All the news In Today's World . .. See Page 8 Singers enjoyed By reviewer . . . See Col. 2 ^VOLUME XLYII Number $ YW To Give Party Tonight At Bungalow By Phyl Perkins The doors of tire "Y” Bunga low will swing wide this eve ning at 6:30 and tire mellow notes of records pour out while scores of curious freshmen pour in. The look of anticipa tion in their eyes has been prompted by rumors that with in the Bungalow hides the fu ture of each and every unsuspect ing frosh girl on the campus. The rumor, which Majory Skordahl and Ann Scripter, cochairmen, are spreading as rapidly as possible, has a semblance of truth, for the evening’s program follows Clara belle Alphadelta, the typical UO female frosh, through two other most important years at college. Ready To Win Clarabelle the Freshman, enact ed by Jeanne Lichty, comes up to the University glowing with vital ity ready to win the hearts of all Eds and Coeds with her rendition ties board in room 207, Chapman of “Romance” from the Desert (Please turn to page eight) Opening Dance October 6 Traffic Situation Worse; Campus To Be Patrolled By Joan Beckman University of Oregon students, in spite of the warning's of Police Chief L. L,. Pittinger, have continued to violate speed limits, the all-night parking rule, ignore stop signs, earn pas sengers on running boards and disregard parking regulations. 'J'lie danger zone of the campus traffic is Thirteenth street, as every student crossing from class to class has found. According to Pittinger, the traffic situation has grown steadily worse during the past two weeks, and as compared with the same problem last year, due to the increase of cars owned by campus students. Oregon law sets the speed limit by any school at 20 miles per hour; and no car may be parked on Eugene streets overnight. In the past nothing has been done about students’ jay-walking, and breaking of traffic regulations, but the police department will patrol the district more closely than ever from now on, and is going to crack down. Papa’s Gonna Spank In the past these offences have not been strictly dealt with, for said Pittinger: “Thirteenth must be kept open for safety's sake. Before now we have closed our eyes o the stuchits’ jaywalking, but thse rules in the future are not to be ignored. We’ll just have to crack the whip and make them realize papa's gonna spank!” As 13th street affords one of the main avenues by which cars can get through to the east side of town, it hasn’t been practical to close it to traffic. As a matter of fact, the chief may plant a traffic cop who will direct all operations and be able to catch any culprits on the spot. ♦President Newburn WHI Meet Upperclassmen Today at Mac. By Betty Stewart Presenting your new president, Dr. Harry K. Xewburn—a man who likes fishing, gardening and athletics. Upperclassmen of the University will meet him for the first time at 11 a. m. to day in McArthur court and freshmen will have a chance to get better acquainted after their brief introduction during freshman ■week. Newburn is a versatile man according to an account given by one of his Iowa colleagues. Before his academic life as dean of the liberal arts school at the University of Iowa and now as Oregon’s president, he served as a coach following his junior year in college. He played three years of varsity football and basketball. During his vacations J^he was a lifeguard and a member of road and bridge gangs. Sold Papers Still further back in his life he sold papers in Cuba, Illinois, and organized the carrier boys there. He has always been keenly inter ested in business. Another inter est which he still maintains is the study of the history of ideas. The story of his achievements includes the development of a new liberal art curriculum designed for the students’ needs, service on many national educational boards, work on war education and a trip abroad to 'study European public education methods. Allen To Preside Ed Allen, ASUO president, will speak briefly before introducing Jobs for Vets' Wives Wives of veterans attending the _ University who are “in the mar ket" for full or part time employ ment service, located in the YMCA ^building. A number of positions are now open in downtown stores and offices as well as in several of the administration offices on the cam pus. the president to the student body. Both he and the president will give previews of the coming year. A welcome addition to assem blies this year will be a public address system, installed just be fore spring commencement. Stu dents cannot only hear their new leaders at this assembly, but should be able to hear them as well. Adding to the gala spirit of this first assembly will be the Univer sity band. “Mighty Oregon” will conclude the assembly. Free Movies Set Tonight “Conquest of the Air" is the featured film to be shown tonight at 7:30 p. m. in the movie series sponsored by the education activi ties board in room 207, Chapman. Famous planes, their designers, and aviators will be highlighted, showing particulars concerning the operation and construction of modern planes. As ‘the title indi cates, the picture concerns the de velopment of aircraft from the earliest types of gliders through the modern fighters and bombers. Russia in Spotlight Soviet Russia takes the spot light in the second film, “Rus sia at War,” a March of Time fea ture. The importance of Russia’s position in war and peace is brought out in picturing her war efforts and scenes of the fighting (Please turn to ha