Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 09, 1945, Page 5, Image 5

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    By Dave Goss
Last Saturday the I and Gre n team faced a tricky Van
dal eleven on Hayward Held w.Gt odds strictly in iavor of the
local hall club. All \Yeb;V t urns who saw this 33-7 one-sided af
fair had the opportunity t - see a Leicht-mng style of football
antics. As was mentioned in th.is column last week Oregon's of
fensive threat wa •• made ttp.oi !> Idee Reynolds and Jake Leicht.
these two inspirational backs of Tex Oliver's.
Another fellow who cannot be overlooked is Walt Donovan,
right half. Although sports writers acclaimed Leicht the star of
the game, Walt carried the mail for an average of 10.5. Besides
his running all over the field, Donovan went over for six points
on a cut back. One of the finest runs of the afternoon was also
turned in by this freshman; a burst through right tackle was good
for 49 yards.
\\ ith 36 men seeing action, not all the squad can be mentioned
in this collection ol pot pi mm. but all those hard-hitting players
are best remembered not as individuals, but as one of the finest
teams yet to be seen this season on the Pacific coast. It may be a
Jlttle early in the season to pick the Rose Bond selection, but this
column picks the Ducks as a very prominent contestant. -With
Reynolds and Leicht, who are equals of Durdan and Dethman of
Heaver fame in '41, why can't the locals take on this task of mak
ing' the Bowl this year? Xo reason at all as far as we know.
Something we would like to see more of is the olan Phil Sor
boe, coach at Washington State, has. Phil has labeled all his
backs with numerals cr two letters and the line labeled from one
to seven starting with right end. It would clear up much question
ing on the part of spectators and writers alike if this were adopted
by the conference bigwigs. From the questions floating around us
in the stands it would make the game more interesting if the
fans knew a little more about the players, or if they could at least
know who was who.
Just so enthusiastic fans won’t get over-confident about the
OSC-Oreg'on game this Friday, we would like to mention a lit
tle fact seen in Greg's Gossip, it concerned the insulted Orange
men so much they took their taunters in the next two games. Oh
yes. the vanquishe 1 were the Cougars of Washington university.
IT could happen to us if we got too confident next Saturday, so
let’s don’t.
Well if you are going to Corvallis (and who isn't) take a little
friendly advice and get your tickets now if you want to get into
the game. The picking will be pretty lean in a few more days and
Oregon fans certainly want to be there ready for the big game on
Bell field.
Intramural Schedule
Seven-man football is in progress nearly every day on Hovve
fiekl. -It is played wide open with a lot of passing. The games
will he played whether it rains or shines so come out and cheer
your favorite team on to victory.
Scheduled games, include:
Tue.. Oct. 9-—Emery's vs. Sigma hall
Wed., Oct. 10—Batons vs. Hansen house
Tluir., Oct. 11—Sherry Ross vs. Independent Seven
4^1-. Oct. 12—Qmega hall vs. Campbell Co-op.
Mon.. Oct. 15—Sigma Hall vs: Greeks
Tues., Oct. 16—Lodgers vs. Emery's
Wed., Oct. 17—Omega hall vs. Sherry Ross
Thurs. Oct. 18—Barons vs. Independent Seven
Fri., Oct. 19—Hansen house vs. Campbell Co-op.
Mon.; Oct. 22—Zeta hall vs. Greeks
Tue., Oct. 23—Emery’s vs. Sigma hall
Wed., Oct. 21—Omega hall vs. Hansen house
Thurs. Oct. 25—Barons vs. Sherry Ross
Fri., Oct. 26—Zeta hall vs. Emery’s
Mon., Oct. 29—L 'dgers vs. Sigma hall
Tues., Oct. 30—Emery’s vs. Greeks
Wed., Oct. 31—Hansen house vs. Independent Seven
Thurs., Nov. 1—Sherry Ross vs. Campbell Co-op.
Fri., Nov. 2—Zeta hall vs. Sigma hall
MjOH---. Nov. 5—Lodgers vs. Greeks
Tues. Nov. 6—Omega hall vs. Independent Seven
Wed., Nov. 7—Barons vs. Campbell Co-op.
Sophomore Petitions
Petitions for sophomore rep
resentative on the ASUO coun
cil are now being accepted by
Janet Douglas, Hendricks hall,
Ed Allen, ASUO president, an
nounced last night. The open
ing for this position was caused
by Dick Wilkins’ ineligibility.
Any sophomore in good stand
ing may petition, and must
turn in his eligibility slip from
the dean of men or women’s
office to Miss Douglas before
October 17.
Three New
At Dance
Highlight of the "Kick Off”
dance at McArthur court Satur
day, October 6, came when Jim
Ellison, Jim Krcder, and Floyd
S.tapp were tapped for member
ship in Skull and Dagger by
members of the sophomore men's
honorary. The 375 dancing couples
stood by when Emcee Bob Moran
turned the program over to Deane
Bond who announced the new
members. Art Holman and his 11
piece orchestra contributed the
music for the victory dance.
"The ‘Kick Off’ was an intro
duction to the glittering postwar
world we’ve all been hoping for,”
Deane Bond, Skull and Dagger
president said. “We hope that
future dances will be as success
Pennants, symbols of other
western colleges, and colerful
megaphones adorned the walls,
while green and yellow goal posts
stood at either end of the court.
Yard' markers encircled the dance
Registration Totals
(Continued from page one)
against 1033 total last year. There
are 1097 lower division students.
Numbers in various subjects are:
general arts and letters, 5; general
science, 2; general social sciences,
3; anthropology, 4; biology, 18;
chemistry, 13; classics, 1; econ
omics, 8; English, 43; geography
and geology, 7; history, 16; mathe
matics, 6; philosophy, 1; physics,
3; political science, 3; psychology,
27; romance languages, 10; soci
ology, 39.
