Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 26, 1945, Page 4, Image 4

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Who will be the stars of the 1945 football season? Will Army's
P.lanchard. Davis and 1’oolc again be named all-American? \\ ho
will replace Heissman award winner Les Horvath of Ohio
State? Will lake Reich t become Oregon's first all-American in
nearl y a decade i
These and other questions will lie formost in football fans’
11 inds the countin' over from now until the last vaiious all
American team is made public in late Decembei.
It's all part of a craze which grips grid followers annually—
a three-month craze extending Irom earls Septeinbei to Janu
ary 1, date of the bow! games.
Tell a football bug that all-American teams are. in a sencc. a
farce, and he will agree with you but, paradoxically, those same
fans would moan long and loud if the annual policy of selecting
oil-star aggregations \yere discontinued.
Speak of football fans and you speak of greats. Speak of
greats and vou speak of all-Americans. J hey are indelibly asso
ciated with the pigskin game, so the average fan will tell you.
With this in mind the Oregon Hmerald is publishing an all
American check list, comprising some 100 lads most likely to
gain national laurels during the 1945 season.
A noticeable paucity for coast players exists. Whether the
number will increase as t lie" seas on unfolds must go unanswered
until a 1 aster date.
Well, we'll stick our necks out and give you our slant on how
the coveted eleven will line up ‘When the board gets together to
make their selections.
Walkman. Southern California, and \\ alker. Yale, ends.
Ambling. Ohio State, and Coulter, Army, tackles.
I lackctt. Ohio State, and Jones, Tulsa, guards.
Szvui.an.ski, Notre Dame, center.
Davis, Blanchard, Army; h'ennimore, Oklahoma A and M.
and Jenkins, Navy, backfield.
The list ol potential possibilities:
KXDS—H'Urbert Bechtold, Texas; Mike Sclnuuchyck, Ar
kansas; Jim Callana'n, CSC; Barney I’ifple anil fDick'Pitzer.
Armv ; I ,con Barmeltt, Navy; Paid Walker, Yale.
Bob Ravensburg, Indiana; Bob Skoglund, Bill 4) Conner.
Notre Dame; Walter Kilzer, Georgia Tech; Don Wells,
Georgia; Bill (leer, Texas A and M; Bobby Folsom; S.Wl ;
< iil Bruce, Washington; Wayne I'lanigin. Denver.
TACK CCS —Monte Moncrief, Texas A and M; Russ Thom
as and Warren Amling, Ohio Slate; Dewitt Coulter and A1 Xe
iretz. Armv; Bill Bouley, Cornell; George Savitzky. Peunsyl
v -nia.
Nick l'usill, Yale; Milan Razctich, IMichigan; Ken Glaesener.
Purdue; Wash Scrini, Kentucky; Jim Pyler, Texas; Bob Zies
man. Rice ; C. B. Stanley. Tulsa ; Jim Kekcris, Missouri.
('■CARDS—John Green, Army; Ralph Serpico, Illinois;
Crank Coilli, Indiana, Frank Matloili, Pittsburgh; Bill Hackett.
Ohio State; John Carrington, Navy; George Burg, Michigan;
Bob llanzlick. Minnesota. ^
Bob Dobelstein. Tennessee; George Dills. Georgia Tech;
Archie McCain. Mississippi;* (Crrrie Knotts, Duke; b'eliz Tre
pud, RSI'; |ohn Fathaucv, Iowa State; Kd Golding and Kd
Towhev. North Carolina; Dick Jones, Tulsa.
CKX'I'KRS—Crank Szvmanski, Notre Dame; Ilerschel Fu
.son, Armv; Dick van Duscn, Minnesota; Bob l'ucha, Wiscon
sin ; Ralph Jenkins. Clemson; Jim Coomer, TCC ; b'elto Pruitt.
'1 alsa; Harold Kinard. Kansas Stale; Couis I’alazzi. Penn State.
