Emerald LOUISE MONTAG Editor ANNAMAE WINSHIP Business Manager W MARGUERITE WITTWER Managing Editor GLORIA GRENFELL Acting Advertising Manager JEANNE SIMMONDS News Editor MARILYN SAGE, WINIFRED ROMTVEDT Associate Editors BILL. WALKENSHAW Acting Sports Editor MARYAN HOWARD Assistant Managing Editor MARYANN THIELEN Assistant News Editor JANET WHELAN Executive Secretary SHIRLEY PETERS Chief Night Editor ANITA YOUNG Women’s Page Editor JACK CRAIG World News Editor BETTY BENNETT Music Editor Published daily during the college year except Sundays Mondays, and holiday* anu •final exam periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.___ tyuflUtiup CjueAti . • . The “fighting spirit” of some of the visiting servicemen at Sat urday’s game was displayed in such a manner that we are sure a separate section should be reserved for them. At the start of the game, servicemen who had no connection with Oregon were seated in a separate section. Later they veie allowed to fill in -the empty rows in the student section. Servicemen have an admirable habit of cheering for the op posing team or the losing team. They cheered for Oregon at Seattle and last year at Oregon State. We expect and like them to form a rooting section for the opposing team because ve like .-a little competition' in the yelling. However, one or two of the servicemen at Saturday s game went out of the way to be objectionable. We didn’t think that throwing a bottle out on the turf was strictly humorous: And we didn’t think the particular type of showmanship exhibited by one serviceman was-fttrictly humorous. Perhaps designating a separate section apart from the stu dents seems unfair. Only a few of them act objectionably, and we shouldn’t blame them as a group for tire conduct of those few. But we can almost count on having one or two guests who insist on giving impromtu entertainment if they are in a promi nent position. 1 heir actions embarass and often piovoke the stu dents as well as other spectators. Student conduct at games may sometimes cast a bad light on Oregon, but we can at least try to prevent others from antagoniz ing the students with childish actions. All servicemen are welcome at Oregon games, but we expect them to observe the rules of good taste just as much as we expect the Ducks to treat them as guests. Our guests formerly had their own section at games. There should be no exception for service men wlin are not alums or former students. 9njpimatianr ^Uauti Ijau ... Officially it’s the student directory, but to Webfoots who daily dog-car its pages throughout the year the publication is known as the “Pigger’s Guide." And it belongs to Oregon as much as does the Emerald, the Oregana, or the newly-rejuvenated Old Oregon. Containing the location v hys-and-w herefores of every stu dent and faculty member on the campus and off, the bigger s ('.uidc is more important than its cardboard cover would sug gest. This war’s guide is edited by Jack Craig and will list tradi tions, officers of the various organizations, heads of departments, and the names, campus and home addresses, telepluflie numbers, majors and wars of members of the student body. 1 he all-impor tant asterisk will indicate the marital status of individuals. Information within the pages of the I'igger s (uiide is secured from the records of the. registrar s office. Students whose addres ses have changed since registration should notify this office im mediatelv as to their permanent location. The Guide will go to press within the next two weeks—ample time for transient Webfoots to insure an accurate footprint in the Oregon sands of time—the annual bigger’s Guide. CUeete jpsi the Squad . . . Cheers to the rally squad for their enthusiasm and ability in leading' the Oregon rooting section Saturday. With oply one week to practice and prepare their yells, the rally squad made a good appearance at the game. \\ hile those in the stands were merely warm in the shade, the squad mem 'ber had to cut their capers in the glaring sunlight. Their white outfits came out slightly grayer after an afternoon in the track rim. Crowns and raised eyebrows for a few members of the squad ■who took time out in front of the whole student body to arrange their hair. The squad started their sendee with a bang last week—rallies Sunday .and Friday and the game Saturday. Many of them have never led Oregon cheering sections before. They deserve the well-known Split Six for a good job. .l!l!lliat By Pat King When you're growling about the 20 per cent tax you have to fork over to Uncle Sam, just stop and think about the Parisians who have a 45 per cent tax! Doug Edwards, CBS Paris corres pondent, accompanied by an American woman reporter; at tended a fashion show and reported his findings on the net works "Feature Story pro gram. "The French,” he said, “are using masses of sequins and heading, and the embroidery work on clothes is- wonderful. Milady’s dresses are longer in Paris this year—calf length." "Afternoon dresses in some cases have double skirts which are tied around the waist and can be let down to the ground to form a dinner dress. Prices: astronomical! They start at $360 and go to $600." "There’s a new line of dresses which swathes around the hips and folds into a large bow at the back. forming a buckle-like effect.” According to Edwards, there is a trend toward hobble skirts in evening dresses. Oops! Another CBS correspondent, Les Mitchell, likes to tell about the time he and his party wandered into the Yokahama hotel and imme diately began a search for a shower. Discovering an elaborate suite, complete with hot showei and plenty of fleecy towels, the radio-men relaxed in luxury and cleaned up like a bunch of dandies After Les returned to the States some weeks later, he read a storj in a newspaper about a group of iradio correspondents who hac taken over General McArthur’s suite and used up all the hot water and towels. Guess who ? ? Hope Officially Recognized Bob Hope, who can be heard to night at 7 on KGW has officially been made a wolf. Major General ^ Terry Allen, commander of the famed 10 th (Timberwolf) Infan try Division, made Bob an honor ary Timberwolf after the comedian did his broadcast from Camp San I Luis Obispo last week. The Timberwolves, as all Ore gonians know, is the outfit which spearheaded the attack on Ger jmany, and their insigna—and Hope’s—is a howling wolf. | Out of the mass murder mystery ; programs that are flooding the airlanes nowadays, occasionally, one or two raise themselves above the crowd. If you like the psycho logical drama, then tune in on j “Suspense” Thursday at 9 on |KOIN or KNX. George Murphy iwill star in “Death on Highway No. 99.” ' Pons Soloist Lily Pons will appear as her husband’s guest soloist on “The Music of Andre Kostelanetz” Thursday on KNX at 6. On KGW at the same time Frank Morgan, who is no doubC"' (the star member of the Liar’s .Club, is taking over the Kraft Music Hall to the music of Ray mond Paige in Bing's absence.