The law school has 104 men and
11 women, totalling 115 against
only 44 last year; Pre-professional,
91; 1st year, 16; 2nd year, 6; 3rd
year, 2.
The school of architecture and
allied arts has 88 men and 267 wo
men, totalling 355, with 208 last
year; school of business admin
istration, 241 men, 189 women," to
tal 430 to 226 last year; education,
17 men and 73 women, totalling 90
with only 54 last year; journalism,
50 men and 147 women, totalling
207 against 150 last year; school
of music has only 16 men and 140
women, totalling 156 against only
102 enrolled last year; physical ed
ucation, department has 56 men
and 54 women, totalling 110 with
67 last year; general studies num
bers 1 man; auditor 3 men and
16 women, totalling 19 with 15 last
Joseph James
(Continued from page one)
cert. The alumnae are selling main
floor tickets at $1.20 including tax.
The active chapter has charge of
balcony student tickets which sell
at 60 cents. Barbara Ward is in
charge of tickets for the actives,
and Robbie Warren is in charge of
publicity. They are assisted by
Mrs. Howard Taylor and Mrs.
Chas. Byrne, alumnae. All mem
bers of the active chapter have
tickets for sale. Helen Wohler is
president of the group.
Trojans, Cougars Mamed As
Teams to Beat This Season
Pacific Coast football goes into
high gear this Saturday after a j
touchdown dizzy weekend that
turned the championship race into .
a two team affair.
As of this date, it’s Southern j
California in the south, and Wash
ington State in the north. With
two wins each, they share the top
berth, neither defeated nor tied.
The war born schedule failed to
match these two, leaving the possi- ;
bility that they may tie for the
title. The play-off in December
could be the result!
Washington State walked over
Idaho 43-12 in their initial game
and tramped Oregon State 33-0
last week. Phil Sorboe, former
Washington State bacltfield star is
icoaching his alma-mater this sea
son, succeeding colorful Orin
;(Babe) Hollingberry. Employing
the use of a tricky “T” formation,
Coach Sorboe’s Cougars have be
come the highest scoring team of
the northern conference.
Saturday, the Cougars take on
the Washington Huskies. Wash
ington suffered a 27-14 tromping
last week from a rejuvenated Uni
versity of California squad. Un
less it’s talented, but still green,
freshman players show great im
provement it will run second to
W.S.C. this week.
Another top conference contest
will pit California , against its
Weekend Rites
Held By Greeks
Sorority initiations in several
! Greek houses were held over the
' past weekend. The following girls
received their pins.
Alpha Chi Omega, September 29,
Barbara Tibbetts and Shirley
Thurman, Alpha Omicron Pi, Sep
tember 23, Lura Gibnan, Patricia
Powell, and Margaret Eilertsen,
Chi Omega, October 6, Dido Mis
ley, Audrey Burdine, Kay Sauve,
Mary Patton, Pat Hanley, and
Nadine Morton, Delta Delta Delta,
October 6, Dawn Carson, Jeanne
Krebs, and Nadine Tobin, Gamma
Phi Beta, October 6, Becky Burkes,
Mavis De La Mare, Patricia
Maulding, Ailene Wendt, and Alda
Woodman, Kappa Alpha Theta,
October 5, Barbara Patterson, Phi
Beta Phi, October 6, Phyllis Field,
Betty Busch, and Virginia Nash,
and Zeta Tau Alpha, September 7,
Yvpnne Adams, Jessica Bartels,1
Jean Gerts, Margaret Johnson,
Olive Oldfield, Janet Shafer, Sep-'
tember 30, Bernice Gray.
southern cousin, U.C.L.A., in Cals
own backyard. These two rivals
slyjre the dubious distinction of
having: lost to Southern Cal, the
defending champion. Off previous
records they look to be fairly even
opponents. The Golden Bears of
California made a spectacular
comeback against Washington,
after dropping contests to both St.
Mary's college and U.S.C.
The third conference game this
week puts Oregon, 33-7 winner
over Idaho, against Oregon State,
soundly tromped by Washington
State. Oregon, which lost its
league opener to the Huskies. 20-6,
is greatly strengthened by the re
turn of Jake Lcicht, star halfback
of the 4th Air Force.
Atomic Bomb Discussion
Headed by Dr. Caswell
Several members and graduate
assistants of the chemistry depart
ment will leave Friday to attend
the regional meeting of the Amer
ican Chemical Society to be held
at the University of Washington
in Seattle, October 20.
Dr. John M. McGee and Dr.
Pierre Van Rysselberghe of the
department will present two joint
papers at the meeting. They will
be entitled, “Electrolysis of Or
ganic Solution of Magnesium
Perchlorate” and “Polarographic
Studies on Carbon Dioxide and
At the general session, the mem
bers will hear about the atomic
bomb plant at Hanford, Wash. The
meeting, sponsored by the Puget
Sound, Oregon, and Washington
Idaho border sections of the so
ciety, is held partially to replace
the two national meetings cancel
led because of wartime restric
tions. Members from British Co
lumbia will also participate.
Set for November 5
Poetry Contest Deadline
The closing date, for the submis
sion of manuscripts for the Annual
Anthology of College Poetry will
be November 5, 1945, as announ
ced by the National Poetry Asso
Each effort must be on a separ
ate sheet and must carry the
following statemelit: "The verse
entitled” . . . “is my own personal
effort.” It must also have the
author’s signature, college attend
ed and home address, a bulletin
states. .' ’
ice cream
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