Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1945, Page 7, Image 7

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    Vet. Tells of Visit to Primitive
Native Village in New Guinea
By Ralph Riggs
J\ew Guinea is a land of strange contrasts with a glassy sea
almost level with the shore, deep moutain canyons with sharp
jigged bottoms, long rows of coconut palms, slow moving riv
ers infested with crocodiles, open fields of waist high grass and
most strange of all are the primitive people that inhabit it. Be
x aims arnveu mese
lore uie
natives lived very much as they
have for thousands of years except
for the few privileges that the
Australians granted them. Chang
ing much of their humdrum life,
the Yanks angered the Austra
lians. The Aussies were paying the
natives, according to my informa
tion, six pounds a year and taking
back part of this for taxes. Part
of their pay consisted of old news
papers which the natives use to
roll their huge cigaretes from plug
twist smoking tobacco. Nothing
seemed more comical than seeing
one of these foot-long specials
sticking far out in front of their
Showered Natives
The Yanks began liberally to
shower the natives with news
papers, lemon drops and cigar
LOST: Maroon Eversharp pen.
Name, H. D. Robinson, on cap.
Reward. Contact Dave Goss,
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Where you are
sure to meet
friends and enjoy
good food.
ettes. Simple as this must sound
to most Americans, these items
meant a great deal to the New
Guineeaites who live in a state of
squalor that we can’t imagine un
less we have seen it for ourselves.
Along with another group of
Yanks, I visited one of their vil
lages and what an experience! We
clambered through the jungle for
a distance of two miles from the
road and finally found two clear
ings with huts built upon the
ground. We were immediately met
by about 30 children and about as
many of the most scrubby pooches
I’ve ever seen.
Grass Skirts
Then we began to barter for
grass skirts but the children
Seemed to get the best of our
better nature. We showered them
with lemon drops and they fought
all over the ground for them and
cigaretes. The young women and
men weTe far away in the jungle
foraging for food while the village
was occupied by old men and wo
men, children and dogs.
Eventually we secured some
very nice grass skirts and most
■laughable of all we posed for a
picture with about 40 children like
so many proud fathers. Eor that
privilege we gave them a can of
lemon drops and two packs of
Piedmonts, which they smoked.
However they didn’t seem to like
our tobacco as well as their plug
Most unusual of all were their
flasks of betal nut which gave
them the same effect as a dozen of
our Zombies. This flask was beau
tifully engraved and the potion
was extracted by a ivory Stick.
Under the influence of this ma
terial they were most likely to do
anything, throw knives, spears or
what have you.
Male Favored
Among the natives the male
seems to hold the favored position
as it is always him who satisfies
his vanity with bright colored
sarongs and all kinds of ornaments
which he wears in his hair. The
woman’s place is to accept more
somber clothing and accept the
orders of the man. When out
foraging for food the male leads
the procession while the woman
follows along behind with a heavy
net bag which is strapped around
her head and hangs down her back.
In this all the burdens are carried.
Knives and Spears
The only thing about these na
tives that used to send shivers
down my spine was their knives
and spears. Their long knives with
hooks on them Were sharp as
razor blades and they were able
to sever a coconut with one stroke.
The spears consisted of 15 foot
poles With the biggest.spear heads
I’ve ever seen. They were best
with these when they were chasing
the wild pig.
I could type on forever on these
natives but enough said. America
owes them a debt for the invalu
able assistance they rendered to
our fighting infantry in unselfish
service. The most we can do is un
derstand them better.
For Sporting The Town...
come into
1044 Willamette Phone 976
The Plot Sickens
(Continued from page tzco)
like stale beer fumes, and I
thought of a verse by a friend of
mine nam.ed Johnnie McReynolds.
We ought to have, humility,
We think we have instead
A hundred years of knowledge
In a twenty year old head.
Johnnie entitled it: “To Me and
My Generation.”
Ho Hum
(Continued from page two)
suggestions of an upper termer in
organizing. His ideas included the
use of 'publicity, the nature of
which we soon found to be offen
From the very start we were
set up as some sort of supermen.
Boasts were made, challenges is
sued and in general we let strong
hints fall that we were the start
of a new era of manhood on the
Oregon campus.
We got off to a poor start. We
slipped and we know it. All we
want now is a chance to cooperate
with the other independent student
organizations of the campus.”
(signed) The “Barons”
Another nice doings on the cam
pus was Joanne Knight, Gamma
Phi, who, rather than tie Dick
Smith down, let him be on his lone
some Saturday night while many
kiddies we lie kicking around at
Mac court. Nice, huh?
See at the dance, while on that
subject, were such cubb couples
as Jack “big chest” Munro, who no
doubt is going places on this cam
pus, and Mary Cowlin. A nice
couple indeed. Then there was Sue
Schoenfeldt who was with some
unidentified shorty. Oh well, she
was nice enough to suggest stilts.
Nice, huh?
Looks like Dorothy Fleming ol
Chi Omega is quite enthused over
a new civie who answers to the
name of Roy Farley. Not much
news but they look doggone cute
together. Nice, huh?
Investigating the prospects pic
nics have for good times could be
Chuck “I know Hendricks park
pretty well” Plum and his new
romance, Janet “I never miss this
column” Usher. Nice, huh?
Open letter to Marilyn May of
Dear Miss May,
It is understood that last Satur
day evening you had a date with a
boy named Steve Mazzera, but
some way forgot and left him
lonesome and a trifle disappointed
and perturbed. Thank goodness
He’s learned sportsmanship play
ing football with other good fellas.
Nice, huh?
Ho Hum.
And so there, dearest Soup and
Frank, is what you might have
-II .'- =
Grad Describes
Freeing of Korea
“It is indeed heartwarming to
observe the complete happiness of
the Korean people after being
liberated from 35 years of Japan
ese military and economic domin
ation,” Second Lt. Douglas L. Hay,
class of ’42, writes in a recent
letter to Dean Karl W. Onthank
and his brother Taus.
The letter explains: “My detach
ment came ashore with the initial
battalion in Korea but, as we all
had hoped, there was no excite
ment. The Japs seem to have
accepted surrender and even the
fanatics are not giving us any
trouble. Already Western culture
is making itself apparent, as the
streets are lined with little kids
shouting “hello” and “huba huba”
to every passing army vehicle.
“We are established quite com
fortably here in a Shinto shrine,
and the work is proving very in
teresting and abundant.”
Previous to his present position
in Korea, the Oregon grad was
stationed on Okinawa. He writes
that he is looking forward to en
rolling in the Oregon law school
next fall and expects to find “a lot
of the boys back with me.”
termed as column made up of
“nice things about nice people.” At
least we tried. Ho hum.
IT .i-" =
Instructor: "Why do they have
knots on the ocean instead oi
Student: "To keep the ocean
20 Years Service
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