Atomic Bomb Tests Done By Oregon Man When the rest of the world was marvelling at the American’s use of the atomic bomb, an assistant professor of chemistry at the University, Dr. Charles H. Secoy, could sit back and say, “The bomb lived up to my expectations. There is no question it brought the war to an end.” In the spring of 1943, Dr. Secoy was called by the govern ment to Columbia university to work on experiments that led directly to the production of the atomic bomb. He is believed to have been the only Oregon man working on the project at Colum bia. After 15 months, the University chemist returned to his duties at Oregon in June, 1944, “reasonably confident that the atomic bomb would be successful.” Keeping the Secret For more than a year he went about his work on the campus, knowing that thj£ country was as sembling all available resources to perfect this tejrrifip weapon, know ing that the Germans were work ing on the same pFoblem and that they might be successful before the Americans were. Not even the head of his department knew what he had done until the atomic bomb project was revealed to the world. “Some have voiced opinions that the bomb is inhuman,” Dr. Secoy said, “but the hundreds of thous ands of lives that haVJT bhe?! saved by the early ending of the war should be considered.” He continued, “We who were working on the project at Colum bia were aware of what we were was to be. Of course we were doing and what the, development told only as much as we needed to know to perform, our particular job.” * Harnessing Hie Energy However, Dr. Secoy pointed out that in a true sense the energy of the atom has not been harnessed and in the harnessing will come tremendous developments. He ad ded that the peace time applica tion of the work at Columbia was one of the things that made their phase of the project worthwhile. “Among the possibilities that may come with th£ harnessing of the energy are medical applica tions—possibilities seem unlimit ed,” he commented. Lt. Sullivan News Editor Of Oregon Newspaper Placed on the inactive list from the army air forces after piloting a B-17 with the eighth air force in England, Lt. J. Wesley Sulli van, class of ’43, has accepted a position as news editor with the Salem Statesman. Lieutenant Sullivan, active dur ing his college career, was a mem ber of the executive council of editor of the Oregana, news editor of the Emerald, and senior mem ber of the executive council of ASUO. He also acted as president of the inter-co-op council. His wife, the former Elsie Brownell, also graduated in 1943 and was active in journalism. You’ll Find That The Social Center Of The Campus is the PERSIAN ROOM at the Eugene Hotel . . . This Year more than ever . . . dance at the Eugene Hotel WELCOME STUDENTS! We will serve you this year As faithfully as before! Eugene Water Board .* 1116 Willamette I Brecon ^Emerald REPORTERS THIS ISSUE Shirley Anderson Betty Gene Simmons Margie Weeks Audrey Wishart June Goetze Elizabeth Gully La Verne Gunderson Jeanne Simmonds Beverly Tommas Marj Colt Wini Romtvedt Janie Richardson Louis Vogler CITY DESK STAFF Louis Vogler Beverly Ayer Janette Richardson LaVerne Gunderson STAFF Norma Figone Jean Patterson Beverly Pittman Peggy Randall Chuck de Ganahl Pat Bright Virginia Parr Prudy McCroskey Dorothy Lee Joan Hirschbuhl Anajean Knighten Sharon Willits Mary Katherine Wilhelm Carol Jean Kaulle Gals Like Half Pants’ By MARGE COLT Fads go in and fads go out. But pedal pushers are still around and they’re going out everywhere! Co eds are turning a revolution all right, but it’s' definitely not con nected with a pedal and a wheel, as many and various comments will assure you. Previously, the girls have been more conservative or shall we say modest, about sporting them around the campus; but now, the thrill of seeing a forbidden pair concealed beneath a coat is as lost to this generation as the sight of grandmother’s ankle in days of yore. Parent hesis Joe College seems to be curi ously fascinated or profoundly re pulsed at the sight of a pair of’cut off slacks. May I ask you what’s so fascinating about a pair of pa renthesis a-walking down the street, the broad side of a barrel, or formerly concealed knees, now a knockin’ in the breeze? Of course, there are some ferns that can wear them and look ca-yute! These are few and far between, believe me! Cover Subject? The materials that cover the subject range from smart gabar dines and plain wools worn for evening jive to plaids and stripes as flashy as the autumn leaves and denims, plain and casual for afternoons. To make a once-long story short, the tailors usually end the matter with a rolled cuff, a straight edge, or a fringe. What next? Well, the ground’s the limit. And men, it’s up to you from now on to see just who wears the pants in this big college family of ours! ro NEWS BUREAU Continuing its functions as offi cal dispenser of Oregon news, the University news bureau, under Mrs. Josephine Moore, will again cover the campus for the state newspapers. Mrs. Moore, with her staff of reporters including Nona Bradley, Dorothy Godkpecht, Margie McNeel, and Alyce Rogers i Sheetz, is responsible for all Uni versity news, activities, and pic tures for various Oregon sheets. Publicity for the various UO de partments is propagated through the reporters, each girl being assigned a certain school or divi sion of University activity. Releases are sent to Oregon papers from the news bureau office on 13th avenue between Onyx and University streets. There are eight generals among the alumni of Ohio State univer sity. Cressman Sent Photos Of South Pacific Natives An unusual group of photo graphs of the Kukuka natives of central Dutch New Guinea have been received by Dr. L. S. Cress man, head of the anthropology de partment at the University of Oregon, from S /Sgt. Carl L. Huff aker, Jr., former anthropological student of Dr. Cressman’s and graduate of the University in 1940. Huffaker is now with the second photo charting squadron some where in the Philippines. The photographs reveal the natives of that section to be of the pygmie or negrito type, according to Cressman. One of the most in teresting things about the natives is the way in which they pierce their noses with pig tusks and sticks. Wearing a minimum of clothing, the natives are stocky and well-built. Another note worthy fact is the cheerful expres sion on nearly all of the faces. One photograph showing the natives with bows and arrows reveals that those implements must be their means of defense, says Dr. Cress man. Freshman Tea Scheduled Westminster house will hold an informal tea especially for fresh men Saturday afternoon from two to five. This annual affair is a get acquainted party held every year at ,the close of freshman week. New students are particularly in vited and everyone is welcome. A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS Cornel Wilde & Phil Silvers And Shorts FOR THAT FRESH FALL LOOK ON AND OFF CAMPUS Visit ! 1060 Willamette V?T7 Phone 968 We Have The SWEATERS and SKIRTS girls love. We also carry your favorite loafer moccasins. For Collegiate Style Come To Gordon’s of course