional observance.
Newspaper week is sponsored
by the Newspaper Association
Managers and the extent of the
program in each community is de
termined by the publishers them
selves. One of the best observances
given in any newspaper in the
state was shown by the Eugene
Register-Guard, according to Carl
C. Webb, director of the Oregon
Newspaper Publishers association.
The Guard held open bouse four
evenings and afternoons during
the week, playing host to approxi
mately 1200 visitors. This local
daily gave 320 column inches for
news stories, editorials, and pic
tures on newspaper week.
Feature articles on "Freedom of
the Press” were written for the
Guard by George Turnbull and
Warren C. Price, acting dean and
associate professor of journalism,
Homcoming Chairman
Petitions Due October
Petitions for chairmanship of
the first post war Homecoming
weekend December 1, are to be
turned in to Janet Douglas at
Hendricks hall before October 17,
ASUO President Ed Allen an
nounced Tuesday.
Students petitioning for the po
sition who have had experience
with prewar Homecomings, either
in official capacities or as partici
pators, will be given preference
when the ASUO executive council
selects the chairman. However, ex
perience is not a pre-requisite for
petitioning and all students inter
eted are urged to submit such in
respectively, of the Oregon school
of journalism.
Throughout the state, 11
speeches were given by several au
thorities and 22 newspapers used
local editorials on newspaper week.
Due to the lack of manpower
necessary to conduct tours, there
have been no open houses held, or
extensive promotion sponsored, for
newspaper week.
An essay contest is being con
ducted in Lane county for students
from the 7th to 12th grades in
clusive, the theme being “Freedom
of the Press.” Prizes of $25, $10
and $5 in war stamps will be given
the three best essays by the Regis
When the little reporter re
turned to the Emerald news office
Tuesday, sobbing broken sobs, the
staff was non-plussed. Finally her
tale of woe w/ tears splashed on
the editorial shoulders.
“Dr. Souers (Philip W.) won’t
tell me what ‘The Oregonian Har
mony’ is,” she admitted.
(Please turn to page eight)
Any student who wishes
to make an address change
before the "Diggers’ Guide”
(University student direc
tory), goes to press, should
go to the registrar’s office in
Johnson hall and make the
change as soon as possible.
If you have reason to believe
you have made any mistakes
in your phone number or ad
dress—correct this at once!
It will be to your advantage.
placed it in position for considera
tion and comparison with the oth
ers in its group. The raised rating
is the result of this comparison.
The All-American rating signi
fies that the Emerald, in compari
son with college dailies published
by schools approximately the same
size as the University of Oregon,
is a superior newspaper, according
to the ACP scorebook received by
Miss Mon tag'.
The Pacemaker award is the
only award higher than All-Ameri
can and is awarded to a select few
newspapers which are not only su
perior but are outstanding in the
field of progressive journalism.
This award was given the Emerald
in 1938.
Among Emerald qualities especi
ally noted by the critics, and en
tered in the scorebook, are cam
pus news coverage, "top notch”
work in the news-feature depart
ment, excellent war effort cover
age, excellent copyreading, ex
celent typography, consistently
strong editorials . . . well-written,
and varied in content, lively sports
Reactions in the journalism
school, when the news was reveal
ed, were varied. George Turnbull,
acting dean and faculty advisor to
the staff, said, "Hot dog! This is
the best news I’ve heard in a long
Feminine members of the statf
Webfoot Band
Set for Games
The University band, under the
direction of John Stehn, acting
Dean of the music school, will be
playing for all the home games
this year and traveling out of town
occasionally for games played at.
rival schools.
Although this semester the band
will be strictly a marching organi
zation, next term it will be a con
cert band. Of the 64 members in
the band, 50 marched at the Uni
versity of Idaho game here Satur
The freshmen lead in the band
with 35 members, the juniors and
sophomores tie with 13, and the
seniors have the least, with only
three representing their class.
The band members are Julia.
Balzhiser, Barbara Weisz, Donald
Eaton, Margaret Holm, Ronel
Paddock, Paul Marcotte, Helen
McAdams, Margaret Knighten, Jo
seph Kelsey, Bob Kirkpatrick,
Shirley Thurman, Marcia Sum- —
mers, Bobbie Traxler, Charles
Vaught, Betty Breen, Gladys Stone
and Marilyn Wright, clarinets;
Joanne Ward, Jack Frost, Everett
Glass, Lenore McMillan, Patricia
Klar, Barbara Stransky, Milton.
Sparks, Carolyn Mae Thompson,
Barbara Mae Wich, Donna
O Brien, Lewis Vogler, Lorraine
(Please turn to page seven)