BACKS—Glenn Davis, Felix Blanchard, Tom McWilliams
and Dean Scnsenbaugher, Army; Bob Kelly, Bob Jenkins, Clyde
Scott and Ralph Cllsworth, Navy; Hank Margarita, Brown;
Allen Dekdeburn and Paul Roberson Jr., Cornell; Stan Koslow
ski. 1 loh Cross; l'.ddie Bray. Illinois; Dick Dcranck, Indiana;
lolm Ritdan. Maroiiette.
|oe Ponsetto/A| ichigan. \ ic Kublitskv ami \\ ayne Williams.
M innesota. Prank Oauegwuiz and Pinter Andaman, Notre
l>amc; Ollie Cline and Paul Sarrringhaus, Ohio State; Kd Cody.
Purdue; Jerr\ Thompson. Wisconsin; Poster Stephens and Hill
Uevis, 'l'ennessee; Johil Mcltoch and George Matthew s, Georgia
'I eh; Harry Oilmei1, Alabama; A1 Pearl. Georgia; Curtis Kuy
kendall. Auburn;1 Ht>h llaiiiilton, Vanderbilt; George Clark,
J>uke; Red Knight. I.SR; Norman Cox, TCP; Hutch Hutch
ofosk\. Texas A aiid .Vf; Ted Tauneltill. I'SC; Joe Stuart. Cali
fornia; Jake F.eicht.A >regon; Krnie Case and A1 Ressi. CCRA;
Hoh Stevens, Oregon State; Hob Pennimore and Cecil Hankins,
Oklahoma A Ami"M 1 Camp Wilson, Tulsa; Hill Oallcstatious.
Missouri; Hob \\ est, Colorado.
Prof: Now that you've had
weeks of Ancient History, name
two ancient sports.
Student: That's an easy on—
Anthony and Cleopatra.
Oregon BTO: I’m a man of few
words. Will you kiss me or won't
you ?
OCS coed: Normally I wouldn't
but you’ve talked me into it.
Conference Schedule
September 29
Oregon at Washington
California at USC
Washington State at Idaho
San Diego Navy at UCLA
Oregon State at Camp Beale
October 5
College of Pacific at UCLA
October (>
Idaho at Oregon
Washington at California
Oregon State at WSC
St. Mary’s Pre-Flight at USC
October 13
Oregon at Oregon State
California at UCLA
WSC at Washington
USC at San Diego Navy
October 19
St. Mary's Pre-Flight at UCLA
October 20
Washington State at Oregon
Oregon State and Washington
at Portland
Pacific at USC
October 27
Oregon at UCLA
Pacific at California
WSC at Washington
Idaho at Washington State
Oregon and Washington at
Washington State at California
St. Mary’s at USC
Idaho at Oregon State
November IT)
Oregon at Washington State
USC at California
Oregon State at Washington
November 17
Qregon at California
Idaho at Washington
Washington at Oregon State
St. Mary’s at UCLA
November 21
UCLA at California
Washington at Washington
Oregon State at USC
December 1
Oregon State at Oregon
St. Mary’s Pre-Flight at
Airdevils Will
Keep Football
The football fate of the St.
Mary’s Pre-Flight eleven has
been decided. Jim Lawson's Mor
aga gridders will play this season,
but Washington Naval officii^
have made plans to abandon the
game at three other aviation
training schools.
Grid play at North Carolina,
Georgia and Iowa have been can
celled. Probable reduction in na
val aviation training and the volun
tary withdrawal of cadets from the
program were given as the reasons
for quitting the sport.
The Airdevils will be able to
field a team as the Navy plans to
keep the pilot training program
there at the present time.
Foist Marine: “Why did you
salute that truck driver?”
Second Marine: “Don’t be so
dumb, that wa sno truck driver.
That was General Hauling—didn’t
you see the sign?”
For all types of classified ads, come to the Emerald Business
office, room 5, journalism building. This year all classified ads
must be paid in advance.
Oregon® Emerald